Is there a biggest failure/implosion than Bernie's campaign experienced tonight?
Is there a biggest failure/implosion than Bernie's campaign experienced tonight?
I guess Hillary's campaign but this is a close 2nd
Fucking Bloomberg beat Sanders in some states...
>Is there a biggest failure/implosion than Bernie's campaign experienced tonight?
yes, you still being a virgin
This may be worse. He's literally getting BTFO right now.
Wrong, I fucked your mom last night
>Wrong, I fucked your mom last night
jokes on you, I have two gay dads
That explains why you're a faggot
Bernie did great considering the entire democrat establishment came out against him and Warren stole a chunk of his votes
yes, this pathetic failure of a thread. you are one massive FAGGOT.
It's the Russians!!!!!!!!
Bernie is an independent and not a democrat tell me again why the democrats would support him?
Grammar, Ivan. They need to give you more english lessons.
which states?
>Grammar, Ivan
There was nothing wrong with that sentence you fucking idiot. Probably a fucking Russian yourself.
that was only during counting. it was either boinie or biden in the end, except utah, it was boinie and bloombergstein
Here's the deal Bernie fags. Bernie changed his message from class struggle to racial struggle. He changed a sensible immigration policy to open borders. He alienated more of the white working class and lost MN-MA-ME to an empty suit like Biden. Nearly lost NH. Racial consciousness amongst whites is 10x what it was in 2016.
False. Last time he ran as an independent, but this time he was on the ticket as a Democrat. Very last on the list after 2 pages of people not even en the race anymore, but on there as a Democrat nonetheless.
Looks like Biden might be exploding soon too.
Fair on the entire democrat establishment being against him. But warren stole just as many from Bernie as Bloomberg stole from Biden.... Just saying.
I would have voted for 2016 bernie, but 2020 bernie embraced the crazies. Hooking up on the open borders cult. Can't have $15 minimum wage with an unlimited pool of potential workers. He lost everyone that was good at math and logic.
Yes the WHOLE democratic party
Bernie is a fucking moron. He thought that young people and spics would fuel his campaign. Not realizing he also needed old people and blacks.
If you look at the breakdown in each state, Warren fucked over Bernie big time. Had she dropped he could've won almost every state in Super Tuesday.
its almost as if trump is the only nominee for republicans :o
Even tonight in his speech Bernie STILL didn't go after Warren despite how blatantly she is screwing him over. Dude isn't even trying to fucking win.
literally who
The fucking south screws the entire county yet again.
It's almost like if Warren and Bloomberg drop out and 100% of their base backs Biden or Bernie it's not good enough
thank you for proving my point user :)
So will Senile Joe Biden take pity on Crazy Commie Bernard and let him be on the Dem ticket as VP candidate?
Hillary's campaign, of course, you fucking idiot.
Also explain's why you're also a faggot fucking a man dressed as a woman.
Yeah, Biden has the Dem nomination wrapped up. Bernie Bro incels on suicide watch.
>So will Senile Joe Biden take pity on Crazy Commie Bernard and let him be on the Dem ticket as VP candidate?
Hell no, Biden will probably pick that fat nigger Stacy Adam or some spic who barely speaks fucking English, that way he can get the spic vote
No way. I think Joe Biden's going to pick a black chick as his VP. Get the black and female vote. I think it's the only way he'd stand a chance against little Donny.
Could a Biden Bernie ticket win?
Reading far left Antifa terrorist Twitter, the fat unemployed soy boys an purple hair obese feminists are crying, claiming Bernie was "robbed" again. Sanders will probably concede by the middle of the month since he has no path to winning the Democrat nomination.
So, I'm not trolling.
What happened?
Living out of the US atm and need a good laugh.
Would you approve them forming a separate country?
Implosion, no, he takes the cake.
Explosion, yes 2.
>1. His batshit nuts hair
>2. Biden's left eye going bloody demon mode a little while back
Buncha old fucks, all of them.
No dem ticket has any chance of wining. The dems are so hated right now, they even hate eachother.
>he also needed old people and blacks.
yup. and blacks already get free college all they have to do is stay out of prison until 18.
The niggers and old boomer fucks stole the nomination from Bernie!! Fuck them! Stalin was right about Jews & niggers!!!
>Biden gets BTFO in the early primaries
>Became the butt of all jokes
>Gets the nigger vote in SC
>Two of the candidates running on "moderate" tickets drop out and immediately back Biden
>Basically campaigning for Biden in states that he didnt, for him
>Warren just happens to stay in
>Bernie gets BTFO on Super Tuesday
>Bernbros get cucked again
Bernie Bro far leftists really are no different from the Alt-right.
Exactly, hard to run on muh free shit when niggers already get that
Have a Bartle Skeet on me, brother.
So now that Biden has the Democratic party nomination secured, who do you think he'll put on the Dem ticket for VP?
I like how everyone throws around No more corporate wars. Like because we don't go there and fight then magically wars stop its like no fool they'll just plan attacks once already in the country fucking cucks
Imagine if Warren dropped out instead of sabotaged Bernie.
i hope tulsi just because she’s got a nice ass
It wouldn't matter the democrats are DONE look at the votes number not just delegates people are tired of the liberal whining
make your own memes faggot, stop copying ours
Bernie would've ran away with it, literally. That bitch stole thousands of votes from him in every state tonight. Which was the point of her staying in the race. And Bernie will still cuck to the DNC at the end.
Violent leftist Bernie Bros stormed Biden's stage trying to assault him after he secured most the delegates today & 2 middle age women beat the shit out of the weak ass far left Bernie Bro Antifa soy boys. Kek!
Young people don’t vote, literal boomers do. Warren ruined the progressive party by not consolidating with Bernie. You can blame conspiracy theory, but simply put until the boomer age group dies out we’ll never have a progressive candidate.
Yeah, saw that on CNB earlier. The domestic terrorist Bernie supporters got BTFO by 2 grandma's. So pathetic.
Holy shit that pic is awesome.
I bet the right try to steal it
Who cares?
As long as trump gets btfo’d who gives a shit which democrat wins.
I just don’t want trump president cos he looks like a fucking gay faggot tranny these days.
Biden is a faggot but it's still pretty ridiculous two women got that close to a former VP. You would think security would be air tight for Biden.
what does BTFO stand for?
Jesus, Bernie Bros really are limp twisted typical male feminist incels. They got manhandled and destroyed by old ladies in their 60s.
With green text no less
>I fucked your mom last night
In your dreams virgin
so it's gonna be Biden, huh? the tougher outcome for Trump, though even Trump was saying they'd cheat Bernie. I wonder if they did and will get found out later or something?
tfw I'm a Trump supporter but am really too interested in who the dem's going to be to bitchpost right now
>I wonder if they did and will get found out later or something?
I mean, it's pretty obvious they fucked Bernie. They're not even hiding it this time.
>I mean
Several who work for the DNC said they'd rather destroy the party than let Bernie win. I say god bless them.
Biden prez
Bernie, vp, nat med plan
Warren, finance/commerce
Pete, Sec of state
It’s about to get real.
It’s Real...
Finally America will start getting better!
>Bernie, vp
Never gonna happen. The whole point is so Bernie isn't on the ticket. Biden is gonna pick some female nigger as VP.
Smoking crack and posting on B again I see. Keep dreaming though you are definitely making my job easier making fools of yourselves
Kek trump is fuuuuuuucked
I heard a rumour going around the democrat camp that Biden is looking at Oprah for vp
Yeah, I just hope they get caught. Even though I'm gonna vote Trump I kinda like Bernie, there's a certain purity to him. At worst he's a kind-hearted fool who's a bad judge of character, I would be way more afraid his administration would fill up with vicious Marxists and Stalinists than I am of Bernie himself. I could almost see him remembering he has a spine when he's finally president and going through badly behaved Marxists at a Trump-cabinet like rate until he finds some who follow his slow, realistic planning.
Kek yeah I see it now she's posing and falling losing balance as he smells her on the way down
>Bernie supporters lash out in unhinged violence when they don't get their way
Yea not surprising. Spoiled priviledged rich white leftists that were given participation trophies by their wine mom's....psychotic violent incel man children are the inevitable result.
/thread. That describes 99% of Bernies base.
Joementum for life, I never doubted the crazy bastard
Go back
Back/Backed the fuck up
No matter who wins... Trump will defeat him/her.
4 more years, deal with it!
Trump will drag Biden’s lifeless body around the debate stage and forcibly crowd surf it.
The Hindenburg.
Adios Bern.
lmao no way in hell but wouldn't it be nice?
Except Biden had much better numbers among blacks.
The real story was that Bernie was better with people under 40. But the majority of voters are over 40. Two democrat candidates dropping out before super tuesday and endorsing him helped a lot too
Because hims a brilliant genus! I loved u Donny! We gonna win! Then we's all gittin our Wall!!
Its not long till bidens in an old folks home anyway
Trump will be fine. Biden's so senile he can't even recognize his own wife.
Why are you voting for Trump? Genuinely curious, he seems belligerent and retarded.
Dis why Drumpf gun get btfo’d now we got our bro Biden in the house
I bet they still fuck though.
Unlike cuck trump and his wife kekkekkek
It's the belligerent part I like he's a super troll and that wins in my book over other rich people who God forbid even swear
He's meant to run the free world, not entertain you jackass
Yes I do I have 1000s of rds of 308 waiting let the purge begin
>Because retarded
Gotcha. As expected.
how you gonna shoot it with a bbc in your mouth lil white boi?
Oh see that's where you have me wrong I don't care about the world just me. Ya know just like the blacks Mexican and jews gays and cucks they're all allowed to care about themselves not others except us
>he seems belligerent and retarded.
Compared to Biden? Why are you even in this thread when you clearly don't follow politics?
Says the white boy on b
Holy shit that is literally every faggot trumptard I have ever met kek
Really confirming what people think about trump supporters being autistic pieces of shit right here.. good on ya
Who the fuck is comparing him to Biden? Biden has a toaster for a brain obviously.
A lot of people, given Biden is likely going to face Trump. Are you all caught up or you need it explained to you again?
Again your opinion doesn't matter to me I worry about me. I'm just here to once again 4 yrs later make fun of the white simps and liberal fuck tards that sing WE GOT THIS as their ship BERNS down around them
Yeah assuming Biden can still get it up.
Because Trump revealed that the whole system is bullshit.
Everyone said he couldn't win, and he did.
Everyone said he would tank the economy, he didn't.
Everyone said he would be a white supremicist or some shit and he's done the exact opposite.
A Border Wall only costs 0.5% of the US total federal budget (less than 40 Billion) and the whole fucking government decided not to build it. Democrats called it "too expensive and racist". Republicans don't want a wall because they want cheap labor.
Both parties are fucking over the American people with mass immigration just to get rich.
He revealed the whole system is bullshit.
This country needs to have a civil war. If I'm not allowed to keep out immigrants and build a cheap border wall even when my side wins...what's the fucking point?
Bernie is talking about increasing the Federal Government by 50% and noone cares.
Fuck the whole system.
I'll vote for the guy because if my vote doesn't go towards the shit I want, well at least he's funny and wins.
You misunderstand the guy in that screenshot.
He's not some simpleton who votes for someone only because he wins. He votes for him because he realizes his vote doesn't matter so might as well vote for the guy you like.
He's smarter than you.
He knows the US will have a civil war in less than 5 years.
Bernie is the Ross Perot of the 20xx. He is presented repeatedly as a joke to think that someone will vote for him and make it so the side their on is more weak.
Trump is on a whole new spectrum of retarded.
Notice how retarded his supporters are, you won't see Biden supporters say they're voting for him for the luls or because he's a troll.
His own supporters recognize he is a troll. Yet you want to come in here with your false equivalency bullshit
>when my side wins
Lmfao criiiiiiinge
Wow you are literally retarded.
>you won't see Biden supporters say they're voting for him for the luls or because he's a troll.
>believing the system works
Not caring about anyone but themselves is sort of a staple of the Donald Trump supporter.
People vote for Biden because they are fucking sheep, think he can beat Trump or are niggers still living off king niggers presidency. Fuck off with this bullshit you just sprewed. You sound like one of those commie spics living in California or some other leftist shit hole that normal people want no part of. Assuming you're American to begin with.
Damn son, that is one of the cringiest memes I've ever seen
What ‘sides’ you fucking retard? You just spend three paragraphs talking about how the whole system is fixed and there are no side.
Learn not to contradict yourself when you are trying to sound smart. It just makes you appear like an underage butthurt autist.
My side is the nationalist side that wants a fucking wall and voted for a fucking wall
The only reason Trump won was talking about a wall
You are just a retard who thinks the only "sides" are Democrat vs Republican
Can you sum up what he did wrong?
>they are sheep
>they think
lol pick one. Sheep follow the herd, not think. Logic fail there Trumpster. One of many I'm sure. You wouldn't be a Trumpster without tons of logic fails.
Show us your flat earth blog and corkboard you've been using to investigate pizzagate
This. This so hard.
Not to mention 40% of Warren voters #2 pick is Biden
So if she dropped out its almost a 50/50 split of her voters going to Bernie and Biden
>Gets lied to about a wall
>Votes for the liar again
>Thinks the one's who weren't tricked are the real retards.
Trump wanted a wall.
In 2016 the Senate was 51 Republicans 49 Democrats
A bill with funding for a wall was voted on and fucking John McCain didn't vote for it along with Susan Collins.
The Republican establishment fucked over Trump.
Are you really so retarded to think a President can do everything?
He's not a king you idiot
His campaign was about as good as a grassroots campaign could be. Can't really lay blame on Bernie or the staff. A failure, sure, but if this is it, it's clear the States don't want what he was selling--not any kind of mistake on his part.
Biden already has the black vote.
Did the bill have anything in it about Mexico paying for it? Because that was the second half of his key campaign promise.
Did you buy that lie, or did you know he was lying the whole time and still voted for him?
Yeah it did actually with the restructuring of NAFTA and trade agreements with Mexico
That's how Mexico was going to "pay for it".
Boomers aren't going to just die out. A very common effect of growing up past 25 years old is you start getting realistic and accept that free shit isn't on the worlds menu anymore.
to;dr grow up or go sleep in shit on the street in San Francisco.
Hole fuck, I hate California!
you got dicked down so hard you think trade deals are equivalent to mexico paying for a wall lolllll
Our tax money is paying for the wall. None of that other bs is making up for that. Its all horse shit. Either you lie as much as Trump does or you're retarded.
This makes me love Ted even more. He would have been a great president if it wasn’t for the fact that he has the personality of a sea urchin. .
Nice boomer logic you got there.
Civilization, especially the US, has been moving left for centuries. This always happens as the older population dies out, as the older population is the most resistant to progress. Also the most fearful. And racist, historically.
Nice try though
>Go back
I'd never go back from winning such a blowout
I know! Imagine living in ted’s America!
Hahahahaha you actually think some bullshit trade agreement is the same as cold hard cash from Mexico for trumps wall?
Holy fuck you trumpanzees are beyond help. You actually need medication for your retardation. Once Bernie is president and gives you free healthcare you will be able to get the anti-retardation meds you need!
Why is fucking white boys,(bois in nigger) all coins think about? It really wouldn't be a way. Dumb spooks are killing each other. We'll send in more drugs, release more diseases in the ghettos. The rest will take care is itself. Dumb bootlips are to stupid to know that are surrounded and out gunned. It wouldn't even take an afternoon to exterminate the black infestation. While they are busy fucking white boys (Bois in nigger) we will be laughing as your mom wallers in her own shit begging for more chitlins. Bring it on jiggaboos!
>a failure
u wot m8
Bernie was arrested in the early 60s for protesting against segeration while Biden passed multiple laws that help lead to the high incarceration rate for black people.
Yet these stupid niggers will still pick against their own interests and wonder why the Dems use them as pawns.
Oh, to forestall identity politics because I think it's inherently insane and destructive. Living in CA I think maybe I've been being fucked with by feminists and people who disliked I'm a white male for reasons I ultimately think are regressive and insane, I think they may have sabotaged my life to a degree and I have unveiled some close to me who were intent upon psychic harm.
Really, you can't blame white people for the course of history really, if anything you should consider their distaste for slavery deliberate and appearing very early in history given the useful nature of slavery, that nature being the real cause of the civil war. The north was protecting it's federal authority versus the excessively prosperous and increasingly loathed south and it's financial avatar "King Cotton". It's good that level of industrial ruler-ship was abolished, the very human being itself shouldn't be subject to industry any way but willingly and for profit. But in all seriousness you can't blame the living for the sins of the dead, the effort to pin all the sins of history upon white people is a wholesale fraud of the very people who enable you to have a society in which you could even voice such a raucous and weaponized opinion. I'm sure the hyper-elite secret owners of the world would love for us to be communists, it would simplify their control over us and enable them to debase themselves in a level of human abuse that belongs banished to the Christian dark ages. Makes me glad atheists are assimilating everyone and dominating culture, there's no political advantage in that for anyone at all.
It would be literally living in America.
(((Dr Eggman))) had a bad night.
Imagine realizing that the racists are right and that stupid niggers shouldn't vote as you watch them vote against their own self interest.
Lmao this lil white boi is seething so hard with rage he is literally trembling and can’t even type properly.
>Trump only gets 92.6% of votes when running against a literal nobody
What did Republican voters mean by this?
7.4% of registered Republicans are actively voting AGAINST Trump?
7.4% percent of Republicans will vote for Biden.
Young voters bring 90% energy and motivation - but only 10% actual votes. It's been this way for the last 60 years. The Establishment knows this and they timed it perfectly. Hence, Biden's big night.
Too bad, you niggers need health care
>B - back
>T - the
>F - fuck
>O - up
Good luck getting work with your english major
Although there is not a direct correlation between wall funding and foreign policy, as a matter of logic;
if foreign policy brings increased tax revenue through tariffs or tax breaks (which in turn expand the tax base), this added revenue could be described as foreign monies being used for funding. SO the thing is not black and white.
By the way you structured your sentences you read like you are one of those butthurt liberal fags that won't consider any facts. I am not sure why I explained this to you anyway. Maybe just maybe you will eventually grow out of your juvenile willingly ignorant phase and see what is instead of what others tell you to think. So good luck.
motherfucker, he took California. The biggest Super Tuesday prize. "Failure"? Hardly.
Commifornia? Yeah, if there is a civil war it will be NY and CA versus America.
>Are you really so retarded to think a President can do everything?
not everything, but when you have the House and the Senate for your first 2 years you should be able to get SOMETHING done.
>He's not a king you idiot
trump is an IDIOT, who thinks he is a king though
When did all this happen? In ur fox news brainwashed fever dreams?
>>Gets lied to about a wall
and just about everything else
>>Votes for the liar again
pic related
Yeah social equality and ethnic cleansing really are the same thing
>not even the most liberal states
DC, MA, WA, OR, VT, DE, CT, RI, HI, then NY and CA
Is there a biggest idiot than you?
I saw this coming a mile away.
The Democratic Party hated Sanders, there was no way he was going to win the nomination. The party was always going to pick Biden one way or another.
>thinking candidates fill in the pieces of administration
Oh look it's babby's first election!
At least he's honest about his brainwashing.
Same here. People seem to forget the most fundamental thing - he's running on A DEMOCRAT TICKET. That means 4 generations of Democrats will need to feel represented enough to vote for him, and they definitely do not. Lifelong Democrats jumped in to vote Biden not necessarily because they hate Bernie but because they understand this generational gap which the young people do not. They know Bernie can't beat Trump without the boomer vote, and Bernie does not have the boomer vote. The difference between boomers and the young voters is that boomers actually vote. The young post on the internet about voting with great enthusiasm but don't actually vote..
It looks like you Bernie boys are going to have to get jobs after the election. Now I understand why you boys want to raise the minimum wage, it's the only paying job job you can get with your degree's in transgender studies.
God no!
>It's the Russians
COLLUSION..........COLLUSION, here, there everywhere.
as a Trump supporter, I hope so. Won't happen.