drawthread: because there somehow isn't one already edition
Drawthread: because there somehow isn't one already edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Requestin' this girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eatenn alive by a large snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out
Snek voore references: imgbox.com
gudmorning taking some requests
extra point for futa mommies
My chubby satyr in a messy shota gang bang?
Could you do the black haired one as a futa, creampieng the blonde, with her ahegaoing
Requesting her inside a cauldron getting her feet licked by a wolf dude
Requesting a futa lamb mommy caressing a shota
Like this ref
Feel like making something complex ? Just a drawing 2d flat animated portrait. If you do colors i imagine blue for shirt. The fangs on the necklace should be white. The string black. Fist wraps like white bandages. Black pants with brown shoes. A pale skinned elf with a grey beanie. Dark brown hair. Thanks in advance if you do. You're the best!
Her doing this: imgur.com
It's the small bag so it'll only fit two or three.
requesting this dyke getting cockslapped by a boy shes babysitting or somethin
Moron, the pic will still be in the archives.
Dude, haven't you gotten enough deliveries already?
Fuck off
no shit, but newfags can't use archives
Requesting pic related getting a facial.
Fuck off
Requesting her in your artstyle, details up to you
Requesting Ray Butterdeathskull fucking
dead bodies and loving it
Knock it off. You're also bugging people in /aco/ for it.
These perverse topics always leave me a little animated, I must admit.
Remember to eat healthy, exercise, sleep well, and fight for justice, citizen.
Requesting this dragon-girl based on the description I got.
She can be doing anything really, but a neutral or seductive pose is highly appreciated
Requesting a body swap between Link and Zelda. Link in Zelda's body would be taking off the top of the dress to see her bare breasts while Zelda in Link's body is trying to hide an erection
no u
This girl getting fucked by a dude in a raccoon mask and hoodie
Can op confirm he's filling requests ?
He did the saytr
...Is this...Killy McSkullfucker?
Oof nice quads!
Fuck off
Requesting this PachiPuff's quality to be improved & colored.
Thanks rider!
Requesting her having her bulge sucked and sniffed
Requesting this boy premature ejaculating to a loli teasing him
we finally found out how corona started
No, but it's not the first time people have asked. I suppose we have similar styles.
I'm not really feeling the other requests. If I see one that catches my eye, I'll let y'all know.
Requesting a rear view of that mommy asshole
For your consideration:
Thanks! love it
Could do her in a pinup pose, or blowing some kind of lovecraftian horror lol
Fuck off
can u please draw my friend who never leaves his house
maybe if I send it to him it will cheer him up
Hey Rider thanks for this, but could you make part 2 of it?
Requesting Rukia doing something cute/cool with any one of the pokemon in the spreadsheet below.
Pokemon: docs.google.com
Rukia refs: imgur.com
gib rooki™
Requesting Sayuu caught by the dark souls mimic bonus point if lewd
Fuck off
I told you. What did I tell you? Didn’t I tell you? Cause I told ya. Mm hmm. And when did I tell you? A long time ago. And what did I say would happen when I told you? Exactly what just happened.
im back i did the drawing using the steam controller
Kek thank he would love this
Fuck off
Requesting Mrs incredible to have a massive cock inside her that is bulging at her stomach.
I told you. What did I tell you? Didn’t I tell you? Cause I told ya. Mm hmm. And when did I tell you? A long time ago. And what did I say would happen when I told you? Exactly what just happened.
Requesting her lewdly pleasing herself
Requesting a submissive pov of somebody sucking mommy futa cock.
Why now? What brought you back from the grave?
>fetishfag mad that people would rather do his request over yours
>REEEE stop requesting
Not him, just curious
How many have you gotten?
u not drawing anymore ?
Requesting anything lewd happening with her
thats not me
No, I'm the dude who drew the pic on the right.
For your consideration:
that filename
Vore is hot.
OR good job
hi maid user here i have a new update for her outfit are you interested? :D
so how can i improve it
Keep drawing everyday
Don’t be afraid to draw new things
Take notes from criticism
Have fun
do i need to study art stuff to get good?
no but it will help tremendously
Are your commissions open? I’ll hit you up tomorrow if they are, I really dig your style
Haven't you gotten a bunch of deliveries though?
Unless you're a savant, then absolutely
Real shit? yeah!
Fuck off
This boggles my mind. What does it matter if someone gets a lot of deliveries?
well darn i hate studying
He's what you'd call a Repeat Requester. We've had dozens in the past, people who don't give a shit about what is drawn for them as long as it fills some kind of dopamine kick when they get something for free. It's not inherently malicious and some are just autists but others become malicious quickly and start to shitpost people while spamming requests anonymously to just gather the "reward" of something.
It's almost like these threads are usually for appealing to a broader demographic than 1-20 dudes with identical requests. It's not even like he's evil or the bad guy, just he's gotten his deliveries, can other people have a turn?
but isn't up to the drawfag to decide what he draws?
Requesting the lady on the left giving a blowjob
I understand that people would probably not take it kindly if their request is ignored, but I for one didn't do his request instead of someone else's. If I hadn't drawn his request, then I would have drawn nothing at all, you feel me?
bloody hell i havent checked drawthreads in awhile and this is the mess i see, request meme hell
traffic cone on head is a necessary item
Then why does it boggle your mind if they don't want to draw for someone based on "They already have a bunch of deliveries"?
I'm not telling you not to draw it or to draw it, or even questioning if you're the drawfag I was speaking to or not. I'm merely granting you some perspective on what a Repeat Requester actually is, it's like a parasite but they generally aren't aware of it. Look at this guy Hundreds if not possibly thousands of deliveries of all sorts of shit, all culminating in some kind of wacko collection. Speedy, Abusefag, Cuckfag, Taith, and the like all fall under this category too, even if their particular levels of nigger behavior are more extreme.
I know right?
Fetishfags need to seriously die. Their porn addictions completely fucked up their brain and all they ever do is endlessly request.
They can refuse to draw for whatever reason they want, what boggles my mind is why they make it seem like it's a moral duty to deny a repeat request for no other reason that it is a repeat request.
Just think about what you said next.
>Hundreds if not possibly thousands of deliveries of all sorts of shit, all culminating in some kind of wacko collection.
How do you justify such a negative view on a collection of any kind, really?
Like I said before, it's not as if they're taking the "turn" of some other requester, because after all, we all draw whatever we want to draw, and refuse whatever we don't want to draw.
There is only one thing I could possibly grant you about these repeat requesters, and it's when they go full retard and start spamming the threads, but that's an entirely different issue than simply "you've gotten enough deliveries".
The only people I ever see bitch about repeat requesters are the repeat requesters who have been posting the same shit every day and getting ignored. They'll swear they'll do everything in their power to ruin drawthreads, like smegmafag, scatfag and vorefag.
So they are like the best requesters itt or something? I mean if they got hundreds those artists probably had fun drawing those requests that appealed them
Imagine the kind of person who spends 18 hours a day requesting drawings, do you really think they even do it for more than the thrill of a delivery? Especially fetishfags or people that request their waifus or whatever, it's feeding an addiction for them.
If you came here and requested some silly shit, or some stuff for a video game, or even just fanart of a character you think is cool from a show? More power to you.
1000 drawings of your pretty anime waifu with a cock, your OC maid in 1000 outfits, hundreds of demands of drawings of your ultra specific unlikable fetish, or whatever the fuck Speedy and Abusefag are doing? Unacceptable.
>best requesters
I'm not even going to humor you
Look, I'm just gonna leave well enough alone since we've already derailed the thread quite a bit. I remain unconvinced that getting a ton of deliveries is a bad thing and thus my mind will continue to be boggled every time I see that reply.
yeah pretty much it's exactly this kind of behavior that made most of the drawfags leave Yea Forums drawthreads and coming back is really a sad experience too seeing that these kind of people over ran what used to be a daily event for artists to interact with each other and take the odd fun request. now its a shitshow of repeat fetish requests and angry self indulgent anons having a melt down any time drawfags do come and have a bit of fun
I've noticed this. Since when are avatarfags so frowned upon? The circlejerk used to be the main attraction for artists, which in turn exposed them to requests that they might find interesting in the thread. Take away the circlejerk and the fun of it, and this is what you get, a bunch of non-artists talking about drawings and nothing to show for it.
oh darn im sorry guys :( i didnt now thats how it is, in my mind its just requesting something i thinked on the day and see if a drawfag likes the idea and draws it i dont really see it as a problem as they can choose what they want to draw and im not doing what snake poo guy or fuck off guy does spamming the hell out of the thread, im sorry
fuck off ESL cunt, you know what you're doing.
Fuck on
>i thinked on the day
It can come off as greedy and ungrateful, like they're never satisfied with what they got.
It is the fate of all coomers to become braindead fetishfags. This is what porn addiction turns you into.
literally who are you
Your dick is so small that you're actually seething about it by making shitty memes about my stupidity on the internet
honestly that meme about sums it up the fact that you felt the need to retort about it at all shows that you need to do a step back and rethink about your own actions and mentality
You’re extremely stupid and narcissistic to think that was made for you, it’s been posted a dozen times before you faggot, you’re just another cumbrain.
coomers; the thread
cumbrains sound like hot fetish
Stop being a porn addicted idiot
Cum on my brain please rider
but i cant help it it brainwashing me into a cumbrain porn slut
Hot, thank you, I will coom buckets to this
random image
Is he gonna do it?
Requesting him doing a barrel roll
Requesting Ruri getting lovingly knotted and impregnated by a dog
sometimes i like sad things
idk maybe
Not gonna lie, shit's tame compared to the last time I was here. Throw some simple requests at me. I'm trying to distract myself from an existential crisis :V
New phone who dis?
I don't do zoophilia, sorry my dood
Are you the one that did chiro the streamer on aco right?
Maybe this?
It's more of the drawfag finally gives in and does the request spammed at them day in and day out.
I think generally repeat requester are frowned upon 1 because most of them sperg out and shit up the thread if people ignore or refuse them and 2 they generally aren't very thankful for getting the request and go right back to spamming to get another one.
It's been the case multiple times where one will spam the thread with vore or gore ect. Promising to stop when they get their request, when someone finally caves the requester then complains about the quality of the free art and continues spamming and being a retard.
I'm sorry doods, too much animal activity happening for me.
Yuh it's me
I loved it btw but i dont understand what she is wearing ;-;
Well there were no drawfags so i said "i shall become the drawfag" and started triying to draw other stuff that its not a stickman
I had in mind a fishnet bodysuit that had small pads covering her nips
Ohhh i get it now, btw do you have any social media where i can follow your work? :D
Requesting a hamborga
I told you. What did I tell you? Didn’t I tell you? Cause I told ya. Mm hmm. And when did I tell you? A long time ago. And what did I say would happen when I told you? Exactly what just happened.
Requesting Shirley Sunshine dressed up as a magician while holding a hat that her Buneary is sitting in
Requesting this loli i.imgur.com
This trans redhead after blow her brains out with a shotgun. Draw her naked in the bathroom
Requesting Shirley Sunshine dressed up as a magician while holding a hat that her Buneary is sitting in
Requesting jojo getting fucked from behind like the reference but still smiling like she's pictured here
Her giving a foot job from this angle would also be amazing
Lol its over for you guys. You're never going to make it
Requesting Ronal and Alibert from the danish animated movie "Ronal the Barbarian" wearing those loincloths/ jockstraps/ g-strings like the ones in the movie (the ones that show off a bulge in the front and expose the butt a little in the back). Keep it safe, and no trolling please.
Are you circumcised?
Requesting Monster Musume's Liz (left) riding the cock of a lizardman monster guy (like what Liz is) shota and getting impregnated by him.
Front ref if it's needed: imgur.com
So many requests.
From like 2 anons
/r/ Miko cosplaying as spider-gwen
Where is this girl from I love her hair
Glitch techs as one of Nickelodeon’s deals with Netflix
Commit suicide you literally retarded cumbrain incel
this thred is still alive n kicking
Requesting a psycho cat
Yo rider, it's been a while
Think you can draw this guy checking dubs?