Anyone up for a conversation thread?
Anyone up for a conversation thread?
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Lovely place, how are you user?
Dont mind me im going to grab a bottle
damn this place looks comfy af
Kinda shit honestly, thanks for asking though. Yourself?
Help yourself
Nice tirps user, gunna take a shot.
So hows ur day so far?
Democracy, kinda not a good idea apparently?
Thanks for checkin. Days been okay I guess, mostly sat around playing vidya. Haven't been able to sleep well the past few nights. hence why I'm on here.
No, not really. NatSoc's a lot better.
how's everyone doing tonight?
Ouch ya i feel you on the bad sleep thing.. same here but ya pain pills help me, Not exactly good advice lol. So what u playin lately im addicted to monster hunter world atm bro. Nice place you got here btw
In sizes less then a city-state, democracy works good. Like in squad size or smaller. Bigger then that, you start to get problems. Then you need autocratic rule or representative democracy, aka republicanism.
Hanging out takin shot after a long day of work. What you up to?
Have you even felt like you lived in a democracy at some point?
What keeps you from sleeping user?
I'm fucked up as well...1am already.
Lonely. Gf just dumped me
I’m good thanks. Put the baby to bed (she was born on feb 15th) gunna creep here until next feeding at 4am
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Pretty good, I'm trying the plus patch tomorrow.
Long story, might sound bitchy or it might not, but I'll tell you if you're interested.
Brutal, how long were you together?
>Long story
Indulge us.
10 months, not too long. It was mutual thing, we lost feelings. Her reason was because we didnt ‘share the same interests’ but now I know its because she likes some nigger that she already close with.
Sounds like you dodged a bullet there.
You don't need to have the exact same interests as someone to have a healthy relationship.
Best of luck moving on user.
How old are the two of you?
So, I left my Ma's house two years ago after a long and drawn out night of screaming, having shit thrown at me, and almost getting in a fist fight with my stepfather. I moved into my grandma's house, had to drop out of HS because of the location change, and got my GED after a few months. Since then I have been trying to get a job at a local government site because that's where my dad works and he's my only real mode of transportation. This has been to no avail because of the weird requirements.
As such I have spent the last two years refining my resume and maybe, MAYBE I am finally on the cusp of getting the fucking job now that he has decided to move an hour away.
This is especially shite because my Granny gave me the house a year ago and my wife has been paying our bills because her cousin offered her a decent job, which she'll soon be unable to do because we have a baby due in April.
Not to say I'm ungrateful for the (basically) free house, or to my wife for taking care of me, but I feel like a complete bitch for not having a job and I've spent the last two years sitting on my ass getting fat. We can't afford the child, I failed my driver's test last week for the broken down SUV in my driveway that I gave my last $1500 in savings for and promptly lost the title to, and I just feel like shit constantly spirals out of control and never really improves.
niggers tongue my anus
Never trust a coal burner
Things will get better once you get that job.
Have you considered applying elsewhere? Somewhere walking distance from your house or using public transportation?
It sucks, but I'm guessing you dont have a mortgage since the house was given to you.
Bills pile up I know, but once you start working hopefully you can save up for a good ol commuter vehicle.
I just saw a webm of a girl deepthroating a black cock and got hard as fuck. Going to gif to check out a BBC thread or watch them vids of white female police officers sucking BBC again. Its rare I jerk it to bbc but goddamn do I cum when I do.
>Have you considered applying elsewhere?
Yeah, but the there's not much around, at least nothing I'd be good at. I can't do customer service or cooking, tried a stint at a restaurant once and quit after some asshole tried to claim I gave him the wrong order so he could score an extra couple burgers. Wanted to strangle him.
Problem with bills is we've got a lot of hospital shit. We got by paycheck to paycheck before she was pregnant, but now with that and a collections agency hounding the shit out of us from a previous expense where my alcoholic mother-in-law didn't pay her insurance and my wife was involved in a car crash things are looking dire.
I'm so fucking scared for the future, specifically for my son who's gonna be here soon. I always wanted to give my children a better life than what I had but I'm on track to giving them a worse one. I'm sure things will get better once I have the job, but when the fuck is that going to be?
Can you shut the fuck up, you faggot kike?
It's okay pol user, we all know you poltards jack off to bbc too.
I don't give a shit what you jerk off to, but it's pretty god damn telling when you rush into a thread that has nothing to do with "your" gay fetish and start going about it in gratuitous detail. If you aren't a kike trying to shill interracial shit, then you're one of the shittiest fucking autists I've ever had the displeasure of encountering. No one wants to hear that disgusting shit. Fuck off.
Hey guys, im just gonna pop in. Got put on a new anti psychotic so im just gonna have a Pepsi. Hows everyones night going?
I think doth user protest too much. Typical closet case poltard.
>Got put on a new anti psychotic
What do you have? Schizo? Bipolar?
Apparently I'm manic, I was on prozac for a bit but it didn't do shit for me.
>Closet /pol/tard
no, I'm a poltard, but I keep that shit where it belongs, on /pol/.
You fuckers post your shit in every thread you can possibly worm your way into. No one does that without either A) an agenda or B) serious mental illness.
Here you go poltard, you can have circle jerk later with all your other basement dwelling nazi faggots.
Both so i am considered schizoaffective. I have the psychosis with mania and depression. It sucks most of the time but life isnt so bad. I been playing ffxiv here lately and it keeps the voices away.
My dad has that, but to a very minor degree. Sees shit out of the corners of his eyes and has bad ups and downs.
Takes pot and about a half dozen prescriptions.
Are you still here? Fuck off.
how you guys doing, popping in to say what's up, trying out nioh alone in my room and lurking Yea Forums. having trouble sleeping also, my sleep schedules all fucked up. drug addict/alcoholic with 18 months clean so no pain pills to help :/
Yeah im on 9 diffferent meds right now, and sadly thats the least ive been on since i was 17. Ive learned to ignore most of it with music and shit. The screamers get hard to deal with so when they start i start drinking til i pass out. Weed is good sometimes but i dont do much except smoke it and play vidya. Had to move back in with my parents cause its to hard to live alone with voices telling you to kill your dog or burn down the neighbors house.
Glad to hear about your sobriety user, keep it up!
Aww what's wrong the little schizo poltard getting angry? Aww poor baby. Better take your pills crazy boy.
Dude I'm not even the guy saying shit to you.
I'm not schizo, but I am on lamictal, effexor, propranolol and naltrexone
Does the lamicatal help you? For me and my moods its been so beneficial for me.
Ain't on pills any more. And you can still go fuck yourself, no one here gives half a shit what you want to say. troll some other thread.
>The screamers
I'm sorry to hear that, man. That shit can't be fun.
Take your pills crazy boy.
It definitely helped with my extreme mood swings..mainly my really bad and destructive definitely smoothes that out. I still have mood swings though not as bad. nowadays I get either mild mania and a good mood with it, or a very blank mood, not very good but functional. I used to get terrible bad moods and was very prone to destructive behavior because of anger. I still wish I was always happy but who doesn't? Life's a struggle but I'm doing alright. what has the lamictal done for you?
Yeah its like hearing constant sounds that never stop. But life is good sometimes. I spend alot of time alone but its better than having people around you who think youre a dangerous freak. Ive never acted on any commands but people still avoid me like the plague when i finally tell them
I get 100%. I still have the mood swings but it has helped alot with the major depression times. I'm manic alot but in a happy energetic way. I tend to annoy people though so i try to spend time alone. Most people thing im ADHD but im really not. I just get really happy and ecstatic when I'm on a good high swing.
You are an angry asshole. Hope things work out for you though.
>Ive never acted on any commands but people still avoid me like the plague when i finally tell them
It's an evolutionary thing. Schizophrenics are typically dangerous, so they're stigmatized in a way that's hard-wired into us. Try not to take it personally, man.
I do hope things go well for you. Maybe you'll make some friends who understand your predicament some day.
Wow...that's exactly how I am. I feel like I can be very annoying when I'm in that manic/good mood state. When I'm in. a depressive state my mind talks me into saying fuck everything and everyone but I love the mania/good moods. I'm also a big loner too, at least these days. spend alot of time alone.
It seems you do little man. A little nazi incel that is mentally ill? Shocking.
I think honestly its the media perception of schizophrenics. Ive met a few and yeah they are out there but alot of them take their meds and chill and try to live the best they can. I think the media has made us some sort of monsters to people. It's just saddening,
Alright, just switch to the pc. Yeah i mean people dont understand what its like to be irrationally happy or sad with no reason. Its hard to contain myself. My family is very understanding though so im thankful for that.
I'm married but go ahead and assume some more dumb shit. I'd love to hear you continue to make an ass out of yourself in a thread where you aren't wanted, because apparently you have fucking nothing better to do with your life than try and fail to insult people in a thread on Yea Forums because they don't share your dumb ass fetish.
>I think the media has made us some sort of monsters to people
Don't get me wrong, the media doesn't help, but stigmas are borne from survival instincts. Hence why people with say, scat fetishes are looked down upon. Eating your own shit is bad for you.
I'm not trying to say that you're as bad as a shit eater, but back in ye olde caveman days someone who was too busy telling the spooky ghost man that isn't there to fuck off couldn't focus on hunting or gathering berries, and usually made people nervous because they couldn't tell if he was yelling about someone that wasn't there or telling them there was a pack of wolves about to jump them.
These days you can get by because of medication, therapy, and not constantly having your survival being threatened, but there's still tens of thousands, maybe millions of years of that shit in our DNA.
I get that, idk i just hate to think that my life is just a huge mistake that comes from my genes.
>just hate to think that my life is just a huge mistake
It isn't. At least, it doesn't have to be. Your genes don't determine your value, your will does. Teddy Roosevelt was born with Asthma, and that dude was a war hero that built the Panama canal.
You've got a weight on your ankle, but that doesn't mean you're out of the race. Find something you're good at and run with it.
Thanks man, thats really ispirational.
I try. I've always figured a man's worth comes from his actions, and what good he does for the people around him, rather than his mannerisms, appearance, deformities or disabilities.
I agree. I guess right now i dont feel like im worth much, i dont have much of a life but im still thinking of ways to better myself and figure out how to deal with the hand ive been dealt.
Well im off to bed, you take care user. Ill remember your kind words. Have a good night.
(X) doubt
You fucking worship a dead idealogy if a coward who killed himself lmao. You faggots are jokes. But keep larping you have such a great life you schizo bitch.
You too, man. I hope you find your passion and do some good. I'll pray for you
>You fucking worship a dead idealogy if a coward who killed himself
Funny word there. Did I ever say I worshipped him? No, no I did not.
But anyways, Adolf Hitler spent over 14 years fighting the entire fucking world. He took what was possibly the most economically impoverished nation in Europe post WWI and turned it into an economic and military powerhouse with almost the entire population feeling a great kinship with their countrymen because of his leadership. I dare you to even attempt that with something as small as your local community. I want to see an economic miracle within the next two decades in whatever town you live in, if you're on such a high fucking horse.
Now yeah, he killed himself because he didn't want to get the Mussolini treatment, nor did he wish for his wife or his loyal citizens to see him disgraced in such a way. Cowardly? Maybe, but I want you to ask yourself, if you had millions of people knocking at your door with the intention of torturing you to death, what would you do? And you're kidding yourself if the answer isn't "soil myself while crying in the corner and swallowing the barrel of the nearest gun."
I am married, and it's on you if you don't believe that. I don't have jack shit to prove to you. I don't know you, I don't care about you, and by the morning I will have probably forgotten this entire conversation.
I'll pray for this guy too...why would he larp that anyway?
What kind of pathetic little creature are you?
i wanna fuckin die
Sorry, man. What's wrong?