Why would anyone in America vote for a Neo Marxist Jewish supremacist communist psychological submersion tactic filthy rat kike?
Why would anyone in America vote for a Neo Marxist Jewish supremacist communist psychological submersion tactic filthy...
I agree that Bernie is shit, but I don't think you know what half of those words mean.
pic unrelated
I don't feel like I owe you any answers anymore. Speculate at will, it makes no difference to me.
He knows that the people he's trying to convince don't know what those words mean, and that's all that matters to him
Trump is a Jew too
What is your point?
Relax, OP. Biden's secured all the delegates needed to get the Dem nomination. It's numerically impossible for Sanders to win the Dem nomination now. Biden will be Trumps opponent in November.
>Biden's secured all the delegates needed to get the Dem nomination
No he didn't?
So America is dead dead? Neat
Better than this fat retarded faggot.
Biden will drop out at the Convention.
Trump's opponent will be Hillary.
user, stop snorting meth for 5 seconds and turn on the TV. Biden's delegate count is over the minimum needed to secure the Dem nomination. He's the Democratic nominee no matter how much you piss yourself and reee about it.
We can only hope. Imagine how the Venezuala-tards would twist themselves into knots about how they could win all the elections and end up making Venezuela look like Finland in comparison. The USA deserves to fail. I hope I live to see it.
Uh, he has 407 or 1991.
California hasn't been called yet. Sanders is winning there.
Instantly, and I mean instantly, added directly to the ban archive.
Jews destroyed Spain, Germany, England, Russia now America.
We now hope for a black sheep Jew like Bernie to save us from Trump another Jew
Crawl back under that rock user. Nobody cares what you think. Especially with that bullshit
Sanders now trails Joe Biden in delegate count. Bloomberg expected to drop out. Buttigeig has given Biden his delegates. Sanders campaign is effectively over.
Congrats to VP Biden.
If you vote for Bernie, you really will be voting for his VP candidate. The fucker is going to have a heart attack either before inauguration or in their first year. The jew already has had a heart attack while campaigning.
Sanders campaign is over. Now he has to compete for VP position on the Dem ticket.
why is OP a faggot?
Because rich white men in charge hasn't been working out for most of us and why not try something different?
>muh california tho
Lmao so vote for a rich white man?
Amen. There were doubtlessly some heavy phone calls going out to Amy, Mayor Pete, etc.