Waifu thread
Waifu thread
misato katsuragi
That Virginia Newbon refuses to discuss the matter or even acknowledge
it, it's clear Neil does have the irregular body part.
So the purpose of my raising this topic is to reveal for those that
haven't seen through the masquerading that Neil/RUSH does.
Neil is very very dark negative energy, that all he does & did in
mastering subject matter was to compensate, substitute for this
strange body-part. So he's putting on a show for us - dominating us in
all knowledge and ability so that he can approve of himself by only
mocking us and reject us, so the negative is very very present and
fierce. He only approves of himself if he can outdo all of us.
The avoiding fans at meet&greets at concerts and for that matter
everywhere, is because he's been so fiercely rejected as a youth that
he never reconciled this with himself. So he uses witchcraft, drugs,
and stringing himself fiercely on egoism - every bit of this negative
to the extreme but most don't catch this core sickness going on within
him, because he knows subject matter and business matters beyond you
by light years. So the masquerade for the most part is successful,
thus people don't see that he's negative and horribly so.
The most significant indicator that Neil is negative is that he uses
the NSA and his fortune to control people against their will. He's
stalking and stringing the world into codependency upon himself and
the band because he is highly unstable thus negative.
Simply, would you want someone like Neil who avoids people, people
whom are his fans and have adulation for him, out of paranoia/
instability running the world secretly by the methods I explained?
Absolutely not, BUT HE IS, and he's DOING IT FOR THE PROCESS I
explained. He's doing it for his compensation, his self-acceptance
process, derived off of not having a normal sexual organ and even
being rejected possibly in grade school in gym class. Perhaps it never
got that far, he was so traumatized by himself he never went to
The only fact is that Neil is extremely negative, not positive as he
puts on the masquerade.
Nami claimed
It's chill hours.
Aegis claimed.
Netflix and chill it is.
Woke nigga hours
food hours
Stay woke.
Because it's fun.
Would gladly join instead of working.
So, how are you?
fucking sticks I swear to heck
I'm just sitting here, nothing special going on.
Don't you love how quiet it gets at night?
It's really humid so it feels hotter in here than it really is, but it's an otherwise perfect night.
I think i'm gonna stay up and play videogames.
Okay shortstack.
I don't have a stack tho
Maybe another time then, after I renew my subscription.
Nights are nice, less people to deal with. What games are you playing?
Short and small, huh?
I guess I should call you twig instead?
I thought this was pepsi for a second
Probably Tarkov unless I decide to go for something else.
I might actually watch some anime instead.
Have a bunch I want to watch but haven't gotten around to.
Maybe i'll do both.
Something's not right here.
I meant I don't have boobs you absolute buffoon
Oh why, I'd be borrowing a TV and a couch too technically, I can pay for it, would be a fair exchange.
Doing both sounds possible. You just need that six monitor setup and you're good.
I can spare the money to pay for Netflix, I just never used it, to be honest. I never found much worth watching.
Of course you don't, twiggy.
I think we might be miscommunicating a bit.
Anyways, how's life?
For now I'll have to get by with only 1 monitor and a whole lot of determination.
Say what?
isn't a shortstack someone small with huge tiddies?
life's decent, wrote my CV
how's life кoхaй
blackjack floof
i need the sauce
Red white and blue.
Reckon she'd look good on a pepsi can, yeah?
I was just trying to find another way to call you short.
Don't get fat or you really will be a shortstack, eh?
What's a CV again?
It's floating by at a crawl just like how it always does.
I don't mind it, though. I'll probably wind up missing these days.
She doesn't have a very good poker face
I live to see the day they put anime girls on soda cans
By the way; Curriculum Vitae. A resume, basically.
Where there's a will, there's a way. I guess you can run both windowed or something.
ew fatties, I'd never allow to become one tbh
it's a resume dummy, you'd know if you had a job :^)
kinda just chilling then?
she'd do great at the casino
Alt + Tabs in between runs
Efficiency at it's finest.
>A job
Yeah, i'm just hanging out in my room.
Kinda got a headache starting to set in for some reason.
Shit be wack.
It's actually probably already a thing in Moon land, come to think of it. I could see pepsi doing it
That'll be a weh from me
mom won't always take care of you fampai
you deserve that headache
>hits the jackpot
>smug face
For whatever reason, the buff armor doesn't use the character's skin tone, and I can't get it to match. This sucks.
That's basically what I do when I play games. Check for replies when I reload.
If I saw Sachiko on a soda can i'd inject that shit into my veins like it was meth.
No regrets.
Funny you should mention that.
I'm for sure gonna call a recruiter tomorrow.
Not a wee babi neet for much longer if I can help it.
Can just directly do something different then. Bake some cookies.
Sauce of?
I don't know if it works but maybe you can save the color palette of the skin tone from character restyling in your room.
Gambling is too fucky for me but that'd be pretty based
Straight up set it up like it was saline solution. Let that weeb juice drip
I'd be stewing in that shit like it was a sci fi healing tank.
Cooking can be fun, though I'm fairly bad at it. More reason to do it with someone else though, right?
Alas, you can't. It's kind of dumb the way it works, but at least you can be neon pink now, I guess.
I die a lot, tbh.
It's a fine way to see it, if I may say.
Although I might not be the best partner in cooking as I tend to think forward and pretty much take stuff from your hand if what I need is not ready.
Rip, so the default color of the armor doesn't match the skin tone?
I can definitely see why.
I try to alt tab to check on things in between raids in tarkov or rounds of csgo, but what usually tends to happen is I get too into it and suddenly the thread is gone.
Well, it's better than me not knowing what to do.
Nope, the default is only a particular skin tone. It also just doesn't fit right or something.
Is Tarkov a looter shooter or something?
Gone sleeping
I'm sure you can still be helpful nonetheless.
Didn't notice about the color, and I did for it geung weird, the legs get swole and thicc.
Also got tired of playing WoT yesterday, gonna jump on MHW when I get home, in case you're still playing.
Yeah. You go into raids, find loot or die trying, then extract.
It's pretty fun if not rage inducing.
Rest well
There's always some way t be useful, right?
I wish buff was just a choice in character creation. I want my Kirin set but also abs.
Sounds like fun, if you're into shooters.
Mhm, could even just make tea and that would be useful still.
You can use the transmog mod if you really want to, basically just makes you able to set any armor as layered.
fuck off saya
It is, sometimes.
Most of the time I just get jumpscared around a corner and then my gear set I just spent 20 minutes making is gone.
But that's life.
I'm not a huge tea drinker, but i'm sure I can make some.
It's not really huge deal, I like the Kirin armor too much anyway.
You can lose your gear?
Oh then, I'll try to make some instead, I'm pretty stacked with flavors and herbs to mix.
Can't blame you, kirin armor is nice for sure. Zinogre's pretty nice too.
Rei >>>> all other waifus
I can figure out something to make.
Zinogre gear in general looks really good. It's just too bad that Latent Power isn't that great of a skill.
Home, and alright, I'll leave it up to you then.
Sadly yeah, it's a shame, I don't think any set actually uses latent power, even before iceborne it was already pretty useless.
You die? You lose everything you bring in except the stuff you put in a special container.
>Not even best girl in her series
Nice try.
Maybe it's be decent if affinity could go past 100%, but it's just too easy to reach that as is.
That sounds kind of dumb.
Mhm, especially now with the 4* deco slots.
So, which monster's head do you need to smash?
Anyone play PoE here?
more like, PoO
Pls no bully
Pls no gay
Just dudes being dudes
Nothing gay
It makes it annoying at times for sure, but you usually make enough profit to sustain yourself from raids. Just try not to die.
if both dudes are straight, it's 200% straight
Just bros being straight
hey you remember. i made the same ''200% straight'' joke when you posted that pic last time, or well, a while ago now
I don't really remember most anons
Just dudes bathing bros
yeah i figured you wouldn't..
i'm so glad Angie and her Atua bs died
Angie is one of the cute girls though
Also fucking retarded
Himiko best girl though
and the dumb look she has on her face all the time
Himiko has fucking downs
Those decorations certainly do help, but it can be tough to get lower leveled ones that you need.
There's nothing I really need to go after, I'm just increasing my rank and going to kill Gold Rathian.
Just have to play safe, I suppose.
yeah well.. at least she survived, unlike most students
Too bad she was never real
Its like Miu was best grill, then kadead, angie and maid mummy
The some mix of others who are alright
Himiko did nothing the entire game
yeah that's true
i have to say that i enjoyed the previous games' casts a lot more than the v3 one
dunno about you
I hadn't played or watched anything about previous ronpas before v3
I only played v3 because I saw Clintstevens play the demo for it on stream and say the big cute
But other games, I guess I like junko, chihiro, nagito and some others that I can't remember the name of but cbfed looking up. Not many other characters appeal to me
I'd still say v3 is my favorite after knowing every other murder
oh right, i think i asked you before if you played ''Another episode'' but i think you didn't.
oh the demo, i never played it myself but i heard it had a fun trial.
that totally reminds me i should complete danganronpa 1. i bought it while it was on sale quite a while ago.
if you don't have any of the games yet, you should see if you can buy them now, while they're on sale.
yeah v3 is pretty good. too bad there was no ''lucky student''
I'd just pirate it
Also v2 loses its appeal when you know who dies
I might play ultra despair girls
nice smile
you should at least get all the panties.
oh ultra despair girls is pretty enjoyable.
ball monokuma, dumb monokuma's dancing, the game has it all.
Its the only thing I'm not too clued in on
In v3 I only got kokichis and Mius
Oh and Celeste from v1 is precool too
i still haven't done the love hotel stuff from v3, can't be bothered to play the minigames so many times just to get coins
I think i got Himiko's and 2 other character's, can't remember, been a while.
Celeste is cool yeah, i liked her elaborate murder(s)
I might watch the v1 anime
I skipped it because I knew the murders and ultimately watched like the last 2 episodes
I just did Kokichis which was a good fit
Celeste has a similar personality to Kokichi. Not as much as Nagito but still
the anime skips some fun stuff though ;_; but i can see why you'd prefer that over playing the game.
yeah Kokichi is pretty cool
I don't know why but i just never liked Nagito, from the moment he greets you on the beach, until he died, i was like ''damn i hate him, i hope he dies soon''
i liked the part where you play as him, really cool. in the uumm mysterious place, theme park place or something, you know what i mean.
It was nice chatting with you danganronpa/kokichi poster, shame there's no others, but i guess that makes you more unique in the end.
i'm gonna go watch some anime now.
see you when i see you
Nagito was cool in the anime
I'm not too sure about what you mean with 'playing as him'. Again, I haven't played or watched much of it. Just know the murders
Yeah, nice talking to you too. I'm going to sleep soon anyway. Cya
Sakura claimed
Bump for waifrens
Hirasawa Yui
>rory and the hazbin faggot are sleeping
chill af
thank you
your waifu is cute, too
where is she from?
hows it hanging?
I claim my wife the fluffiest Alpaca: Alpaca Suri!
sideways!!! aaaahhhh
halo hallo hey hey you you!!
dark poster
Tomo momo
oh. is it ok?
Just tomo is fine.
greetings! be greeted! ^w^
gud day? gud like? pizza pizza lemonade! :D
noooouu is not!! haha noo ;_;
eh.. jk is gud haha!!
..or is it haha.. no rly jk
gud day.. gud day fren!
well as long as its okay!
Just tomo, you're a wizard
hello, greet
today is okay. it's morning. it hasn't lasted very long yet. i'm just chilling before i leave. i've been waking up earlier, partially due to sunlight changes, partially due to not wanting to sleep more.
A wizard?!? But im just tomo!
Would you like some tea, Friend? Perhaps coffee?
ya. sorry I get carried away sometimes.
How is it? weather is shit here only wet & cold past days
im watching stuff and apparently in the US they are guarding face masks in the hospital because there have been many incidents of them being stolen! LOL
mask dealer
cold & wet here >~< bad
well I'm back home finally... early work day tomorrow I start at like half past 6 already... but at least only half a day cuz early start but ya i think today im gonna be sleeping earlier than usual =_=
I get what you mean... I wish someday we can just take pills for sleep.
I mean you can do that today already but you will go crazy, they haven't come up with the perfect slep pill yet
apple juice!
I am drinking some already actually, but I appreciate the offer fren! ^w^
how is you? all gud? weather fine? what time is it for you! I wanna know!
Fate/Stay Night, she's one of the 3 main heroines
weather is fine heh. just want to pat a cute tbh
no, just tomo! you're a wizard!
oh, cool. i don't know anything about that, though. i don't really care that much yet.
cold and wet sucks, but i hope things get better. yesterday was wet but it seems sunny today
i don't really feel tired, and i already do take melatonin supplements. i think i sleep enough.
oh, i see. i like her hair, and i feel bad she's crying in that image.
But im just tomo!
her purple hair is pretty cute, althought the reason she got it is kinda sad.
She's a bit of a tragic character, so quite a few of her pics are her looking sad.
Am fine, am happy!
It's a sunny day outside, currently a bit before 11am, it's a bit cold but it's ok because this fluffy alpaca is very warm!
who doesn't... ye.. :)
ya I just found it funny how everything is just a little bit more fucked up when it comes to the US haha ^w^ I'm still waiting for corona florida man infecting six nurseries. or something along those lines... it's always fun when you're bored to just see what's trending in us news lol
ya.. poop weather, I hope for more sun soon, it's supposedly getting warmer by the day
those things don't fucking work man they still gotta perfect it... I hope that day comes soon.
any obligations? are you procrastinating again?
gud gud! ^w^
oh... we not in the same timezone then :( 14:40 here.
ya I can imagine! almost too warm I bet u sweat >~< better shower after alpaca cuddling!
I'm gonna go for some beat saber later but after that I'll have to write a bunch of stuff I don't really care about but have to turn in by tomorrow so that sucks.. but for now imma have some fun :)
NO, just tomo. you are a WIZARD
oh, okay... i'm sorry.
what do you like about her?
people get scared. i don't blame them, but i do if they harm me.
poop weather can be nice if it's warm
i have class to go to in a few hours, but that's not yet.
Cuddling never stops
She's warm but she's still clean, and I don't sweat either, so we can keep on cuddling for a looong time!
Although I wouldn't be opposed to having a shower with her
And good luck with the writing stuff Friend
lel no reason to apologise
Dunno exactly what I like about her, I suppose I like her tenacitto go through what she had been through and still ahve hope for the future takes some guts.
Also she likes to cook.
I understand.
well it is warm inside... but.. eh.. i don't know.
oki! I wish you a relaxed class and that it goes by quick!
I actually had a fun day so far, first period suddenly became "self study" as we got notice the teacher is absent (probably coronashits) and the last period also didn't take place so pretty gud day so far I have the rest off :) if it were friday I'd still have to go to work now
>w< !!! I should really do something about that... maybe living alone isn't so nice.. but it kinda is buuuut sometimes isn't idk..
I don't believe you... next thing you know you have people telling you you smell, because you have grown accustomed to alpaca smell and don't smell it anymore yourself xD
heh... of course =w=
ya! but I will do that later.... like maybe 6pm don't feel like doing it now... probably gonna procrastinate until late late tonight and ask myself "why tf did i do this.." lol eh... as always ^w^
okay, sorry
tenacitto? are you Italian?
that is nice of her. i hope you can offer her comfort if anything goes wrong
cooking is a plus, yes
i hope it goes by quickly, too... my classes have gotten somewhat boring ever since i started to lose interest in them
fun things are fun. i hope you had fun. sorry about work.
owww.. interest is important :< it makes you continue to do the stuff you do in class at home.. basically study for fun :)
fun... ya :)
you can just dm me in class if you bored fren! we can discuss on methods of disposing well known public figures without trace & any link to the perps :3
studying is fun, but the classes have currently been somewhat lackluster and more ethical than practical.
fun (:
i don't want to pull out my phone in class unless it's an emergency. i'll send you a recipe to make a bomb
bleh! imma puke >~<
poor fren... let's hope gets better!
you can do it! just like sit in the back ^w^
I saw it! thanks :)
I'm watching my beat saber stuff on my yt... kinda weird watching yourself but i fnd it oddly entertaining.. like the music and rhythm thing I kinda like doing that :)
also found my NieR vid has audio issue is a little bit delayed so had to reupload a fixed version of that one again just now
shit that was a mistype, meant to say tenacity.
>i hope you can offer her comfort if anything goes wrong
I guess so
Arupaca-chan is actually pretty sophisticated and polite and most importantly clean!
S-She doesn't smell of alpaca! She smells like morning coffee and green tea leaves
yeah, sorry
i hope so, too.
okay, you're welcome.
yeah, i recorded myself playing Boneworks. that was kind of funny to rewatch.
bye now
that's okay
i hope you have a happy day
gud to hear that! so proud of alpaca! :3
green tea!!! maybe I should get an alpaca myself ^w^
the garden is biggg enough anyways or just like build a shed on one of my meadows.
where do alpaca come from °w°
aaaand are you into any games recently???? for me it's all been vr the past month and this... only like few days ago did i play something on pc again, kinda forgot was too engulfed in vr, rimworld.
als, she a cute!!! >w<
gud alpaca!
oh! show me sometime :)
also.. I think I have that game in steam... though only bought & forgot about it lol I think still 0 hours, i should give that a try too.
have gud day! healthy life!
i want to bloom into yuu
hello everyone, how are you all? c: i hope you're having a nice day so far
garbage truck woke me up too early
that sounds lewd...
i don't get it
ur fat
-> °~°
She comes from Japari Park, not sure where exactly is that, it's like an amusement park/zoo on an island next to Japan
She runs a café on top of a mountain
Unfortunately the location of the café doesn't help her with getting too many clients
I've been playing TeaForTwo The Hat Trading Simulator and Fallout 3 recently,but my PC broke yesterday so now I can't play ;-;
And yes: my wife is cute!
genuinely lol'd at this, well done user-san :3!
hi duke, how are you
that is user-chan thank you
user-chan, my mistake!! :x
yes dear~ every anonposter is duek~
any thing new going in in your life?
izu from Kamen Rider. I AM GOD
Yes, I am God.
oh! I have to visit there sometime! :3
what!?!? now THAT is awesome °^° I wish her best of luck with that! and don't worry, with time, word gets around and there will be more customers soon Im, sure.
oh! fallout 3 is gud ye ye! and I hope you can fix your pc, maybe is just a defect piece of hardware like one of your rams or maybe just fucked up somthing with your OS and reinstall would help, but I can't say for sure what's wrong.
fluff is always cute >w
>822014831 #
Here's some hints:
I made r/KamenRiderMemes
I'm a weeaboo (dh'u)
I like Ultraman, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Kamen Rider.
I'm """gay"""
Links with my bull all over them:
Also, does anyone wanna talk and shitpost with me?
Nothing much, I'll be heading out soon because I'm sick and I gotta get to a doctor, I just hope i don't stay away for too long...
Yes, you should come visit her one day! The first cup is on the house!
And thanks to the help of a few friends, word got out pretty well and now there's plenty Friends who come along
Btw, it's a damage on the power entrance, I'm gonna need to replace it to make it work again ;-;
My wife is absolutely fluffy and cuddly!
ok (i dont know your name)
how is your individual life?
Le fucking weeb god has come
hello. Does this count as a jojoke?
more like beer.
I must go now do vr stuff... might be back in like an hour or so...
oki! ^w^ I'm a happy hiker too so walking up there is no problem, hiking is fun. the views are what's most amazing about it, I go to this one bench overlooking my town and you can see everything from up there. Is really fun place to relax when it' nice and warm out... I'd share some photos i've taken from up there but sadly, I'm not a fan of doxing myself :<
you should consider using social media... the coffee shop needs like a twitter and insta where you post stories on the daily.
owww.. though actually that sounds not too bad at all, you just have to buy a new power adapter and you're gud to go again :)
hell yeah brother! that she is ^w^
can you imagine cleaning wool? I mean it must stink... think of like wet sheep.. >~< cleaning wool must be difficult, not sure how sheep do it..
existent, at the moment.
also pretty livable.
Image limit reached. new tread: