Early signs your GF is cheating on you?
Early signs your GF is cheating on you?
She's a girl.
That's it
you feel like you need to ask Yea Forums about your cheating girlfriend
that's the big one
You just know man. It's hard to explain, but it's a gut feeling.
mind elaborating?
Phone face down. Acting different. If you’re suspicious you’re right always trust your instinct, it’s got u this far
It's the first time this thought ever crossed my mind, I've smoked a bit so that might be the reason.
>>She gets home late sometimes, but she works out a lot and goes to work out classes. She's fit and has a nice bod.
>> Less interested in sex, but we have a long relationship and I've let my self go a tiny bit. Working out again but it's a process. Also she started a new birth-control and it's a common side effect. We fuck like 2 4 time's a week still and it's amazing every time
>> Last month we're arguing a little more but this happens in our relationship every 8 months or so. We always work it out and communicate a lot.
Found the beta
Dude monogamy is a joke to women. You should be cheating also, or going to brothels. This is the future the jews decided for us.
fucking jews
honestly OP you're fine and Yea Forums is not the place to go for healthy relationship advice
give yourself a couple months picking your shit back up and her birth control leveling off - if your sex is still good its fine
2-4 is good, I'm on antidepressants so it's like 1-2 and it's still great, so you're probably not in a spot to worry
people on Yea Forums are fags and like to cause misery for others so just live your life man, if worse comes to worse she's only fucking herself by cheating on you since you sound like a dude who gives a fuck
remember you only have to deal with #1 until death
but she sounds like she isn't cheating on you
yeah that sounds pretty bad user. lack of communication, lack of intimacy, her being distant, her being in a bad mood around you without you doing anything to upset her, she'll also throw out little hints as a last ditch attempt to bait you into changing or letting you know there's something wrong by venting her thoughts. if she hasn't cheated yet, she will. women seem to cheat when they feel like their man isn't appreciating them enough, or they feel like they're with the wrong guy.
Appreciate this advice Yea Forumsros, you two seem solid. I'm thinking I'm overthinking things a bit. This weed is hitting different.
More weed
if she's not chasing you, shes dumping you
if you're not dating her, someone else will
The black baby
> comes home late from work
> has social events with friends more often
> more guarded than usual when getting calls and texts
> less affection for a while followed by her doing kind acts for you
The first sign for me was her breaking plans to "sleep", then suddenly hanging out with people more, then sex disappeared.
You sounds golden user. Honestly, communication. Express that you feel insecure right now. I wouldn’t mention cheating but say something my paranoia and insecurities led me to think some dumb shit. Most real couples understand and the SO will validate you and wipe that shit away. Also, lets see her tits
source on image
Dont be angry at them you submitted to them. It is the peoples fault to allow such atrocities.
Here is my situation:
>>We used to share locations with each other...
She doesn't share locations with me anymore
>>She gets angry about literally nothing;
She will put more effort into finding something to argue with me than anything
>>She slowplays sex with me to get out of it
I have a lot of experience with women- and plenty of that involved rejection; when women are in the position where they know you are expecting sex from them, they will just fiddle faddle and procrastinate and filibuster until you get too sleepy/hungry/tired or your pills or whatever aphrodisiacs have worn off and then they seem relieved, "Oh look at the time, it's 5 am... Best be going now!"
>>When they get home, they don't come to greet you... In fact they wait until you go out to them and they are suddenly in a great mood. If you seem like you are suspicious of them, they get very defensive and tell-tale heart- "What's wrong?" etc. and they will act like you are raining on their parade- yet won't tell you what the parade is about...
>>They act frustrated and angry like you are trying them up and holding them back because they want to be with someone else but won't admit it....
Then they leave- they work "late" or "weekends" and lunch is vague- then they stop answering your text messages or reading them altogether. The only time they call you is to see where you are so they don't get caught.
>>They don't want sex anymore and suddenly are "having cramps" since nobody falls for the "headache" thing anymore... Or they are suddenly not wanting to "dirty themselves up with you" after they suddenly shave for the first time in days- and they are in a good mood, then come home in an even better mood
>>They choose places to go that they know you can't go to and seem relieved when they talk about it.
who is this pic?
Here's some resources for you.
returnofkings.com (dead site but good advice)
Also I can recommend on tube platforms
Terrance Popp
Aaron Clarey
An Ear For Men
Better Bachelor
To be fair if you can't get any tips out of any of them you may be a lost cause.
Stay away from anyone who sounds like a PUA they are redesigning their message every other week to attempt to sound reasonable.
how about becoming cuck? she's fit so it would be amazing to share her with alphas
She grows her hair into Blacked braids
what are those?
Kill yourself fucking spineless beta bitch. Give me your gfs number
getting more distant, not answering calls and tex as fast, spending more and more times with "friends" I ignored until I walked in on her getting filled
It's the BC. I promise, it turns off the maternity in women.
Any solutions?
Phone faces down, provocative social media posts, changing of passcode for phone, more time with friends, wants less sex, cuts intimate eye contact, and doesn't like talking about the future
Beta faggot here forgave a cheater. She did it again. No shit. Married coworker. Fatass 30 year old. Must not have been hitting it right. Above ALL, never forgive a cheater. They will not change. It’s narcissism and sociopathy. Old habits die hard. That shit don’t go away easy.
Watch what happens on her phone screen when you walk into the room. Quick swipe is a dead giveaway. Even if she’s not doing anything wrong, they’ll feel they need to hide everything. Not getting caught is a full time job, and it’s taxing. Makes them paranoid. Password changes are suspect.
Oftentimes they will have sex with you MORE if they’re actively cheating. Trying to normalize it in their head I guess. In my case, whenever she’d go hang out with this dude she’d come home and want to bang, like with abnormal enthusiasm.
Normalizing or explaining behavior is a giveaway. They’ll clarify things that don’t need clarifying. Notice if she’s ever overcompensating or overexplaining what most could consider normal behavior.
Most cheaters still do love you, they just have shit self control, mixed with a solid ability to dissociate those two lives. Because of that, changes in mood happen. If they get anxious, somber, humor changes or disappears, that’s not good. They feel guilty for what they do, but they’ve deluded themselves into thinking it’s just a vice, and they won’t get caught as long as they’re careful. Takes an emotional toll but they’re not mature enough to just say no and stop.
Hope this helped.
Oh, and if they accuse you of cheating or acting suspicious/hiding shit. Gaslighting, deflection, and projection is a subconscious response a guilty person will have.
this is confirmed right here, forgave a cheater also and then caught her next time fucking my best friend
she probably fucked a lot of guys i didnt catch her with though
You think staying in to play vidya and watch netflix is a great weekend, so she starts having girls nights out.
Yeah. A person who is capable of rationalizing and justifying cheating at all is 99% of the time not emotionally mature enough to address their own narcissism. Hence, nothing will change. They’ll just wait for the heat to die down, do what they have to to make you feel better, and then just start up again when the coast is clear.
They act on expediency and impulse and nothing else. They’re smart enough to be sneaky about it, but not smart enough to just not do it at all.
Nice contribution. Intelligent
*goes in thread for fun* *ends up worried*
Take care of yourself. Be on alert. All y’all kings deserve a faithful woman. Don’t simp like I did
the relationship is over.. move on first. ive been where you are, exactly where you are.
you're not chad
She gets accusatory because she feels guilty
Withdrawn. It starts off emotionally, then physically until they find a reason to leave or make one. You can try to work it out but that takes both people trying. At that point, she's already gone.
that 100%
My gf wants me to wear panties and shave my legs
Kek girls don't care if they fuck themselves by losing a "Dude who gives a fuck". They have a whole list of great guy friends or acquaintances who give a fuck and are better off financially. The only thing keeping them are emotional ties and once those are gone she gets to choose.
Shit that's a great explanation from someone who dodged a bullet but kinda stuck around to see this mess unfold down to the last detail.
Yep, we are 100% interchangeable to them. To them, you are what you provide. Think of yourself as a horse. Thats pretty much what they do.
Quit smoking if it makes you paranoid about your relationship.. you will fuck it up like this
ok coomer go outside
See your problem is that you give a shit what women think about you
Your self worth is an internal concept, until you value yourself - and don't think of yourself as a horse - you can't really 'win' the game
Girls love confidence, acting like you think they think you're property validates it and makes you unconfident - just know you're worth it
You literally gave good explanations for all of the things you're worried about. Instead of thinking oh my god she's cheating, work to change those things, if things don't improve after that, THEN she's cheating.