Why does covid 19 make republicans so dangerously deranged?

Why does covid 19 make republicans so dangerously deranged?

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party above country and they don't even remember what they were supposed to stand for anymore



Funny the winners don’t have issue

Don't worry the guy who fired all the scientists has put his top God guys on the problem. They are gonna get us a real miracle while Trump hides in a bunker.

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Because they are idiots

Pretty ecstatic about coronachan sweeping across liberal states. Going to be a lot of poor liberals dying off. Especially with the "Muh vote for Bernie!!" How many voters touched the same computers and pens as everyone else.

Its almost like the equivalent of the TDS to Democrats.

I know. The virus is obviously gonna kill more libs than conservatives. This is exactly why the republicans are right to just let it happen.

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Care to explain why you think that'll happen?

>they don't even remember what they were supposed to stand for anymore
they stand for being in power. that's it.

with all the libs gone we can finally have our cowboy shoot-out dystopia all to ourselves. YEE HAW!

Coronavirus 2020!!

liberals are more likely to congregate in small enclosed spaces.

If the virus kills Americans, and most Americans are libtards, then ... U C now?

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aren't most americans republifucks? that's what they say.

not according to the most recent general election results, or the ones before that, or the ones before that...ect

umm then why do republicans keep winning presidency and senate and governor's and state legislatures? and trump is going to win a second term we all know this.

They always are contrarian assholes. They're so caught up in being against knowledge that attacking anything claimed by any scientist is second nature.

You haven't heard of the electoral college? You must be another poorly educated American citizen. You can thank the republicans for that.

Because the USA isn't a democracy, duh.

ITT: Retards scared of swine flu just like 2009

also ITT: retards that think the government is capable of preventing a virus as contagious as the common cold from spreading when it's contagious before any symptoms occur.

How many points did swine flu knock off Obama's stock market again, faggot?


citation needed

Last I checked, Republicans overwhelmingly has the older population's vote, which are the age group most susceptible to dying from this virus (10-100 times more likely to die than young adults infected by COVID-19)

welcome from normit, you retard. why don't you head on back there?

Yeah, the Republicans have ran education for decades, amirite.

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Swine flu had a death rate of 0.02%. COVID-19 has a death rate of 2%. That's 100x more. And it's even more contagious.

The Republicans are going to be toast by November. Trying to get rid of ObamaCare just when every is getting Covid-19? Stock market tanks because no trade and no parts to make anything?
It's going to be a landslide.

I assure you they were like that already.

It’s the end of the world and will kill us all, it’s quite literally worse then the bubonic plague. It’s got no cure and kills legit every person who gets it. We should all be panicking.

It’s literally the worst disease ever and every single human being is gonna die!

Citation needed

There is no cure, we’re all done for. Conservatards will trick you into thinking it’s no biggie but it’s the worst thing to ever exist ever and will wipe us all out.

>>*hillbilly intensifies*

They have to be the victims in every scenario. In this case, when it kills off 15-20% of all of Trump's voters by winter, including possibly Trump himself, old unhealthy shitbag he is, I guess they're right.

>It’s literally the worst disease ever
>every single human being is gonna die!
for sure, but not from virus

and what is your degree in einstein? shut up about stuff you know nothing about.

lmao, the black plague was 100x worse
coronavirus is literally flu on steroids

Imagine some cuck projecting this hard

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they see a good way to cull the country and they're going for it, while trying to act like they're doing something to stop it

cant blame em really. fucking poors are a blight on the country.

and boomers. god I hate those fucking senile niggers.

>fucking poors are a blight

and I guarantee the robots that will replace them will be on sale by Christmas

and thank god.

eh, some of them are cool, but they're also the ones who will be able to afford to survive getting the coronavirus.

We are begging for a pandemic, we want it to happen, anyone who says otherwise is confused and probably infected.

It's going to hit the cities the hardest which is why we like pandemics

the worst medical care is in the south. by a lot, it isn't even close.
those same regions also have the most amount of uninsured americans. Also the most amount of unhealthy americans with pre-existing conditions which is who dies from covid-19.
2% may not sound like much but it is. I realize you can't into math. And it will hit the elderly, the smokers, the sickly, the strung out on oxy, etc the hardest.

im talking cities to rural and you bring up the south.
Dumb delusional retard.

it's not about affording it. when your body's old and frail you get hit with a superflu you're a dead motherfucker.

Keep winning?
Lst popular vote in 6 of last 7 elections.
Lost house in 2018.
Lost nine governorships since 2019.

Trump is doomed.

We all know this, except you.

demographic shift

>something that affects us all and donesn't care about race, class and national borders
>something that can be solved without changing ideology or paying trough your nose, you gotta think a little more than usual
Gee, what reminds me this of? Does this even reminds me of anything? Guise, help an user out here.

Also gerrymandering and election sabotage.

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Not that the UK is the US, but this is very interesting.

All this takes is that corona culls just a little of ppl of old age and the UK and US switches to proportional election systems and pop goes the weasle!

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propaganda works best on the young

Let's assume that the older you get, the more you know and is right about things.

Why can't the old ones just step up and win over the younger ones?

16,000+ people have died from flu in the USA in just this year so far. Coronavirus is the North Korea of pestilence.

Coronavirus is a highly contagious ebola

And more americans died from firearms and traffic in 2001 than in 9/11, but no one declared war on General Motors and Smith & Vesson.

More liberals may become infected, simply because there ARE more liberals. But the old folks vote red, and they're the ones that die.

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True. Conservatives are far for self-reliant.

I'm not saying a lot of people will die, but what happens when a shit ton of ppl get sick?

what happens when the stores are empty because too many people are sick?

Look at all the videos from China.

seizures i think

Can’t believe so many of you idiots are politicizing a fucking, virus. Like it has any discretion on human belief. Listen, if I die here in Seattle, you fuckers are probably next, cause if an entire city can fall prey then we can conclude it’s pretty fucking contagious and no amount of rural infrastructure can protect you.

Is this really not obvious to everyone?

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antifa probably

>coronavirus is literally flu on steroids
It's actually far less deadly than regular flu, the only people dying are already weak. America's playing it up so that Trumpler can claim victory when it inevitably fades to nothing the same way any flu does on its own after a while

>disease control
>not political

weird I though leftists were the ones throwing a fit.

Do Amerifats genuinely think that Corona is something to worry about? Incredible