I want to kill myself within the next few months...

I want to kill myself within the next few months. I plan to drive out to a motel at least a couple hundred miles away from my location and end it all there. What drugs, pills or other methods do you guys suggest?

I'm not too fond of hanging because if I fuck up I could end up being mentally handicapped for life.

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or just start a new life like a non coward

train tracks

put phone to the side and stream it on discord

I rather Twitch stream my suicide while flossing

Growing old regretting an early suicide is a fine affair, try that

Go shoot some people after dying user c'mon, make it fun while it lasts :)


Why do you want to die OP?

Asphyxiation. I tried it once and quit mid way but it's painless.

I don't really enjoy life. I hate the world. I hate how ugly everyone is to each other and to the earth. If you ask me, every human so quit reproducing and off themselves in a collective and rid the earth of the human race. There's not much I have going for me, other than me being attractive but I have the social skills of the average Yea Forums user. I have several mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and possibly psychosis which make my every day live a extemely difficult to get through. I'm 19 and I wasn't prepared for adulthood in my teenage years thanks to poor parenting so the thought of working ungodly hours a week just to support myself doesn't sound too good. Do you want me to go on?


Suicide bombing at an ADL center

OP are you still here

Then go after those who are populating the earth the most with their shit (Africans) otherwise you’re just another Jew puppet pussy acting like everyone else

>other than me being attractive
oh, a larp. Kinda glad, I thought this was real. Bye


I'm gonna write this Yea Forums thread down in my suicide note.

use a suicide vest and run around in a super market, no reason not to have fun and scare some little shits before you go

Please do

You have no idea what real pain feels like, kid. We get 30 threads like these every day and all of you faggots dont want advice, you just want to complain and be miserable.

Well since you're gonna an hero anyway, go eat 5 grams of dried psychedelic mushrooms while sitting in the woods. Then come back and tell us your plan

honestly it’s not worth it just live to meme on people

shove the biggest kitchen knife in your anus

BRO hear me out im not trying to convince you not to do it, BUT. You have hit rock bottom, its oly up from there. just fucking meme on everyone live life, rob a bank, assaninate Vladimir Putin fuck Obama or something. MY POINT IS, you may as well try and do something, if you fail, SO WHAT? i mean you were gonna kill yourself anyway so when you get bored then do it. But live to see one more sunset, sit on the beach relax,just do something and then do it. You may as well live theres no reason to die. You are not happy change it. K im off, im on Coke Rn so idk if this makes sense, bye man ily. Wish you the best Keep living dude, just because you can,

You should fuck a prostitute and kill her before you off yourself.

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bro, look me again (the chick on coke) I suffer from so many mental illnesses aswel, I dont catch myself slipping untill its really bad. Dude just take you meds. LIVE go to fucking zimbabwe, get married be a better parent then you parents ever were. My parents came from shit parents, I am so so priviliged to have mine, they came from poverty and created such a great live for me. DO THAT, FOR YOUR KIDS. work hard join idk the fire service, police force and just stop. stop and look up, see the sun, the birds. and when you give up GO go drink GO be depressed, then wake up 4 days latter and get up, go do something and BE. THERES NO POINT IN KILLING YOUSELF you are gonna die anyway may as well fuck around on earth for awhile. If its bad kill yourself after.

Try some fuckin heroin if you’re gonna die Atleast or take a bunch of oxycodone pills

My entire life I've been lied to by my guardian. I was separated from my mother and father without even being told the correct reasoning behind it. Was always told my parents were druggies. At 14 my mom was finally brought back into my life only to die of cancer a few months later. My father is back in my life but is never there for me and is choosing his schizophrenic wife over me despite her literally pussywhipping, manipulating and abusing him, I'm still in love with some stupid bitch who doesn't love me back, I literally have such a hard time with women because of it, I have tourettes and I can't function in a workplace.

So, can someone please give me what I'm asking for??

Do a Tarrant and stream yourself opening fire on some group of niggers.

Don't do it, Citizen. There's much to live for yet.
Things such as Justice, Peace, Light, Romance, and honor!

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Great ideas.
Wtf are you still doing here faggot. Get to work.


you can CHANGE IT, FUCK YOUR PARENTS 9 ( not litterally plz dude, unless you wanna I mean...) SCrew them. They fucked you over, you now need to raise yourself, that fucking sucks and its hard. but try and create a better life not for you,, not for them. But for your future children, so the next generations that come after you are better. Make a change FINE A PURPOSE FUSIFSUFFH

>I hate the world blah blah blah
Okay. Well, bye.

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You are nowhere near ready to wanting to kill yourself, you are just a fag who wants the pain to stop. If you really wanted to do it you would have done so already. No worries OP, you will likely die of overdose in a few years anyway, or you could start cutting yourself. In the end it doesnt matter, you are just a lazy nigger who doesnt have the balls to live life, you just want the easy way out, so whatever. If you gonna kys at least have the decency to not leave a mess for someone else, go to a desolate area and slash your neck

PS. I personally think its a waste though, get on disability and go do some coke and fuck cheap whores, NEET it up and live a comfy life


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Damn, you're only 19...
Try to find something worth living for. Everyone has their problems, but that's no reason to give up immediately. Should you still decide to pull the shit through, make sure you don't involve anyone else.
Look for better alternatives, start a family and take care of your child for example. The things you list, are no reason for such a stupid decision. Do not be a coward and look for something that is worth living for.
Good luck my friend

OP is mentally ill and you want him to pass his defective genes to someone else, what is wrong with you

My mother was bipolar and so am I so why the fuck would I continue that legacy

Ok admitted, was not the best suggestion ... I was more concerned with the alternatives