this is my special boy I found him outside begging to come in. I've named him atlas he seems very congested snotty and his third eye lids showing often. sometimes when he meows no sounds come out and I can hear mucus in his chest when he breaths. I really don't know what to do he runs around playing with his toys and eats and drinks properly but I'm low on cash any doctors or cat owners can help me determine if it's serious or not? he may be just a cat but he has made me very happy. happiest I've been in a long time and I don't want him to be in pain. thank you for your time
This is my special boy I found him outside begging to come in...
Other urls found in this thread:
stop makin him swallow so much cum all the time
much appreciated
try looking for free vet clinics in your area too, there may be some
sounds like it hasn't resolved in a few days. he loos young. when they are young, their immune systems aren't as strong as the adults'. if you can find a boric acid otic ointment and put it in the eyes, it will help. the label says for eyelid, but it is good in the eye. it's not very much different than pink eye in humans.
if you absolutely can't find a free clinic or other services in your area, try making a post here
Good chance you can at least get feedback from a vet
WOW. Thinks people come to 4chinz to unironically and in good faith just to get some important information.
fuck outta here faggot
Terramycin Ophthalmic Ointment for Dogs, Cats & Horses
google boric acid solution for pink eye cats
cause they can't figure out how to use google
do this. you can find these items in large pet stores or get it sent via chewy or amazon.
Sounds like cat flu and an upper respiratory problem. His eyes look healthy if this was taken today. Has he gotten worse has it been longer than 3 days? Cat flu is deadly for cats it will kill them. Op how long have you had Atlas? Him being inside and being warm definitely saved his life. Vets will do payments, you can also use Spay and Neuter now. They're basically a mobile unit that visits town to town. If you can prove you're low income you can sometimes get them taken care of through food stamps. I wish there was a way for me actually speak with you about it. Tha k you for taking care of Atlas you and your special friend are going to bond so much you're going to feel love true primal love that kitty is going to love your more than any human can. Fluid in his lungs is a giant problem because they sleep so much and are always laying down. Strays are often discarded due to FIV which is a shame. My third stray I saved had cat flu he's brain damaged from it. He's a sweetheart but he is unable to work his claws and dilate his pupils. I will be watching this thread if you have any other questions. Is he pooping solid poop? Do not give him milk they don't need it. Upper respiratory is serious, elevate his food and water so he's not bending down put it at face level. Are you sure it's a boy? Also watch his energy levels. You can get a stethoscope for cheap and check his vitals yourself. When he eats does he gargle or snort?
thanks fellas I don't get paid for another couple days i do have a good job just low like I said and if it was serious I'd take the bullet and hurt for a few days if it meant he'd be ok
I just got him Sunday from my mom he was hanging out at her house after he was literally just left there. atm I am at work and my fiancee is taking care of him keeping him warm etc. we don't give him milk or any kind of human food and we've been trying to get him to play alot chasing a laser pointer and he seems energetic enough when I'm home but he just gets comfy in people's laps and let's you rub his belly. he was fine sunday but come Sunday night he sounded congested and hard to breath kinda raspy I guess, yesterday he sounded the worst but my fiancee has been taking a warm cloth and holding him in it and he seems to have cleared up a bit today but still snotty and hard at breathing, and also his eyelids and eyes seem out of focus. his poop has been fairly solid no liquid at all in it or blood
Just take him to the goddamn vet you nigger. You have no money in the bank? No credit cards?
I'd love to but can't till Friday it's when I'm paid and will be able to get help for him problem is bills as of late have raped me and even my 23 an HR can't save me from it.
Borrow the money from your parents?
did some searching online there is a clinic in my area that accepts payment plans maybe I can get something going from there and I hope he'll be ok. thank you again guys
It's all good as long as you post more cat pics
He’s super cute. Glad your looking after him. You win today OP
Please get your little buddy to a vet asap. It'll suck having the bill, but that little dude will be your best friend for years.
Walmart has deals on amoxicillin, which will ultimately help with his congestion/mucus. Might be a cheaper solution that visiting a vet
You need tot are him to the vet immediately. I have a cat that was similar before I adopted him. The cat has a severe sinus infection and possibly cat herpes in his eyes. If this is not taken care of the cat can have permanent damage in its sinus and eyes and maybe go blind.
Take him to the vet and they will check him over and get him antiobiotics to clear up his sinus infection and drops to take care of his eyes. This will not cost you much more than a normal checkup for a new cat. Maybe 100-200 bucks depending on your area and the practice.
You must do this for Atlas or he will die. I'm serious. I did this for my cat Simba and he is the best.
If trips, you must kill it
If you can prove low income a lot of towns have low cost clinics! You can also tell the vet when you go in your situation and they'll try to help
Oh wow, I didn't know u2 was missing their guitarist
Go to a vet OP that will allow a payment from your bank account like $2 a week.
Sure you might be paying $2 or so a week from your account for a few months but then your friends fixed and it's hardly going to cripple your accounts.
How long have you had him?
Be his friend and stuff but it's just a cat dude. Don't spend more than $300 on an animal that people literally just throw away
You can get another for like nothing
I mean, just because everyone did that to you doesn't mean OP should do it to a cat
>hurr durr go into bankruptcy for a cat
status update by my financee he's extremely raspy while napping and his stuffed nose is back.
I will take him in Friday at the latest but later today after I call the local clinic to see what I can do about paying
here is one that was taken moments ago by her
See if your local shelter has any programs where vet students practice under actual vets! He's adorable, please take care of him op
Bro just buy antibiotics online and give it to him
>hi im a vet oh yeah he needs anti biotics give me $200 plz
Just buy the pills yourself
>$300 will send you into bankruptcy
Sure Tyrone
>be 300 in the hole
>can't pay mortgage
>can't pay car payment
>can't pay insurance
>can't pay property tax
>can't pay bills
>now you go into credit card debt to get by
>credit card debt snowballs and you can't get ahead
$300 will put you in a hole that you will never get out of if you aren't extremely careful or do some drastic action to not spend money
ive had a lot of cats that make virtually no sound when they meom, mostly tabbys like this one. If he's running around playing he's good. cute kitter.
If you're that fucking poor you shouldn't even have a pet. But then again I bet you're the same fag who says this, as you smoke cigarettes and buy Burger King every week.
the vet Friday
while my job pays very well I do not get sick leave except one time per year and it's only 40 hours. rest I take a hit. and reason I am hurting for cash right now is I like to pay bills ahead a month in advanced and also moving my fiancee in and getting stuff for her and the new cat. it was just unexpected and completely my fault for putting myself in this situation so in the end I can blame only myself. and if he were to die from my own failures I probably wouldn't be able to forgive myself
while I do understand the whole he's just a cat and I guess to an extent that is true. I just don't bond with animals all that well and he's been the first one to really grab at me I guess, complete stranger just comes up to me loving on me like he'd known me forever it makes me sad knowing somebody just dropped this sweet creature off on the side of the road to fend for himself just give me a slight bit of hope. I will do my best to see that he gets help he needs and will update on the regular of his condition for better or for worse
They will let you go without paying it all at once. Show up explain to them you get paid Friday. If it has FIV don't put him down. They are born that way and people throw them in the garbage. I have 5 cats I've pulled out of dumpsters. One was so sick you could see his belly move with worms. He had his tail broken and had cat flu. He was supposed to die. I did everything I could to make him comfortable feeding him with an eyedropper. Helping him poop, kept him in my hoodie I wore it backwards so he would be right there. He eventually got better but the damage was so severe he's retsrded. The cat flu basically cooked his little brain. He was the size of a muffin when I saved him. Humans can be shit to animals. I'm glad Atlas has someone to love him. Take him OP. Vet will understand your situation. It's rare for a new car to take belly scratches so soon. You two have a very trusting cat. Think about predators they would attack there to kill. He's letting you know he trusts you. Wait until he imprints.if he touches head to head you are marked.
I wish I was fucking rich. I wish I could help all the animals.
Thank you for doing whatever you can man
That looks like a nice cat. I hope he will be ok. I would like to have a dog or cat but my complex doesnt allow pets. The management is on some faggot time.
10/10 would give cat the best medical care and home available.
he does tap his head on ours all the time when we lay down to rub him he occasionally gets up to rub his head on ours I didn't think anything of it other then him just being a strange cat like he normally is
Can you have fish? They're nice too. Birds are awesome pets. Cats are a truly emotional animal. Mine get jealous and fight over who gets to smell my armpits.
Yea Forums fucking delivers.
Posting my cat in solidarity OP - get your little guy to the doc.
I hope everything goes well with your kitty at the vet
he looks like an overly adorable fecker
Hope cat is ok. Post more pics
Trips and you sign him up for the space program
fuck off this is Yea Forums
an we fuckin love cats
Rolling for this
being that he's so congested right now as my fiancee describes as worse then this morning I am selfishly asking her to stay up with him till I get home so I can look after him I am going to schedule a walk in for later today if I can when I get home if not today tomorrow and I will take off work just to make sure he's okay I don't have the heart to watch him die or be away from him if he passes. I hope it doesn't happen but I I don't get my hopes up I can't be disssapointed
very cute cat user thank you
i don't fucking care what happens to you op, but if you let that cat die because you didn't prioritize his life over all else i will come to your house and personally glass you
That's a very loving animal. You have a special little dude. When I rescued the last one he would show me his food, his litter, his toys, his food again and then lay on his back start purring and close his eyes. Total trust, pure love. I've taught him to play fetch and he is so loving it's annoying. Try playing Vidya and he takes the controller away. I had a strap for my phone and he would drag it and hide it. For the two retarded ones I have the others are extremely smart. With your cat imprinting already and showing his belly it's him showing you how happy you guys made him. Get him to the vet ASAP. Have your girl put in the waterworks when you call. Fuck, to save my cats I would cry like a damn baby to the vet. My wife and I are never having children. They're our babies. You will see it soon enough. Try posting so we can see how Atlas is doing over the next few days Cats can have allergies as well. This sounds a bit more than that I am pretty sure it's cat flu. n
bump bc kitty needs to be okay
now thats Yea Forums When it comes to kitties
I can’t get over how cute he is. I don’t want to leave this thread cause I want to know that he will be taken care of. Please do all you can OP. He looks like one of my little buddies and deserves all the chance in the world. I saved his picture just remind myself of the good your helping keep in this world.
you don't even have to worry about glassing me I will fucking glass myself for my autism because fuck me. if anyone is around tomorrow I will tell what's going on with him after I return from the vet, and hopefully get him good and healthy so he can become a strong young boy.
I know you will do right by him. Please keep us updated. I can't post photos for some reason or I would send you pics of my kitties.
this is his first interaction with a controller he sat on my chest looking at it for a solid two hours. but you all have my word I will keep you all updated about him and if I don't you can all freely burn me at the stake.
I've PS4 too. Does he watch the game yet? The theme with sparkly waves hypnotized them
he really enjoys watching the TV he sat with me and the ole lady for a while
Popping in this thread to say I'm rooting for Atlas, and i expect follow up threads with pics. Good luck you two!
kill him
if your cat is ok with baths you have a very good one indeed. mine will stab me if she so much as gets a drop on her
Fuck Yea Forumsro, you're a nice person. I'm glad he's with you. Don't forget to save up to cut his balls off it he might run off looking for girls. He's yours for life now.
as you've already been given sound advice on what to do, I just want to say you've found a cute Tabby, user. I used to have one as well. She had the habit of licking everything that was around her. Miss her.
Good luck
last one until later today when I find out what's wrong again thank you all for coming to the thread and I hope you all have a wonderful day. I will be back later to tell what's up and post more of my son
If you notice your cat hasnt eaten for some days and his eyes look yellowish, take him to the vet asap. Thats how I lost my 11 year old cat
He's a great cat. Thank you for posting him.