Happiness is a long forgotten fantasy for me. I wish I were just being edgy but for fucks sake I’ve forgotten what it’s really like to be genuinely happy. It’s fake. And I’m tired. Please guys. Give me the strength to end it. Tell me how life will go on. How I’ll soon be forgotten. Because the only thing stopping me is the idea that someone may be hurt by this final solution.
Happiness is a long forgotten fantasy for me...
Lmfao@u low self esteem beta males who think happiness is the meaning of life.
Why not just take test until your T levels are as high as your great grandfather’s generation. Then you won’t be a bitch, you’ll be happy. Your call.
You are weak and a coward. Nobody's happy you fucking cry baby. All you will do is scar the ones that love you. Man the fuck up pansy.
jesus just hit the boarder go to Tijuana happiness will find you
come cuddle it out, you worthless fuck
Happiness is not meaning. But being happy would be nice. Instead of calling me beta, help give me strength to end it.
there will always be sombody hurt, youre mom/dad, brother/sister, grandparents, friends or even just work friends. life is pain and the only way to get the pain to hurt less is to fight tooth and nail to get to a better place. if you stop or even slow in the relentless persuit you will fall behind and it will overwhelm you but that is no reason to give up, just one more reason to stand back up and get going. one step forward no matter how slowly is progress to a better place.
Go fuck yourself. I'm not helping you do shit
U retarded by chance?