People who live in apartments above others... Why is it so fucking hard for you to walk normally...

People who live in apartments above others... Why is it so fucking hard for you to walk normally? Are you such mongoloids that you can't step without slamming your feet? None of you will ever convince me that anybody who does this shit is anything close to a decent human being

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Not my fault the floors are thin.

Why can't you get an apartment on the top floor?

People who live on the first floor of apartments: when will you retards realize that we walk like normal people and it is just heard easily

Shouldn't have to. People should consider how their actions effect the people around them. Walking lightly isn't a difficult concept

Get a load of this fag.

I can legit hear my upstairs neighbor's cat jumping around in this old ass house

It's the shit ceilings and floors. Used to live at the top of a flat with concrete floors. Keith our heard fuck all.

Now live below a family with a small child and the floors and ceilings are made of rice paper or some shit, cos they all sound like they gallop everywhere. With boots on. And clogs over those boots.

Clogs made of 120Db sounds.

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Keith our heard lol I deserve to be shot for fucking up.

People aren't thinking about you because you aren't important in their lives. Also consider that they haven't been down in your apartment while they're simultaneously walking above you so they don't know the noise you're experiencing.

If you don't like it, you can politely let them know what it's like for you. If you're too much of a coward to do that, maybe get a better paying job and move someplace that accommodates you better.

If you pay for a shitty place to live, it's gonna be a shitty place to live.

>without slamming your feet
If the building is old enough doesn't matter how light you walk. The movement of the boards magnifies the noise.

Lmao I've heard the people upstairs walk normally. It's hardly noticeable unless it's dead quiet. I know it's not impossible for them to do it all the time but they don't give a shit. They slam their feet as hard as they possibly can. I complained to the rental company about it and they said they'd mention it to them. They didn't give a shit and they're just as loud (if not louder). Complete morons

This SO GODDAMN MUCH!! I ended up buying a fucking house because thunderfeet upstairs couldn't understand that it should be a ballet and not a fucking rave. FFS!!

feel the lead in my soul and dispair

Im going to buy your neighbor a fucking hopscotch board and a Jump-To-Conclusions mat with a House of Pain CD and give them all the free crack they can eat.

cry moar

This. You take the path of least resistance and eventually fasteners loosen up. Boards start rubbing. Insulation deteriorates. Even in new construction. Unless you have a builder who cares they pay little attention to this.

You expect a lot out of people that owe you nothing. Next time buy a home, stupid. Sleep well, imbecile.

I understand the difference between normal noises made by the floors being old and people just being retards and slamming their feet. I've even lived NEXT DOOR to people who slammed their feet so hard I could hear it

>buying a house
>in 2020

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>the year of weaponized boomer killer
>not buying a house

It has to kill more than a few people in Washington before it really makes a difference in the housing market