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big if true
and then you see jews refering to themselves as fellow white people
Fuck their white women and breed them out of existence.
I'm an Alabama nigger, and I want to be free.
fuck you i won't do what you tell me
yeah because negro's call that a lynching on twitter kys niggerfag
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a BBC slapping on a white face - forever"
George Lucas
False though. He forgot about The Spanish Inquisition - not just for Spaniards.
care to elaborate? I'm unfamiliar with the S.I
>There is no word that describes white man persecution
There. And Im not even white.
Fuck, you beat me to it... But yeah, Inquisition was all over Europe, not only Spain.
Theres thousand of examples. We just pulled up our pants and moved on. Take notes niggers
Well, I hear that nobody ever expects it...
ok. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just unfamiliar with it. How does spaniard = white?
"I am haunted by the human chimpanzees I saw along that hundred miles of horrible country...to see white chimpanzees is dreadful; if they were black one would not see it so much, but their skins, except where tanned by exposure, are as white as ours."
Cambridge historian Charles Kingsley, letter to his wife from Ireland, 1860
there is history.
Preach brother! We're not racist!
head over to DL Hugely's facebook, those fuckers are hooping and hollering about the OP pic
It’s a word it’s not my fault you have emotions tied to a word
How's that reading comprehension score, eh?
>Witch hunts didn't affect white people
(sigh) Ok, I'll spell it out for you. At the time, Spain was the seat of the Catholic Church's power, which ruled over ALL OF WHAT IS NOW KNOWN AS EUROPE AND THE UK. The "Spanish Inquisition" was carried out by Church officials who were largely Spanish themselves, but they went after pretty much every literate person in a 4,000 mile radius. Anyone writing anything, or studying chemistry or astronomy. They were all branded as heretics.
And they would love to change that
They must be quite athletic when it comes to mental gymnastics
Being so stupid as to think white people have never been lynched. Kek.
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me
thank you!! That's crazy!
please see
Ah yes, the barbary pirates never enslaved "white" sailors. There were never indentured servants. The Irish were never racially persecuted. The gauls were never conquered. No "white" person was ever lynched.
How do you even define white? or are you so far down the hole that you don't even have a clear definition of your own for those you dehumanize and otherize? I'm scott-irish, and I'll tell you that I don't buy into the white identity. It's a sham perpetuated by the same people who persecuted my ancestors.
The historical revisionism among you MK Ultra victims is astounding.
This isn't true, for the record. The Spanish Inquisition were largely considered the most fair court in the world at the time. People would go out of their way to commit heresy in order to have their criminal trial moved over to the Inquisition's jurisdiction.
White men were killed in the witch hunts tho
Ottoman Empire - 600 years of white slavery
I was thinking the same thing. How many black witches were persecuted in New England? The very phrase “witch hunt” comes from an exclusively white historical context.
White people are the real victims!!!!
Note the extreme goalpost moving. The operative word is "powerful", and the groups of people in that post which are being discriminated against are "white" and "men". "Powerful" is actually their getout clause. So cowardly of them.
The implication is that witches are women. Not men.
Who are "the Irish," Alex
how much history of discrimination must occur before they realize what they are doing is discriminating?
You know Spaniards were white, right?
Which is historically wrong when it comes to witch hunts
Plenty of men were killed in the witch trials, retard. Four women and five men in Salem. More in England when that was the cool thing to do. We gendered that language later.
Oh it IS true. I didn't say they killed every one of them. You were allowed to repent under torture, and if they believed you and you ceased and desisted all further research and publishing, you could often get away without a death sentence. But they would definitely be checking up on you to make sure you kept your promises, and there were no second chances. It was still a jack boot on the throat of higher learning for anyone not directly employed by the church.
I bet he's "white" too.
White people have always been oppressed.
Yeah, you should learn how to read before you call anyone a retard mate. My post made precisely ZERO assertions about whether it was true or not.
Yeah, a lot of this is myth because of a few high profile cases. Like people who think Galileo was killed for saying that the Earth wasn't the centre of the universe or whatever.
>muh black peoples can't be raciss or discriminate others
>There are no historical analogues to white male persecution
>I meant 'powerful' white men only!
Ignoring the fact that the witch hunts were used as a pretense to seize the property and assets of powerful white men...
>N-no y-you're the one moving the goalposts, not me!
pic related
there weren't as many tortures as you're led to believe by popular culture
South Africa. Your case is closed.
>holy ethnic fragility complex
This. shitty /thread
Spaniards have white skin.
Therefore they are white.
"White" is not an ethnicity. Is a made up term by racist illiterate burgers.
weak bait. kys
White people are the real victims.
I'm not even on the opposite side you gibbering retard.
This is correct
That’s what I was implying.
>The implication is that witches are women. Not men.
The implication of this phrase in relation to the response to the OP is that you were pointing out a flaw in the response to the OP. If you weren't, you should have mentioned why what you said was incorrect. Otherwise it looks like an affirmation of the assumption in the OP. Retard.
I think the respective words are Culturaly Enriching and False Rape Accusations, which happen almost every day
All kinds of people of all races are real victims of other's wrongs
Who the fuck is that? what do I care if some dumb asshole can't figure simple shit out? This is why I am not reproducing. I can't justify putting my own flesh and blood through the shit they will have to endure once society FINALLY collapses. It won't be tomorrow, but it will be less than 100 years.
ever been an irish slave shipped off to australia to work as a slave for the british government, yes they worked under the whip
You sound like you have a mental disability. The retard (you) said: >witch hunts didn't affect white people. When the implication was that witch hunts didn't affect white men. I corrected you on your misinterpretation of the tweet's intention so you could understand why the tweeter didn't consider that a hypocritical example. Again, be more literate please.
History will show that Trump is one of if not the greatest man of our time. And for thousands of years to come when someone is right and winning but haters are all butthurt making up lies we will say man your really Trumping me right now huh go cry snowflake. And the snowflake will go cry because they know.
Nope, white people deserve more. They work harder.
ok boomer
Sorry the white race has been the dominant force in literally every skilltree known to man since the dawn of time?
haha the mental gymnastics. Holy shit try even harder mongoloid.
Olaf Trygbason, practitioner of a Semitic religion, lured male practitioners of indigeous European religions to his hall under pretense of hospitality, then burned them alive. Stupid SJWs are fucking stupid.
I'm literally saying that the tweeter is a retard with no understanding of history. However I'm also saying that you're a retard with no understanding of English. Your yank schooling is shining through.
There were white men who were persecuted during witch trials and have been lynched. This asinine tweet is steeped in both historical ignorance and over simplification.
Well, what do you expect? It's the standard product of liberal education: feelz>realz
White men have been persecuted so much in this country it's ridiculous
You never mentioned that in the original post and are now attempting to re-characterize what you said. You may have intended that, but the post in context does not show that intention. seethe.
whatever,1st world privileged dumbass
Yeah, in case it's not clear, this entire post is the reason I'm calling you a retard. You might have autism. Actual, diagnosable autism. Your reading comprehension skills are indicative of an American education.
>liberal education
as opposed to "hamberders" and "yuge" conservative education.because donald trump pretty much proved that both liberals and conservatives are stupid
oy vey
barbary slave trade
>Like people who think Galileo was killed for saying that the Earth wasn't the centre of the universe or whatever.
They forced him to stop saying that or the consequences would have most likely been severe.
He listened, because the last guy who didn't was publicly burned to death .
Good point well put. A lot of content in that post.
Yeah, you should actually read about why Galileo was treated the way he was. It wasn't because of his views. He was a cunt.
There's always been oppression of people all other the world it's just when white people did it they did it to themselves
Imagine being such a piece of shit that you actually defend the inquisition.
Again, not my fault you're too retarded to understand what's being said to you.
Imagine being such a yank that you get your information about history from the media and pop culture like Monty Python.
You seem to be the one that thinks the inquisition just served people tea in a comfy chair
>There are no historical analogues to white male persecution
Slavery happened in Europe as well.
The orthodox Catholics sure were swell guys, true men of god. No political motivations. Nope, the inquisition was noble guys.
Read more than one secondary source before attempting to have a conversation, especially one as biased as the one you've obviously been exposed to.
I refer you to the Dark Ages, and invite you to fuck off.
The Inquisition killed about 3000 people. Total. Less than 9/11 on its own. During that same timeframe, about 50,000 people were killed elsewhere in Europe for being witches. Witchcraft, for that matter, was considered barely more than a superstition by the Inquisition. It was a fucking joke to them. As far as they were concerned, it didn't even exist. They went so far as to point out that witches were never a thing until someone made the first accusation, then suddenly everyone was a witch. They didn't even ban heretical books, but books that they were worried retards would misunderstand and fuck up the teachings of.
Serioously, learn history. Two seconds of research would tell you this shit.
The word "slavery" literally comes from the word "slav".
Classic "something else worse happened so it makes this other horrible thing okay" logic. Brilliant. Simply brilliant.
DL Hugely is a no-talent shit-smeared dumbfuck.
No, that's not what I said. I'm telling you that capital punishment isn't evil. The best you have to work from here is what people were killed for. Do you know what they were killed for? A few hundred of that 3000 were killed for raping children. Did you know that?
>The Inquisition killed about 3000 people. Total. Less than 9/11 on its own
And that makes it just fine and acceptable?
Oh, only 3000 religiously motivated murders. That's very reassuring. I'm sure glad that they had a time limit for their "torment" and doctors were on hand in case of any serious medical issues. Truly paragons of justice.
For the time the inquisition wasn't any worse than most judicial bodies, but that doesn't make them righteous. It just means the world was a shitty place.
Yep, and I know of plenty of people who have been to jail for crimes they didn't commit. Just because someone is accused of something doesn't mean they should be put to death.
Executing a man for raping a 12 year old boy sounds like a reasonable thing to me. Not to you?
Yes. A court assigning less capital punishment than modern day America sounds fine to me.
Correct. That's why they were tried and convicted. It was a court, you retard. Not a gang of executioners running around putting people down on the street like yank police.
What was the first commandment again? Just because some dude did something awful, it doesn't make doing more awful things okay. Learn to morals.
lmfao, you are too stupid to understand what I am saying. Good day.
Not if your claim to the right to punish them sprouts from the church. The Rule of Law should be secular or even the allegations against the accused are questionable.
Any court that can impose torture to extract confession is not a legitimate court.
Thou shalt not murder. Murder is very different from what you think it is. You're embarrassing yourself now.
You need to do some research. Seriously. This is really easily researched stuff. Just spend ten minutes now googling. You'll be better for it. Take you atheist panties off and go learn.
they still can't name one lol
>Just research bro I'm totally right even though I'm just spouting shit I heard second hand from an apologist.
which one of us needs to do research? or are you so stupid that you think we are the same person? Also what exactly are you telling me to research? and why is it that you assume i am an atheist? Seems pretty close minded of you.
So, you're saying that a court that can utilize torture to extract a confession is a legitimate court?
>Yes. A court assigning less capital punishment than modern day America sounds fine to me.
Holy shit. You support people being killed for heresy because America has used the death penalty for murderers?
Literally wikipedia will tell you this shit, you dullard.
All of you are equally ignorant. I'm speaking to all you. Hence why I addressed all of you. Keep up.
Research. Do it.
Again, research. Research who was actually executed by the Inquisition and what for. You're parroting shit you've read on r/atheism and it shows.
>Again, research. Research who was actually executed by the Inquisition and what for.
I have
>You're parroting shit you've read on r/atheism and it shows
You're an idiot and it shows
Tell me. Tell me what they were executed for. Let's see that research at work mate.
"its everyone else"
Keep telling yourself that user.
>hurr durr educate yourself shitlord
Google. It's right there.
Google can't tell you how to process information. Or in your case, the lack thereof.
Research what nigger. Every claim you bring up is paper thin. Actually attempting to defend the inquisition is not an easy position and you should be prepared to have some seriously heavy hitting arguments if you intend to do it.
What they were executed for according to the church is less important than the judicial standards held by the court trying them. Torture to extract confessions is not a way to get reliable confessions. The assumption of innocence is not present in inquisitorial trials. Once again, compared to contemporary courts they're not substantially worse, but that doesn't make them excusable. The inquisition was above all a political tool used by the catholic orthodoxy to discredit their opposition. Any legitimate trial they performed is poisoned by that.
>why won't everyone educate themselves?! Reeeeeeeee shitlords!
Could somebody please tell those mouth-breathing niggers about Vlad the Impaler, or the Appian Way, where six thousand slaves were crucified as a warning to whoever defied Marcus Licinius Crassus for 120 miles between Rome and Capua.
I'll give you one example since you seem so ignorant.
They executed this person for "Judaizing" (asserting the necessity of continued obedience to the Law of Moses)
I can tell by your fear of research that you know I'm right.
>Every claim you bring up is paper thin
It's literal, documented fact.
Levack, Brian P. (1995). The Witch Hunt in Early Modern Europe (Second Edition).
Start there. Then have a look into some of Thomas Madden's work. Then some Kamen.
The Inquisition weren't even legally allowed to execute people. They had to hand off criminals to the King to be executed.
Because the oppression of the Irish isn't tough in schools.
Or the one hundred year war between England and France.
Or the Inquisition.
Then again who does it benefit when you embrace being a victim.
You will always be a victim.
How about you stop subjugating yourself. Stop blaming everything on everyone else and GROW THE FUCK UP!
Yes, the king who was being supported by the church and was using the inquisition to solidify his political base. If you think Levack would defend the inquisition as a judicial body, you're literally brain dead.
Killing Jews is a good thing.
>finally concedes that I'm right
Took your time.
Wasn't killed by the Spanish Inquisition. Which we're discussing. Keep up.
I suppose if you completely change the point you were arguing, you can retrospectively claim to be right. Don't worry, I won't continue to shit on you. You can go on thinking that you're capable of critical thought.
>The Inquisition found him guilty, and he was burned at the stake in Rome's Campo de' Fiori in 1600.
>The inquisition did nothing wrong!
BASED george
I appreciate your finally conceding.
He was killed by the Roman Inquisition, you dullard. Again, do at least TWO FUCKING SECONDS of research before you post. Instead of googling "Man killed by inquisition" and pasting the top result here.
Lol, you still can't figure out that we are separate people. You are so stupid that multiple people have dropped what they were doing to correct you and your ass is so stupid that you can't figure out that its more than 1 or 2 people. Jesus fucking christ you are hopeless.
I'm bullying all of you. You're being addressed for a reason. Keep up.
>Again, research. Research who was actually executed by the Inquisition and what for.
You just keep moving the goalpost
Not sure you understand the definition of the word bully.
ding ding ding
this fucker paid attention in school. or is a mp fan lul
We're talking about the Spanish Inquisition and you said "HA THIS MAN WAS KILLED BY THE ROMAN INQUISITION! GOT YA!" You braindead monkey
Not sure you understand the definition of basically any word you read, being yank-educated and all.
Trump is a liberal. Both sides have plenty of idiots though. I agree.
Christians treated poorly by the Roman Empire for believing in what Rome called a 'superstitious' religion. They were commonly fed to lions at the Colosseum.
Treatment of opposing religions by Jews, Christians, and Muslims during the Crusades.
Feudalism in the Middle Ages where individuals were born into a specific class or role, such as lord or peasant, and were treated based on that standing.
Religious persecution during the European Reformation of those who went against the Catholic Church by forming new religions, such as Calvinism.
Harassment, trial, and execution of scientifically minded thinkers during the Enlightenment.
Religious persecution in Europe causing pilgrims to leave and establish the American colonies.
Show trials during McCarthyism in the 1950s which sought to blacklist Americans suspected of being communists.
Attitudes of East Germany vs. West Germany during the era of the Berlin Wall.
The list goes on.
Witch hunts targeted both men and women. And lynchings targeted both whites and blacks. Id ask If they were retarded, but they're leftist, so I already know that.
what are you? a fucking parrot? learn how to think for yourself.
imagine seriously trying to educate someone on Yea Forums
how stupid and egomaniacal are you
He's just baiting, he changes his position and attempts to move goalposts. It's not worth engaging with him.
We are not just talking about the Spanish Inquisition.
>Literally parrots my posts back at me when he realises he's lost
I'll take it lol
Not a single position of mine has changed. The Spanish Inquisition was the fairest court in Europe. It killed less people than any other court in Europe. It did not believe in witchcraft. It wasn't a bad thing.
You need help.
>The Spanish Inquisition was the fairest court in Europe
You should kill yourself
It's okay to lose arguments mate. Take it on the chin and move on. Slip back into anonymity.
>You need help
You need morals
Killing Jews and child rapists is a good thing.
>It's okay to lose arguments mate
Well you certainly aren't on the winning side
This was the best you could come up with? I'm the only who provided numbers. Data. Nobody else has. There's a reason for that.
Sounds racist to me. Like apparently white people can't be victims, or something. Sorry, too much Political Correctness and "woke" bullshit here has set off my alarm.
He must have been saying that to himself, that or he is just incapable of learning or hearing any viewpoint that isn't as blatently retarded as he is.
Killing the political opponents of the castillian and aragon monarchs is not a moral good, and persecuting non-catholics is also not a moral good.
Any moron can provide random statistics and number to support anything they choose. It doesn't mean a fucking thing if you lack the brainpower to analyze and understand that data.
That poster didn't even give citations, just made claims
>random statistics
Literally the only relevant statistics. Feel free to provide literally any data that counters it.
I LITERALLY cited the very book where the stats came from.
Persecuting non-catholics is a moral good.
You've made my point for me. Remember, this is what othodox catholics actually believe. Never turn your back around them.
I was just foolin. It was a very easy way to expose you as an r/atheism faggot though lol
>I LITERALLY cited the very book where the stats came from.
Oh, so we're to assume all the shit you said is somewhere in a book that was mentioned in one post
>I was just pretending
Yeah, quit while you're behind lol
Now that he is caught, he will recoil from the truth. Take note.
You've been saying this yourself all along
Don't forget that zhe claims that all xis started information is easily google-able, but is only able to cite books as a source, while simultaneously starting that we must acquire and read these books in order to tell zhim that xe's a fucking faggot
Lol you've presented precisely zero arguments. You've just cried about your edgy atheist bros being treated meanly by the big bad catholics without a lick of evidence. You have lost. Accept it.
I have presented statistics and data. Facts. Keep up.
Yes, I won't spoonfeed some illiterate yank monkeys on Yea Forums. I shockingly have better things to do with my time. The evidence is there if you wish to read it. If you would rather wallow in your self-imposed ignorance, because it provides a most effective shield from debate, then that's on you.
>"White" is not an ethnicity. Is a made up term by racist illiterate burgers.
Swing and a miss.
>I have no argument
I knew that an hour ago
gg ez
The catholic church will nail an evangelical, a jew, a muslim, or even a catholic who doesn't do as he's told to a wall just as easily as an atheist. My religion doesn't matter, and I have not made it clear nor will I. Anyone who believes in a secular society in which we follow a rule of law will find what you've presented here detestable.
You were demolished from start to finish. Sometimes you just meet your superior. Today was that day for you.
>I have not made it clear
Yes you have, edgy r/atheism faggot lmao
>my bros over at r/atheism wouldn't like you
This is the worst case of coping and self soothing I've seen on Yea Forums all week
I think you'll find the majority of people believe in a secular state and judiciary. You don't have to be an atheist to recognize that the church, any church, and perhaps especially your own church shouldn't have political power. But continue calling me an atheist, you're only making a fool of yourself.
the majority of victims of lynching were white men.
I'm confused user, at what time was he doing something besides making a fool of himself?
Imagine being so desperate to play the victim you pretend that because somewhere, sometime, people of your race were the victim of something, you are also part victim.
>more buzzwords
>zero facts
I accept your concession.
You mongoloids literally have "God" printed on your money lol. Be quiet. You're atheist purely because mummy made you wake up early for church.
Witch hunts generally involved women not men.
this post was brought to you by the jews and niggers gang
>I'm not a catholic I swear guys! I was only fooling!
>more buzzwords
>zero facts
Sums up this post
Keep grasping lol
Continue deflecting. You glow in the dark.
>n-no u
anyway, captcha's being annoying, so i'll head to bed. I'm sure you'll all continue to cry in this thread anyway, proving that you are seething beyond belief at having dealt with a superior human being.
Is this the same retard that keeps saying r/atheism?
That would be some hilarious hypocrisy.
Deceit is a sin. Confess.
Your cringiest post yet
Maybe you ought to work on your self esteem issues in another way.
It is. After his thread got btfo, OP tried to derail it by claiming the Inquisition was good. When that failed, he resorted to name calling and ad hom attacks. It was funny, in a pathetic kind of way
i can tell you're new because you don't know how to check for samefag. the same guy saying r/atheism was also making fun of jews and nignogs for pretending they're oppressed.
Hanged, drawn and quartered would be too much of a hassle to say.
Lynching is named after a white guy. Who was lynched.
Men were killed during the Salem Witch Trials, and men have been accused of being witches throughout history.
This entire post is poorly-educated, quasi-intellectual hogwash.
I can tell you're new because you don't know how to check em
What a great point. Educational as well.