Rip northwest fags
Get out while you can
People have been infected way earlier than the cdc suspected
Rip northwest fags
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>When even fucking Colombia did a better job of quarantining the people they repatriated than burgerland did
9 people have died! EVERYONE PANIC!!!!!!!!!!
it's not a virus. It's a cure. We need it to spread.,
This. Now go out there user, and start licking light switches and doorknobs to prove everyone wrong! You are the hero we need.
>cuts to the CDC
>virus spreads
>CDC didn't see this coming
>best solution is to just pray about it
Get fucked, lol
you should visit the sick to prove the CDC wrong and educate idiots
Today has been a bad day for the US, and cases from the Californian guy who walked about with the virus infecting others are finally starting to come out of incubation.
Don't be surprised by the end of the week when you have over 1000 cases and more deaths.
Because to be blunt 80%+ of Americans are not healthy and overweight. It is going to kill you big time.
As I just finished typing that another case appeared so 122 now.
tell a lie its now 126.