Just took some ketamine

Just took some ketamine.

What can I expect?

Attached: Ketamine.png (690x552, 451K)

Other urls found in this thread:


being high

imagine playing mario kart, and suddenly, you take the blue pill.

Bloody or cloudy urine
bluish lips or skin
blurred vision
chest pain or discomfort
confusion as to time, place, or person
difficult or troubled breathing
difficult, burning, or painful urination
difficulty with swallowing
dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position
fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat
frequent urge to urinate
holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by fact
irregular, fast or slow, or shallow breathing
not breathing
pale or blue lips, fingernails, or skin
puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there
shortness of breath
skin rash
tightness in the chest
unusual excitement, nervousness, or restlessness
unusual tiredness or weakness

Winning at all aspects of life.
Take more, win more, repeat.

To be date raped, obviously

Walking on sunshine

Why would anyone ever do Ketamine if this were the case

Everything feels really heavy brah. Like. Every-fucking-thing is weighing me down.

I keep staring blankly into space for a while and forgetting where I am.

This shit is weird. It's really popular here in the UK. Do you take ket in US?

You're about to become a human fleshlight

its called *possible* side effects
not guaranteed
he wanted to know what he can expect
so there is the list

Woooah, walking on sunshine??
Time to feel good!!

>Do you take ket in US?

It's very uncommon here. I've literally never seen any, or known anyone who's had some.

What about the fun ones

oh you can paste from the internet, good for you

Because it’s less worse than krokodil.
Which reminds me,,,,
OP, also do krokodil.

Attached: B186B4E7-831C-45E3-8F84-B2F1B5A0538F.jpg (1000x600, 103K)

Seriously though. How the fuck do people go out and party on this stuff at music festivals and shit? All I wanna do is just melt into the sofa and go to sleep.

I’m not in US.

Its so fun to dance when you're rocked

i've done MXE, it made my body sluggish, it kinda wasn't very controllable, at the same time my mind was quite clear, interesting substance, I want to try IV ketamine one day, it might help with my treatment-resistant depression.

Its common enough if you know the right people but harder to get than other things the US hasnt seen the light when it comes to kizzle

What do I do now boys?

I took some. Felt high. Went weird and dissociative. Now it's kinda balanced out and I'm just kinda high like I would be with weed now.

Do I take some more or what?

Just don't do alot and then mix it with mdma and weed

what kind of measurement unit is "some"?

If the room isn't vibrating you havnt taken enough


sugar crystals?

Always take more


Mix with coke

One of these in each nostril innit.

Attached: 2048.jpg (974x1000, 50K)


I'm trusting you guys on this. Doing some more now.

I can't afford cocaine m8. I could once upon a time and then I lost it all.

Had more?

Jesus Christ.

I'm pretty sure I'm really high.

This feels like being sloppy drunk mixed with a few puffs on a joint. Is this what ket is? Just a shortcut to these feels?

You’re at the weird bit. Probably need more but wait 10min.
You need to power through the weird and into the RAD.

That means you need to do more until you're properly feeling it

never tried it, friends told me it can be psychedelic trippy if you are already rolling or drunk

you can take it as far as you want, you are literally just in the first phase. Ive taken ket so many times now, its ridiculous but always an adventure

Keep doing more till it's impossible to do more

That’s the spirit user!
If you can still type a coherent sentence, you’re not even scratching the surface.

take as far as you want? what does that even mean?

what do you think
k-hole ofcourse kek


More is more. Keep taking more, keep getting higher. Simple.
Feel a bit weird right though to round the universe trip.

An overdose

What do I do now lads?

I've had 4 snorts based on .

Kinda just feeling wavy and like I don't wanna move or do anything and just wanna stay on my laptop and game.

Is this a sign I should take more?

Eat it don't snort it wtf

You're losing 90% of it by not eating

yes its a sign to take more, quit gaming and put some calm music on. take 2 more snorts now and your vision should get a little more blurry. you're on the right path brother

He's right OP

You will k hole before you od go hard bro

This. Stick to drugs that you can do anons, not drugs that can do you.

>Is this a sign I should take more?


Snorting is so satisfying though lads.

meet some tweakers and ask them if they're fun

Is ket popular in other countries other than the UK?

What's the equivalent in the US? Codeine/Percocet?

A future working as a bariata

Shut the fuck up you fairy faggot. K is the safest drug to do second to pot. It's pretty hard to OD on because you go into a hole before you have a chance to ingest more. Go spread your wikipedia bullshit somewhere else and let user have some fucking fun.

Fuck it. It's fading. Time to take some more lads. Wish me luck.

Ketamine is as expensive as coke here


You’ll be fine you fucking Portuguese rocket dildo. Hit it.

how much do you need to take for a k-hole?

Light dose: 15-30mg
Common dose: 30-75mg
Strong dose: 60-125mg
Heavy ("K-hole"): 100-250mg
Light dose: 50-100mg
Medium dose: 75-300mg
Strong dose: 200-450mg
Heavy ("K-hole"): 500mg+
Intramuscular injection
Light dose: 15-30mg
Medium dose: 25-50mg
Strong dose: 40-100mg
Heavy ("K-hole"): 60-125mg


Well please only eat for me! You're wasting so much fun.
You're getting much better highs through eating. Also you won't nose bleed!
If you get too high, breathe rapidly and drink some water.

This is not correct. Snorting only absorbs a small fraction of the chemicals
Oral dosage is much more efficient but unfortunately has a come-up time that's around 1,5h or so

To get high off the ketamine, and eventually come down off it. What did you think was going to happen?

From what I've been told, rip-roaring gay sex.

Attached: soydick.png (1040x740, 1.79M)

How fast it is absorbed VS how fast it catabolized plays a more important role compared to what percentage of the ingested substance is actually absorbed.

I was talking about the pleasurable part of a ketamine high. Why are you talking about opioids and tweakers??

>tfw always wanted to try it
>live in southern wv so i have no idea where to get it
>no mescaline either

one day im gonna order some cacti online but i wish i could find it pre made

You really wanna puke up some shit cactus stew? Rather get the mescaline hcl

thats what i mean i want the hcl but my chances of finding it locally are microscopically small if not impossible.

Can't you just go to any relatively big city nearby and find anythign you want on the streets?

it'd be at least a 4 hour drive and i mean you make it sound so easy. i can't just get mescaline from the local crack dealer.

user is just too pussy to ask around

somewhat right. im an extreme introvert and people would most likely think im sketch af

Don't you have friendly house dealers inside your nightclubs?

i was the same you just need to say fuck it and ask or you wont get anything

no clubs like that really around here

youre right, i have to change something cause my current approach DEFINITELY isn't working

yeah man the more you ask around the more contacts you get worked for me