My girlfriend of five years is about to leave me Yea Forums. I've been sobbing all goddamn day...

My girlfriend of five years is about to leave me Yea Forums. I've been sobbing all goddamn day. Anyone here been through something similar? I'm not trying to unfuck the situation. I wish to God I could. But all I'm asking for is a bit of friendly banter and maybe a story or two. Thanks anons.

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As someone in an amazing relationship, i bet you wish you were me rn

kek. Shouldn’t have fucked up, OP

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>I've been sobbing all goddamn day.
Stopped reading right there.

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I used to say that kind of shit too. Truly never saw it coming.

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Trips have spoken.
OP is a jessie and should snuff himself out.

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Whatever floats your boat man.

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>My girlfriend of five years is about to leave me Yea Forums.


>I've been sobbing all goddamn day.


What a sad faggot, stop caring about girls. This is your own fault

Why is she leaving you?

Give us the details m8

Throw another log on the bonfire. Fine with me.

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OP. you'll get over it eventually. Let it all out. Get drunk. Walk it off.

Bro breakups aren’t easy there tough, but trust me when I say time heals most everything. Invest in yourself being single and work I’m becoming the man you wanna be. Be single and bang as many chicks as you can just be safe. Join a gym workout it well help improve all aspects of your life. Hang in there I know it seems like life is over but trust me man it’s just beginning.

She said she's tired of holding onto me because she latched onto me right out of a bad relationship and despite being together so long she doesn't see a future or a way out. Said she feels trapped. Got a bit to drunk a few times a month back and said mean things to her. Cut to a month later when were doing much better and she has a full on breakdown. Lays her cards on the table so to speak.

I keep thinking about waking up alone and never seeing her there, and never hearing her car pull up in the driveway. She's my world and I'm about to lose her.

You now get to hunt some new snatch, you lucky bastard.

Here's some truth.
At this point it doesn't matter whose fault it is. It's done, it's over.
You will need time to grieve for the loss. Don't let the grief over take you.
Take the new found time to improve yourself. You will get past this.
Peter cat says so.

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Thanks user, actually teared up a little from that. Granted I'm a weepy bitch right now.

I would have to ask, OP, what's your age? More details would be helpful bro.

Twenty five. Been going out since we were 20.

I've got a few issues I need to work on. My only concern is if I'm left to my own devices if I'll sink or swim.

Just hang tough man I went thru a break up that was really bad and I was with her for 4 years, spent a year being single but in that year I got to live my life in a new light. Banged as many chicks as I could got a better job, learned a lot about myself. Now I’ve been with my lady for 7 years things get better brotha just gotta remain strong and keep moving forward.

You will swim.
Complete failure can't be an option.
This doesn't mean you won't fuck up and make some mistakes, because you will, and you can use those as learning opportunities.
So go out and swim.

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>Anyone here been through something similar?
No. You’re literally the only person in history to have a relationship end.
Call CNN, this is big news! Profit!

hide her undies, so you can have something to fap on those lonely loooooooonely days that are coming.

This advice is TRUE, you know. I was in the same situation in my 20's and you literally think the world is over. Worst pain I've ever experienced (would have much preferred physical pain) and it will take time BUT you'll mature and look differently about the whole situation in the long run. Promise.

Post pics. What’s she gonna do?
Leave you?

>She's my world and I'm about to lose her.

Pathetic. Maybe now you'll know not to make a female the center of your life like a dumb bitch

You have built your foundation upon mud and sand and now it's washing away from under you. What did you expect?

Preach it to the choir, bro. True words have never been spoken! :)

>Complete failure can't be an option.

Be aware that this is laughably dead-ass wrong.

If you have the mindset that it's not, you will work harder to improve yourself so that it doesn't happen.

Thanks for the kind words. Means the world to me right now.
Easy Machiavelli

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Is that an anime Ragnar?
Holyshit that is fucking amazing.

Granted this is a little "cliche" sounding but it really is true---life really, really is too short. You might not see it now, but it is. Be happy. Secret of life.

Yu Yu Hakusho. Watch it.

>Easy Machiavelli

Tell me in sincerity that I'm wrong.

I want to. It's just hard to picture being happy without her in my life. The best times of my life were spent with her.

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If you want to split hairs on this metaphor I feel like I'm the ocean, she's the sand, and the house is more ours than just mine. Nice trips.

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We have a life together guys. A dog, a cat, a house. She's getting of work in an hour and I don't know if I'm ready for these kind of talks.

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You want to know the part that hurts the most?? She still wants to be my friend. She told me she still loves me. Ain't that fucked up?

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>She still wants to be my friend. She told me she still loves me.

I bet you're exactly dumb enough to go along with that. Aren't you?



I think she means it. She was bawling her eyes out when she said it. She also told me I'm a good person. But in the end the message was pretty clear and that it was I'm too much of a loser to be the man she wants me to be, and she gave me a long time to figure out how to man up and I failed.

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Actually a horrible metaphor. If you were the ocean and she was the sand, you wouldn't be crying like a little bitch, you'd be pounding her over and over again. Jamal is the ocean, you are a dependent crab or mollusk.

Yeah, you're really naive. No wonder you put yourself into such a foolish situation

Basing your happiness on a woman = Misery imminent

She's going to cry and weep and say whatever it takes in order to 1: avoid any feelings of guilt on her behalf and 2: not be seen as a bad person. Do not think that you are her priority. Obviously you are not

If you don't learn from the pain, you deserve more

I'm betting that you're crying over the fact that she wised up and left your ass. You should be crying about how much of a loser you are and how you've done nothing to change yourself.

Five years? How old are you? If you're dating and not married by three, you're dead weight.

>Oh please just nourish me with false comfort and memes rather than any deeper conversation that would ultimately allow me to grow as a person.

Honestly you just have to know that you are not bound to anyone. It may sound nihilistic but once you understand that everything is fleeting and temporary it will be easier. As long as you had fun, your time was well spent. Godspeed op