>be........ me
>two weeks ago
>friend invites me to a masque party
>anti-social af
>He says: "C'mon user, you'll be hanging out with me, it'll be fun." >timetogetdrunk.avi
>goes to party
>getting bored, it's been 2 and a half hours and I'm just sitting in a corner drinking beers
>friend is with gf, was pretty awkward, wanted to leave
>cute girl appears with a Masquerade, covering half of her face
>"Sup user"
>I didn't know that girl...
>"Hey!... Uhhhh.."
>"Oh, Elise... cool..."
>started talking for 45 minutes, then we got very drunk, she wore that stupid mask all the time, my friend just left without telling me
>she leads me to a room
>I'm drunk af and i knew where this was going, so I went with the flow
>we got undressed... well I got undressed... she only lowered her pants and told me this...
>"I want you to fuck me in the ass user
>"Consider it considered"
>have sex, she finally put that mask off 6,5/10,
>Still drunk af, I started shouting quotes from the bible...
>She interrupts me..
>"user, I have to tell you something"
>"What?" >She lowers her underwear, revealing a small dick >AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg
>My brain started melting, I had so many thoughts and emotions going through my brain
>Tried to play it smart "Well, you didn't actually tell me anyth..."
>Brain stops, I realized what I've just done
>I ran to the bathroom
>Locked the door
>Threw up, saw a bit of blood
>"Everything OK user?" she said...
>Didn't answer >I left the room
>"CYA Elise"
>I didnt sleep well that night
>next morning, depression kicked in
>we started texting
>Im afraid to see her/him again
>I have existential crisis
>I fucked a man Help me Yea Forums Pic related
Be........ me
too long, didn't read
tl;dr kys
this is my story, faggot, I just happen to post it more than one once. IDIOT
I'm waiting for the punchline. When are the lyrics for the Prince of bel air coming up?
not a singe word did I understand of what you said
>bones a male
>obsesses over it
>calls someone a faggot
>bones a male
>too stupid to tell it's not a female
>calls someone an idiot
And that is why you are a newfag. I hope corona fucks you in the ass like you did to that guy in the party.
No it's because you're a nigger who watches shows for niggers
>being a faggot
>doesn't know
Go ahead and explain how I'm wrong
Would you say that you love having gay sex, or that you merely adore it?
I'm saying that I made a mistake, now bow down and eat my shit
I'm good, but you'll probably inadvertently(?) end up doing that during your long future career of giving guys rimjobs, now that you're a homosexual.
lol ok
What a lame way to write down an insult, just open your mouth and fill it with trash
You'll be filling yours with cock from now on. You knew perfectly well that was a guy. This is how it begins.
he's gross
only passable trannies are worth it OP, pic related
end it or live a mediocre unhappy life, your choice
Nice LARP.
>revealing a small dick
So it was a feminine penis. It's all good! You're not gay! :-D
The only thing I will end is this tranny's life with my shovel
even the dogs laugh at you
you'll be dead soon from aids so wouldn't worry about it
>I fucked a man Help me Yea Forums
Yes you can read
Stop being an idiot and just give her/him a chance
You have to kick his ass. If you don't then you will turn gay. It's the only way to save your manhood.
More photos
I can also distinguish a male human from a female. Just kidding, you can too, you knew what you were doing.
You don't need to get all mad because you're gay, lots of people are, nbd
Would you fuck me, OP?
I take that back you clearly can't read the part where I was drunk
Not the guy you were replying to, but I don't care how fucking smashed or how fucking many sheets to the wind I am, I can spot a tranny from 50 paces.
Mask? Take that shit off.
Want anal? Nope!
If I don't see a vag clearly and plainly, I am not sticking my dick in there.
But then again, I also don't fuck strangers, so there's that.
yes if gil and more pics
>I was drunk
Liquid courage for taking that first bold step out of the closet.
Just because you were drunk doesn't mean you didn't know what you were doing. You sound like a female.
People are different from each other
Nah, you're just trolling at this point.
You're God damned right! XD
I would
It ain't gay if you're the one doing the fucking. Both guys and girls have butt holes. So just close your eyes and pretend
Yes this is great, please get naked and put stuff in your holes :>
I think I'll save this for the next "girls you want to see blacked" thread.
*Sips beer.*
At what point did I indicate I thought little miss 5 o' clock shadow was actually a girl? ;-)
You got laid OP. Stop being a bitch and go suck her dick.
Trips say OP has to go suck the feminine benis
yes I refuse
You refuse to follow the law of the trips. And you call other people newfags.
Okay, op... Look... Let's assume you're not a lying, larping faggot.
You stuck your dick in a guy's ass. This is the kind of shit that trans ppl say doesn't happen, but here you are.
Just ghost him and move tf on. Don't let it bother you. If you turn out to like dick later on, so fucking what? Own that shit! Fuck dudes. Fuck chicks. Whatever. Be gay. Be bi. Hell, my wife is bi. She was married to another woman for 12 years. BFD!
You're still you. You're still alright. You're not gross or anything. You got trolled. But you're not "damaged" or something.
This guy gets it. I'd add stop being a bitch. Chill with trap. Maybe they're cool as fuck. No more lonelies. If you can't get over the gay then ghost them.
Not sure you can ever wash that off without Jesus my friend. Just WOW!
Flex Tape can't fix that
No, not even if you were born with a vagina kys SEX WAR NOW
op was drunk and fucked a tranny now hes asking us how to cope
Shit happens. Get an STD test. If that comes back clean, consider it a lesson learned about easy lays that could have gone WAY worse.