What’s up Yea Forumsros, help a dood out...

What’s up Yea Forumsros, help a dood out? Matched with girl and she asked if we could hang out and go on a drunken escapade. She’s under 21 so bars and clubs are out of the picture. It’s up to me brahs, what do?

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Trust in yourself!

.......how old are you?

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She’s gonna drop you as soon as she realizes you have no friends or parties to go to.

This is the sad reality, but I hope OP realises that if this isn't his lifestyle, then she's not gonna be the right kind of girl and there will be a more suitable girl round the corner

> but damn i gotta think present options now before your birthday
> never met her
> already trying to but her shit
wow. you're a one seriously pathetic betafag. did you also tell her multiple times that she's beautiful? you'll ruin it no matter what so it doesn't matter what you do with her.

This. Every time a girl says “aww ur so sweet” her vagina dries out and seals up

>zoomers are massive simps

She says lol every sentence.
Just delete her, she’s a speckle nodder


Wtf is a speckle nodder?

Ask her if she ever fucked a nigger

Organize a house party, you idiot.
Or buy a large bottle of coke, drink a couple of glasses and fill it back up with vodka. Now you can drink alcohol anywhere in public. Invite her out, have some drinks, get food from a stand, chill somewhere and chat and drink.
Or wait 2 weeks.

>house party
With no friends

This, but at a house party and bring cocaine. She seems like a party slut. Get her buzzed and horny.

A calm car ride is nice

Just you, her, an old country road and your kill bag.

Penis dont work coked up

Invite her over to watch a movie that has an accompanying drinking game. Get tipsy on something that won't make her sick, don't finish movie, make out and proceed to foreplay and plowing. Ez.

I find my boner won't quit when I'm on coke, sex drive is out of control. But then again, I don't do it that often, maybe twice a year.

Lol. Not worth it unless she is a 10/10. She will get caught for underage drinking and she will point the finger at you


You're on tinder. You match with a girl who wants to go on a drunken escapade. She's probably DTF with minimal effort (just organise something where she has access to drinks).


Now you're the desperate guy who will buy her shit. The "nice guy".

You haven't even met the girl yet and you're already buying her presents? Simp.

This. OP fucked up an easy lay like a smoothbrained retard. There's dozens of cucks she's met on Tinder she will never even meet unless it's for free food, now you're just apart of that group

I usually do but I figured it would be fun to make a thread lmao
22 and in college you skeever bait
Fucking gold, and very true. I have friends though but we always go out to clubs and bars. I transferred in to this school my sophomore year and I never joined a frat so I’ve only been to a a handful of parties
Thanks user, yeah I mean I won’t lie I mostly made a tinder again just for the ego boost and while I liked pulling on there before, I’ve come to realize a lot of the girls are trash lmao
It was a joke user, I’m not buying her shit got dam, she literally asked me to hang out
Do you think she took me seriously? I assumed she understood it was a joke
Interesting point, might think about it. I live in an apt with my two ex girlfriends so I doubt that would happen with the party
Could I ask to do this at her place
Good point honestly
Heard loud and clear haha I assumed she thought it was a joke, but yeah i assume she’s easy