Finally unbanned.
Watch out bitches, I'm back.
Gonna soon stir up some shit. Hahahaha.
Finally unbanned
Omg, I think I know who you are.
Fuck this.
I think I know who this guy is too.
Fuck. Who?
a gigantic samefag?
No, sorry lil bucko.
who is he faggots...
No one. Literally no one.
Why was he banned?
He posted a bunch of naked pics of his “little sister” she was obviously like 8 real sick fuck
Some cop spam fag
is this the faggot who was posting about that ukrainian hoes asshole?
You mean guy who was calling that girl who looked partially plastic akin to a goddess?
It's the dude who pushed a suicidal livestreamer to suicide and then posted the screenshots and video's he made of it. It got some unwanted attention to the board here.
Fuck you pervert. You dont deserve to be here.
Because he's a sick fuck. A real sick dude.
O.o chaos?
well you have been unbanned for an hour now and I haven't seen anything even remotely ban worthy, therefore I conclude that this is fake and gay and OP is a cock juggling fag
They really should add "only click on threads that discuss family friendly topics and wont trigger jannies" to the global rules.
OP is the queen of faggots
OH GOD NO! pls dont (;﹏;) im scared
Confirmed OPs a paedophile
This! It's a lonely samefag that sucks husbands dick
What Jannies?
Why does Yea Forums even unban people who post cp?
testing to see if im unbanned
Because Yea Forums is run by pedos
I've had this one before
If they banned everyone who did there would be no one left
HOLY SHIT guys watch out for le ebin troll XD
Can't you wait for a couple hours?
I wanna be home when shit hits the fan.
This is like the 20th time for me. Fuck jannies
So no ones going to tell me what jannies are?
Google it newfag...
Dubs and janis ban op
Whose all been banned before, how long and for what reason?
Been here since 08 faggot and why should I
me. lost track of how many times. different reasons. most funny one to me was autoban on /gif/ for trying to post tiny texie in a midget thread.
You'd hate my guts if I told you why.
>whats a jannie
>been here for 12 years
Nobody believes you newfag
It's Pete Buttigieg.
I was banned once for "posting personal information" except that the most I ever post is "moar" or "faggot." Maybe I called out a mod for what they really are.
Janitors you fucking cockmongler
Test unban