Rate my dick

Rate my dick

Attached: Dick1.png (708x947, 842K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Dick2.png (715x953, 906K)

Attached: Dick3.png (717x951, 880K)

100% certified average, nothing to see here move along

Attached: honk.jpg (300x168, 10K)

How old are you?


Attached: 05019422-7A8B-4788-B379-607B9E6B32C4.jpg (1920x1080, 448K)

Cut and shopped. 0/10

Attached: 1581355053608.png (1440x2560, 1.89M)

Stfu uncut anteater dick.

Attached: 435ACFF9-BEEB-4387-A309-0740FFBF827B.jpg (613x464, 57K)

more of that huge dick

Attached: 1581350464109.jpg (1080x1920, 283K)


Attached: mfw-Trump.jpg (644x408, 72K)

Imagine being such a jelly cutfag
You saved this pic on your computer


Attached: 5FBE9E3F-0B7D-4AC4-A3B4-C51C70F1ED21.jpg (750x420, 64K)

good god

Mad about what? youre the one with the cut dick. I could get cut if i wanted, you'll never be uncut
Uncut 1 cutfags 0

imagine having a smelly uncut cock

Attached: uncut1470903981325.jpg (665x1184, 77K)

It must be all the porn you watch. Staring at all those big cut dicks..you begin to feel a bit inferior.

Attached: 66EC4DDF-7224-4357-96A2-ADFCA754E674.jpg (750x778, 85K)

I'm literally bigger then that tho
Uncut 2 cutfags 0

Pics or it didn't happen.

I tagged it that's my dick retard

Eh..it's alright. How big?

Snap: ncf03

Attached: 1536319426111.jpg (600x800, 195K)

That's the first 10/10 I've ever seen here on Yea Forums. Man, I would suck you and play with your foreskin all day long.

Uncut feels great. There's nothing like the feeling of your smooth head and the inside of your foreskin rubbing against each other and then cumming in it.

Cut also feels great though

fucking lmao this guy is pathetic. Clearly you're unhappy about having a cut up mutilated dick, maybe you should look in to foreskin restoration

It's probably handbreeder, aka this guy hes the only cut one here and constantly samefags

Attached: a3ef81bd.jpg (3840x2605, 628K)

Attached: uncutisappalling1412246171817.jpg (543x408, 101K)

Keep watching those big cut cocks fuck women. It's making you feel so inferior.

Actually I'm cut and doing foreskin restoration because being cut is fucking horrible

Attached: COOL-STORY-BRO.jpg (400x304, 33K)

>foreskin restoration
Literally kill yourself. You're pathetic

Lmao better than being a mind washed slave to the kikes, you're the one that should kill yourself

Lets see your sad excuse for a dick, loser

I cant imagine being so fucking dumb and brain washed that I'd defend mutilating the genitals of a baby. Do you even realize how retarded you are, or are you one of those oblivious retards?

Flawless. 10/10
Would polish for hours

>thank god im cut

Attached: 9408BC65-03B8-4027-86FA-F6C00A9FF2D9.jpg (750x873, 169K)

You sure do have a lot of pictures of uncut dicks. It's sad and painful obvious that you're hurt by the fact your genitals are mutilated and you'll never know what it feels like to have a fully functional penis. You should probably talk to a therapist about it, or you know. Kill yourself lol.


Are you fat?


Attached: uncut.gif (1000x666, 946K)

Show belly. Pref with cum splashed all over it


That's actually funny lol. Also phimosis is fixed very easily without surgery.

OP here... What the fuck is wrong with you people. I just wanted an opinion not an autistic war over cut/uncut. I'm not gay and I'm not adding any of you on snap or kick fuck off.

rate my pp pls

Attached: IMG_20200303_173434.jpg (1007x1164, 196K)

>I'm not adding any of you on snap or kick fuck off.
No one asked anyway lmao

Slap it on my face/10

As a girl rating, 8/10

Ok, then please ask. It makes me hard as diamonds

pretty hot 9/10

r8 mine

Attached: 8B2351B3-497A-4541-AC96-EAA208E31106.jpg (1942x2541, 1.36M)

Hey Yea Forumsros add my discord and we can rate each others cocks

(dot) gg/Gs7BnpT

OP here... Some faggot put their snap code on. Implying that they want everyone in the thread to add them and jack off with him.

I don't know what you mean by fat, but I'm 8kg overwieght for my BMI.

>I'm so special that all the queers want me


You're a fat cunt and an attention whore

Wow thx, thats nice to hear :)

Attached: IMG_20200303_174151.jpg (1777x2489, 1.15M)

Seething cutfag

Is it?

OP here, alright well I've had my attention quota filled for today time to close the page and start again tomorrow. Hope to see you there.

Attached: bc2627956fec45013e0157d5ed9ca6e0.0.jpg (1536x2048, 153K)

How about a rate for my boy and I? Last pic move as well

Attached: c03fbabb1a6ec71c53d56b81449e1c83.0.jpg (1500x2000, 239K)


heres mine too

Attached: dd.jpg (361x800, 44K)

yeah i guess so

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Your GF likes it

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