Need some info. Whick OS is best and why

Need some info. Whick OS is best and why.

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Which architecture are you running on?


Attached: specs.jpg (653x471, 69K)

Then Debian or Centos depending on if you want a personal setup or a production setup.

Core i7 is not PowerPC, that's just x86_64. In that case Arch Linux so you learn how Linux works.

Want to make my pc secure
I was not the one who said powerpc


I hear qubes is good for security. I used to run Mint but for some reason it can fuck up and erase all your shit on Acers (had this problem on 2 laptops and a PC). There are minimal OSs that can reduce your attack surface. When you say "security" do you mean secure from your mommy finding your porno or secure from intrusion, or something else entirely?

Temple os, god commands you.

If you want security, write your own OS.

To keep anonymity and my files safe

I was gonna suggest using Xen and then VMs on top... this qubes shit looks interesting.

Anonymity wouldn't be from your OS, you need to think about which DNS you use and how to rotate through VPNs. And to keep your files safe, LVM on LUKS, which can be done in any Posix OS.

Yeah, but that comes on top of that. OS comes first.

Windows 8.1

Op any OS is great what you need to worry about is running a VM with a VPN installed in the VM and then your normal OS run another VM.

windows 8 vanilla masterrace

I was going to second mint but now I don’t know because I never used it on a Acer

acer hardware sucks

Windows Me and Vista were the best

I agree
I've been watching this guys videos. Anyone here seen them?

Debian or ubuntu.

I am unironically falling in love with it, but you have to appreciate it for what it truly is.

Anonymity from whom? Your ISP tracks you constantly and share data with a number of state and sub-state level actors for far too many reasons. The best defense that I can think of is to use a burner laptop on a very busy public WiFi that is a bare metal OS. Take that home and inside a Faraday box/cage connect it to an air gapped intermediary device that has all the diagnostic/forensic software you need to assess what you've saved. Then connect the intermediary to the permanently isolated storage device.

Do you see how fucking cumbersome this gets? And I'm sure more experienced anons could find flaws in that methodology. A family member of mine who is a Nuanced Statistics Accountant contractor once told me, in response to my asking what is the best way to keep your computer safe from intrusion, "turned off, but don't count on that being perfect." Look up BadBIOS some time. The honest truth is that if you are a real target, someone will hit you. The best defense is to not be a target.

Checked. I always liked them when I ran Ubuntu but Mint just seems to nuke whatever POS flied lice hardware they use.

Yeah, haven't had a chance to run it yet, but it has a pretty good reputation so far. Once you get a peek behind the curtain, however small, you start to feel so fucking helpless. DPR did almost everything right and is still locked up. I want to get a yubikey but even those aren't fool proof. I am unironically becoming a templeOS fan just because connecting to a network seems like a unnecessary risk lol. If it weren't for you faggots and email I wouldn't use the internet at all.

Don't live in the states. I get your point and I agree, but I don't want a company to know more about me than I do. They already do, but never too late to put a bottleneck in their informationflow.

I hope you die in a car accident

Well that's offtopic


Attached: 1580090671491.webm (848x480, 1.09M)


Was expecting to see your temperatures at over 140 degrees.

arch i wouldsay

Nobody here using PureOS?