Who's most likely to win?

Who's most likely to win?

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This guy

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vote biden, he has a shot

bote bernie, he has a shot

Trump, duh

The fact that you chose to not include him in the race shows your ignorance

I mean, Trump is a lifelong Democrat so...

I'm talking in reference to the Dem primaries. Orange boi's chances of winning/losing is largely dependent on that tho, ofc

thats my plan

a trump supporter calling other people ignorant,thats funny.how's being poor treating you cleetus

oh,but dont worry my poor white friend.im sure a billionare who shits in a golden toilet can relate to you and your struggles

what a fucking joke republicans have turned into with donald trump


But he'll get fucked out of the nomination like last time.

Honestly I'll be happier when we have candidates born sometime after such great modern inventions, such as the floppy disk and the walkman.
Honestly listening to these doting old fools talk about anything as modern as the internet is fucking painful, how the fuck can they still be thinking shit like weed being as dangerous as heroin.

a democrat calling someone poor, lol give me free money mr sanders

Bernie or Biden.
Warren will drop out after tomorrow
Bloomberg destroyed his own campaign
And Tulsi is a joke

Treating me better than you and your 645 gender team

>I mean
suck a dick back to reeddit

every single one of the democrats besides biden wants to federally legalize marijuana

who will give me the most FREE SHIT

The Democrat National Committee will not allow Bernie to be the candidate. They didn't in 2016, and they won't in 2020. You folk should realize this.

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>the dnc didnt allow the candidate that got less votes and delegates to win the 2016 nomination

Much original cleetus. Got anymore jokes?


Gabbard for sure

Gabbard is about to make the comeback of all comebacks

No that was yang. He dropped out

The candidate with 0 delegates and polling at about 1%?

Tulsi is just so based and nice.

I guess Bernie. He'll lose, because nobody wants a socialist. If the Dems screw him over again, then there will be riots at the convention, with plenty of death.

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California has an average IQ of 95.5 despite the state banning IQ tests being done on blacks. It's barely higher than Louisiana and Mississippi, the only two states with a lower IQ, which allow blacks to take these tests. You're on the dumb side.

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Careful with that "nobody wants a socialist" line. Starting to sound like the "nobody wants a racist millionaire" crowd

>despite the state banning IQ tests being done on blacks
You serious?

title of the actual paper: "Verbal intelligence is correlated with socially and economically liberal beliefs"


Why do you dumb niggers from pol come to Yea Forums? This is the trap board

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Couldn't even be bothered to photoshop a fake source into it

Never posted on pol before lmao. Also am technically a trap so

It's a propaganda post. There's more to the measurements than he's saying, or it's an entirely made up statistic

Blue Warren will win
Purple Warren doesn't have a chance

>bernie is just like Trump
Naw fam. There's actual proof that Bernie is a socialist, and I don't recall Trump ever proudly claiming to be a racist. Trump is certainly a millionaire though.

warren is about to drop out after she loses her own state tomorrow

> Also am technically a trap so
HOT.Post proofs

Don't fall for the trap meme, user. I know a trap who's a fucking slob with a brown skidmark on their gaming chair. They're disgusting, and stinky, just like any man.

They want Biden, so Biden. He will start winning primaries from now on.

I'm talking about you so casually dismissing someone who has gotten more donations than any other candidate in history and has won 3 states already while fighting both the liberal and conservative establishment's. And you have just as much evidence that Bernie is a socialist that I have on trump being a racist. If Bernie wins its because he is everything trump is pretending to be

My man

Trump was sued by the us government for housing discrimination base on race.
His speech announcing his candidacy was a tirade on how mexicans were bringing over rapist and drug dealers.

Bernie is a soc dem and Trump is a racist. Both are very clear.


Cali - Bernie wins with Biden as a close second
Texas - Bernie and Biden tie
North Carolina - Biden wins
Virgina - Bernie wins, or ties with Biden
Mass - Warren wins, possible tie with Bernie
Minnesota - Huge Biden win
Colorado - Sanders ties with either Warren/Biden
Oklahoma - Biden wins
Arkansas - Bloomberg wins
Utah - Bernie wins
Maine - Bernie wins
Vermont - Huge Bernie win

Drop-outs: Tulsi drops out and endorses Bernie; Warren possibly drops out and endorses Biden

It's not racism if they are actually doing it tho

what would happen if bernie won a bunch of states in spite of the other candidates endorsing biden?

Why two pics of Warren?

illegal immigrants commit less crimes and are arrested less often than native born americans.

One used to be klobuchar but she recently dropped out.

Minnesota goes Bernie.


what does this mean for tomorrow?

This guy gets it.

Please ddos Bernie site tmmw

Warren will get second in cali
Biden will win virginia
Sanders will win mass

Tulsi will stay in much longer even though she'll never get above a few points in every race

Doesn't really matter. Every one of them will split the party somehow and create a Trump victory. Sure, plenty of Democrats will vote for any D they can find, but plenty will bail if their guy doesn't win. Trump will continue to be the warning flare the democrats ignore.

absolutely nothing
the people who cared about beto were already voting for biden

That's only purple Warren
Blue Warren will win

I'm pretty sure Dee is going to be a serious contender come November. Deez Nutz. HAHA GET REKT FAGGOT

Tulsi has a nice rack

what the hell are you talking about?
warren has been running a very leftist campaign
none of her policies can be considered centrist

Sanders, but he'll get ratfucked by the DNC in Milwaukee

>Ilegal immigrants

A woman won't win, so who cares.

In Minnesota, Klobuchar has been polling in first place above Bernie. Now that she's out and has endorsed Biden, would he not be the frontrunner now?

>illegal immigrants commit less crimes and are arrested less often than native born americans.

well, considering there are millions more americans than illegals, that's hardly a earth-shattering revelation.

but here's some food for thought: an illegal alien in the state of Arizona is twice as likely to commit a crime versus a natural-born citizen; in fact 90% of all heroin and fentanyl come across the southern border.

Over 10,000 kids are illegally sex trafficked across the southern border every single year.
We have 56,000 illegal immigrants in our federal prison system and countless illegals in our state penitentiary system.

135 billion dollars a year. that's how much the financial burden is on US taxpayers every single year that illegal immigrants drain from our system.

they still get arrested far less for violent crimes than americans born here.

I just wanna see a bernie vs trump debate. Biden cant even form coherent sentences. He"ll just challenge trump to a push up contest.

Cool so they evade getting arrested more than us, and?

>well, considering there are millions more americans than illegals, that's hardly a earth-shattering revelation.

the article i linked talks about per capita rates of crime not total crimes.

Biden or Bernie, honestly I kinda hope Biden wins because the debate between him and Trump would be hilarious and the bernie bros would have a literal melt down.

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From a neutral POV:

Bernie probably has the best chance of beating Trump, but there is no way the party will pick him. Biden is the most likely candidate the Dems will put forward unless Bloomberg bribes them.

However Biden I think probably has the least chance of beating Trump, he's like a less popular Hillary.

Now Trump Vs Bloomberg? No clue, probably Bloomberg because he can put Trump Trump

Just to play devil's advocate here...
Is it not true that 100% of the crimes committed by illegal immigrants could be stopped by preventing them from being here in the first place?

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Statistically that would raise the crimes per capita in america.

here's your prize

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Biden has a much higher favorability than hillary.

I don't think Bernie can beat Trump. I know lots of his backers do, but I don't think he can this time. Bernie has a history of pro-communism, and has surrounded himself with violent Marxist thugs. He has also displayed pretty pathetic weakness at his own rallys. Trump won't run a clean campaign. Every pro communist statement. Every little nasty thing one of his supporters, and for that matter employees, has said or done. Every sign of weakness. These will be pointed out with a navy grade spotlight for the world to see. Sure, you'll get all the hard democrats and some of the dinos, but they can't win it for you. And the more centrist a person is, the more likely they are to abstain, vote 3rd party, or vote Trump. The Republicans don't have the same issue. Most of the never Trump conservatives will hold their nose and vote for him. And he has pretty close to 40% of the electorate in the bag now.

Biden has the nigger vote and with buttplug and the one women everyone forgets about out of the race, he'll begin to snag some races from Bernie maybe

Ok. Why does that matter? The total amount of crime would go down. Yes or no?
Not that I would use the criminal argument against the pro open borders crowd. It is one of the weaker arguments the right has on this one.

if you moved an equal amount of random americans out of america you would drop crime by even more.

discussing crime in absolute numbers is much less useful than talking about per capita crime.

obviously if you have less people youll have less crime, no matter if you are kicking out illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, or americans.

I know that. Like I said, I wouldn't be using the crime argument to defend my position anyway. It has emotional appeal, but it falls apart under any real scrutiny.
However, you're kinda missing the point of the crime argument. Per capita crime numbers probably wouldn't be impacted that much, but crime would go down by removing illegal immigrants. You know, those people that have absolutely no right to be in the country right now? Sure, deporting a similar number of Americans might have a greater impact, but they actually have the right to be here.

I brought up per capita crime originally to point out that illegal immigrants arent all rapists and drug dealers as Trumps announcement speech claimed.
And that they commit less violent crimes than the average american does. That was literally my only point.

this is the comment i was originally replying too.

Imagine actually thinking that it makes a difference who becomes the presidential puppet? They're all bought and paid for, and they're all subservient to Israel & owned by ZOG. Wake up.

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Bidens not winning VA. Bloomberg is pumping money here to ensure the nomination, sucking up to Blackface Northam

Ok. Fairish enough. Although Trump didn't say "all illegal immigrants" were criminals. He didn't imply that. What he said was closer to "some criminals are immigrating illegally". A statement which is true. But provide me a cited quote where he literally says "all illegal immigrants are rapists etc". I'll wait.

She'll simply kill everyone who stands in her way by ''suicide with two shots to the back of the head in the middle of the street whilst being happy and fulfilled''

She already tried, imagine the heap of corpses coming election

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“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

the way trump worded it in his very trump way, implies that most are criminals and "some" are good people. i highly doubt trump would describe americans in the same way even though they have more murders per capita than illegal immigrants.

jeb stalin

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Bloomberg would be lucky to win 2 states tomorrow and Virginia will not be one of those states.

The most recent polls have biden in the lead or a tie.

George Wallace who you outlined as niggers actually ran on a platform against niggers. Those voters were whites.

To be fair though, anyone who is in this country illegally is a criminal by definition.

given those candidates
Trump is most likely to win

why is Warren on there twice?

>They’re rapists

That's not what you said he said. You know you weren't being honest. You know my translation of trumpspeak was closer.
Now hang on a second. Do illegal immigrants commit less crime overall, or is it just fewer murders?

Defending the people who lower your wages.
top cuck to you.

because it's her turn

>Voting for Blue Trump.

Second Post Best Post

Sanders is the Trump of the Democratic ticket.

>Do illegal immigrants commit less crime overall, or is it just fewer murders?

im not a farm worker and illegal immigrants arent qualified to get my job so i dont know what you are talking about.

Pocahontas will reclaim America for the Native Americans!

Fuck Biden then! Anybody that isn't for marijuana at this point is woefully behind

Death kiss for Biden...

I hope for Bernie but I expect Biden. I'll get off my fat couch-planted ass either way and vote for whoever gets the Dem nomination.

Solid point! Why doesn't this resonate with the liberal males cucks and the lesbians?

That really doesn't matter. Unless you own a business that employs illegals, they're driving your wage down. The more a country becomes flooded with unskilled workers, the more wages go down across the board. It's a cascading impact. Sure it hits coalminer Cletus first and hardest, but it also hits Stockbroker Steven eventually too.

Biden. Can't you tell the DNC is forcing Buttigieg and Klobuchar to drop out and back him to prevent Sanders from winning?


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RIP Seth Rich

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when will it be my turn?

explain to me how a illegal immigrant working on a farm effects the wage of a doctor

get in line
you can go after warren and hillary

trips of truth

Still no wall, eh?

they don't have health insurance, but when they show up at the emergency room you're still required to treat them
that treatment comes out of the hospitals budget, leaving less money to pay doctors

>Orange boi's chances of winning/losing is largely dependent on that tho,
No, none of these clowns has a chance against him.

>No, none of these clowns has a chance against him.
it's also an incredibly strong motivator to get people out to vote

finish preschool nigger

Ignores point

For one thing, they're not only working on farms. That's a vast oversimplification. But it works as follows. When the lowest end jobs are worth less money, the steps up the ladder become worth less money along the way because people are less willing to negotiate or pay for higher wages than the would have naturally been. It bears out in the statistics. The more illegal immigration an economy gets, the worse wages become until you get to the very top. A doctor may not be impacted much, but pretty much everyone below the doctor will feel it in amounts directly proportional to how low they are on the wage scale. Bernie wasn't far off when he called illegal immigration a Koch Brothers scheme.

>illegal immigrants arent qualified to get my job
What job is that, sucking dick for money on the side? They are qualified for that

Finish preschool, nigger.

I'm not debating a tween nigger who doesn't speak God's language.

a job that requires certification
that you cant get as an illegal immigrant.

Isn't God's language Hebrew?

you really have no idea how hospitals operate and how unpaid emergency room patients are paid for.
it doesnt come out of the pocket of hospitals and doctors.

God has no corporeal form, and therefore has no nose.

God made us in his image

Oh, I guess that would explain why my dick is so small.

But you think health care is getting through Congress?

God made *humans* in his image.

Against Trump? None of them.
In the primaries? Tough but I'm going to say Bernie

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Jesus (God) was jewish.

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Trump via write-in

Trump is a billionaire?

who's paying?

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He wishes

JEsus (god) kicked the kikes out of the temple. Where's your seafood buffet now?

statistically 100% of illegal immigrants are commiting a crime, cause they are illegal.

You are right, every source ever claims hes a Billionaire, but user on Yea Forums says he wishes, you got me

1000% if you count every crime they commit after.

If you count fans worldwide, yes

This is true. Also, wasnt Trump in real estate 40 years ago when this happened? Nigger tenants are a real estate deathwish. I don't blame him. Also, he was a democrat at the time. Trump saw the light. Racism is "bad" (kek), but communism is astronomically worse.

every source?

That article has literally 0 sources. It claims vague and ambiguous sources from 2 websites, but does not give direct links from the data he pulled.

Thank you for posting a paragraph long article from a vanity tabloid with 0 quotes or sources.

Youre reposting a fake info graphic and repeating lies... ugh...

having trouble clicking the links they provided?


Trump said he wouldn’t denounce the endorsement of the kkk because he wanted to check them out before deciding...

That quote is from 2005, and has nothing to back it up other than this single bank's assessment. And they still gave him the loan. Read the sources you link.

who would i rather believe...
a bank that does an detailed look at someones networth?
or a man known for lying who has something to gain by lying about his networth?


Regardless of credibility, that quote is from 15 years ago, you can't find anything relatively more recent proving he isn't a billionaire?

The one not shown

>politician wants to investigate group before denouncing like a liberal animal

What do you think per capita means lol. Do you think theres a 50/50 split on citizens and illegals? You must live in California

its the KKK...
what do you need to look up? they are known for being a racist white supremacist group

Nah he’s got like 40% approval rating and a lot of his followers are white niggers with felonies.

He’s been so obnoxious that it doesn’t matter who runs against him - people will vote for whoever is not trump.

>implying that that's a bad thing

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It sounds like the businesses that hire the illegal immigrants are the ones driving down the wages in entry level manufacturing and agricultural labor positions, not the immigrants themselves. They would have zero impact on our economy if they couldn’t find work.

It’s a dirty secret. We depend on illegal farm labor to keep the coat of food down.

That’s why they never hit the businesses that employ illegal labor - they only focus on the endless supply of desperate people who are looking for work.

No one is actually trying to stop illegal workers. The republicans are just beating up some of them to rule up their base. Makes them look tough.

Califag here, we became majority Hispanic about 10 years ago, and also have tons of basketball americans. Probably has something to do with pulling the average down fo sho.

Move to the EU!!!

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Chad over here hasnt heard of an absentee ballot.

2 years ago.


She's the only one who isn't old as fuck and may be able to survive the inevitable COVID19 infection.

Mexico is our wall now. 25,000 soldiers guarding OUR border lol fucking cucks

He actually made the beaners pay for it as prophecized

What? Lmao yes it does. Do you think they show up with their own drugs? The doctors time is valuable too. More mexicans = less quality of care because doctors have to split their time among their patients. Less patients = higher quality of care. Higher quality of care = better investment. This is total nonsense regarding any other metric but because illegals skip the bill thats all lost time and money. In california though illegals up to 26 get free healthcare so the taxpayers actually foot the bill. And guess who pays taxes? Those doctors.

I'd rather a fucking monkey be your president. Anything at all would be better than that moron

hopefully biden

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Nice paradox faggot

Eh Biden or Bloomberg
For some reason Biden has a following and he's being pushed while Bloomberg has some bad ads ads and he actually can take people away from trump (I somewhat support trump but i have to say Bloomberg seems legit except his stance on guns) they wont let Bernie win a I'm not sure his heart can handle the stress anymore and honestly Elizabeth Warren's ads cant even make her look good I'm I also keep forgetting shes running

>Who's most likely to win?

The rich, crusty, old white person


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Youre not seeing the obvious. If they werent here willing to work for so little then businesses would have to offer more money to get someone to do the same job? Pay some illegal 5$ an hour to pick vegatables and shit or do it yourself. If not youll need to find someone, and if no one is willing to do it for $5 then youll need to offer more. Increasing the value of the job.. illegals work in many industries. The economic impact would hurt the upper class and help the lower/middle classes. Meanwhile Bolshevik Bernie wants to tax the billionaires, which would last less than a year if he just took everything. Just on his m4a plan youre looking at about 10 times the cost of the entirety of world war 2 (after adjusted for inflation in todays $). Where is that money going to come from? Idk we'll never know because Trump is going to win in a landslide.

more patients = more doctors hired dumbass


>Bolshevik Bernie
you are a retard

lol not even half of democrats will vote for him, this is the best timeline, Bernie Cucking 2.0 and the big 2nd win for Lord Trump

like kim kardashian?
i love comebacks

you mean the 2nd time Putin allowed him to "win"

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Realistically, this is what’s going to happen.

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russia again huh?
how's it feel to believe putin runs your life?

a smashing defeat to socialism and the democrats, with the next 4 years the supreme court will be solidified conservative and the american way of life continues

you tell me
you defend the President Putin installed

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>ignores criticism like a disgusting coward
Yep, a liberal alright

The only smashing will be the sound of your criminal Presidency being thrown to the curb on Election Day.

Bloomberg or Biden

>impotent seething attempts at controlling the dialogue
there's literally nothing wrong with being a liberal user

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Biden's lost 3 primaries so far
Bloomberg has won zero
Get behind the frontrunner user: Bernie 2020

If I had a trillion lifetimes I still wouldn't spend time explaining how much of a nigger you are.

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Is this where you keep reposting that retardation over and over and claim victory
trump humper?

You frogposters have this peculiar obsession with blacks and Jews.
It's because you have a small penis, isn't it?
Most things are, right?

Biden. Innofensive senile white guy, if not by popular vote, by super delegate vote.

This shit is eons beyond your grap

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neat roleplay, he was elected by the american people, there were no russians casting votes in 2016, you're just this mad still lol

user every time you post that pic you have bbc in your mouth

i agree, i can't fault a child for being childish

to be fair we've already won, you're just in the grieving stages of total and utter loss

I mean it's been well documented that Russia interfered with the elections and the candidate they wanted to win was Trump.

Those are facts not up for debate. Do I believe trump takes orders from Putin or Russian no, I think he's basically just an old man being pulled in so many directions his brain might explode.

With Klobu, Booty and Steyr dropping out, it is going to make the nomination even more contested than it was before. That being said, Bernie is going to get a lot more of the vote, but probably not a majority. The major question is "By how much".

If Bernie has a 15 point lead over the next person and is near 40% or above, DNC has no choice but to make him the nominee. There will be riots if the nomination is stolen from him, and the Democratic party will never win an election again for like...20 years. It might even spawn a third party with all the DNC dissenters and independents who like Bernie's platform. Like, at this point the RNC is more democratic than the DNC is, and that is fucking sad.

The real story is fucking snake-ass Warren though. She'll never beat Bernie, and even in the event of a contested convention she will NEVER be chosen over Biden or Bloomberg. Her only sensible move now is to drop out and endorse Bernie, give him the big lead and at least have MOST of her policies implemented under him. But with her staying in the race, only pulling votes from Bernie at a guaranteed loss for herself? Setting Bernie up to potentially fail and have NONE of the policies most similar to hers make it through? There was a deal made, and that bitch is going to take it to the fucking grave.


Putin gave the American people just enough of a shove to doubt a qualified candidate and hand basically a criminal the win.
You literally support mob politics user.

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did Iran help this time?

you're in the grieving stages of realizing your mom isn't going to bring you any more tendies

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Hah! Good one! 100000000 KEKS! That was the most own age ever! We salute you user

you elected a child user
you don't get to call other posters children

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Got news for you that you already know.
Bernie isn’t getting the nomination.

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Sure kid

imagine being so dumb you fall for a guy who is literally famous for being a grifter

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discord gg P5NGXr Join

i don't think putin made me vote trump, i just didnt want to vote for some evil cunt kinda like the rest of trumps supporters

that's not a guy

basically? i love how vague you all get when you try to state facts it's hilarious

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Not necessarily. The RNC had a preferred candidate during the 2016 nomination, and it certainly wasn't Trump. But Trump took over the Republican party entirely. They had no choice but to fall in line, or they would ALL lose their positions of power.

The similarities between the Trump and Bernie campaign are pretty surprising. They both saw the political parties as just shells. Bernie is getting a loooot of support, possibly over 40 or even 50% of the party. If it isn't close after Super Tuesday and they steal the nom from Bernie, DNC is done. Forever. Like I said though, there is a chance that Bernie might run a third party anyways just to spit in the DNCs face.

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>Who's most likely to win?
The American Viewing Audience

Why are you posting pics of yourself getting plowed?
That’s not the way you get one of those farmer handouts

Name that preferred candidate?

i am so happy they're going to steal it from bernie again, maybe they'll have to beat his ass again too

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>There's actual proof that Bernie is a socialist
Oh, honey, the Barking Pumpkin is much more of a socialist. Except he wants socialism for the very, very wealthy and not for anyone else.

i like to imagine hillary herself pistol whipping bernie across the face giving him that cut

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it means shut up trumpshit

get out of my computers and kill yourselves

>get out of my dreams
>get into my car

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i imagine both of you sucking each other's cocks trumpshit

And yet the trumpkins will not understand what you've just said.

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Imagining gay sex is your forté after all.

stop samefagging you mega nigger

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i know you're really upset and everything, but could you specify who's sucking who's cock?
>i bet bernie had to beg for his families lives before he gave away those delegates

You favor Biden too much.


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Biden since thats clearly the plan

Only a jew would have this kind of shit saved.

that is pretty funny

Shock! but no awe

They also get employed by Donny and his buddies.

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So does gonorrhea.

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I’d cum on her back

Hah! Good one! 100000000 KEKS! That was the most own age ever! We salute you user

Sadness incarnate

i couldn't agree more lol

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You are decidedly stupid. The term derives from French, not some imaginary language that uses your bizarre spelling.

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Now you're just making shit up.

Which comment was it that shut down the Bernie fags? i know they just ate a ton of shit in this thread.

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Trump's shit can't taste that good

Heil Hitler!

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mc'donalds shits are the worst


>Who's most likely to win?
I can tell you who'll lose.

Nigger tier bait

The best part is if Corona-Chan comes to the Event!
I'll be in the back, coughing. The black clad cougher is me.

Brokered Convention.
The Super Delegates erase everything.
Biden wins.
Then the Ukrainians finally get their revenge.

Did you forget what shut up means? Shut up.

Mom will get her revenge when you finally lose weight get a job and move out


stop crying you little crybaby

good night everyone

Sorry to burst your bubble but I don’t think there is a chance that orange man could win the democratic primaries for the sole fact that he is a republican

unironically correct

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Trump would have been executed during the war.

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Honestly I don’t give a fuck, I’ll be voting for them just to trigger the trumptards.
I can’t wait for the nationwide sperg when their retard messiah trump gets btfo!
He’s fucking dumb enough to refuse to vacate he whitehouse or some shit too, just imagine the snowflake right as trump gets dragged out in handcuffs kekkek
Holy shit I’m literally diamonds just thinking about it

NOne of these stupid fucktwats.

Biden will win the democratic nomination, then lose to Trump.

Trump is fuuuuuuucked.

Trump 90%


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The Democrats fucking suck ass and have for the better part of 15 years. Trump is right in calling them "the do nothing Democrats" because literally all their major social programs fuck over the poor and help out the rich. It's why they dont want Bernie. They know he would force actual social improvement for american citizens while telling the rich elite it's time to fucking stop lording their wealth in a way that allows them to leave the rest of american in common shitty positions. You can see that from how badly they're trying to fuck over Bernie by having their moderates all drop/suspend their campaigns, then instantly say "I think Biden should win." They're going to repeat the 2016 election all over again, but this time with an ever more embarrassing candidate in Biden.

Tulsi Gabbard via write-in

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tldr muh feels
Look at actual electoral projections

Are you having a stroke?

The DNC is corrupt as fuck. They would rather see Trump win than Bernie. They’re not even being subtle about pushing Bernie out this time. Watch. They’ll pull out all the stops to prevent Bernie from being the candidate. Super delegates will not be going to him.

Holy shit a factual post on Yea Forums

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Butt and Klob fell in line and kissed the ring so fast. Democratic Party is manipulative as fuck.

warren being the most logical choice, this coming from a trumptard

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