God tier films

God tier films.

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The wolf of wall street

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Gangs of NY. God tier

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learn what a good movie is faggot

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How is this not in here yet

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>How is this not in here yet
4 posts in...

>says "God tier"
>posts absolute fucking garbage

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fuck jews

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Oh, okay

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A rare case where I prefer the remake.
Or perhaps. reimagining might be more accurate in this case

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made by a self hating white who thinks he's a nigger

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The remake was really good too. I just prefer the old style

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Some real mediocre shit getting posted.

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Cries and Whispers

They're the two most visually stunning films of all time.

>mediocre shit here, I know what I'll do ! I'll post the most overrated shit I can think of !

Yeah, it's good movies, but we've moved SO much further !

Must say, Stalker is an intriguing film.

We need to bring back that fashion and style.

Anything with Adam Sandler. Except Uncut Gems. That was a 2 hour Gilbert Gottfried impersonation and annoying as hell.

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You sir, are a man of refined taste. As I often tell my associates, this particular remake is one of the very few I number as my favorites.

Do you know what a nemesis is?

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I just won today's "Spot the Retard" pool.

Produced by Miramax so you know this shit's good

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>posting jewish propaganda

top tier for a kids' movie

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1979, Prophecy. When horror films were actually good.

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Not sure you know what that word means. Overrated by who? pop-culture? People who create movies don't seem to think so.



its alright but tarantino is a hack


its alright

horrorfic way to die


its okay

its interesting

kill yourself

its alright little cheesy

everything else i havent seen

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My fav Bogart flick

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no one gives a fuck what you think

unironically a masterpiece

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You're not worth trying to lecture in what a good movie is

the void sucks dick
1v1 me faggit

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I can't argue with this. OP is a faggot tho


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I want plaid pants that run from below my heels to halfway up my chest, combined with a vest that could be a folded paisley tablecloth, a bowtie that looks like it's about to start spinning, a fuzzy tophat, a glaring red jacket, and a mustache that looks like a colony of caterpillars.

The Master

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a classic

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OK boomer

plz dont look at the american remake,its trash compared by the original...

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[spoiler] D'ya like dags? [/spoiler]


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Nothing more satisfying than fucking your own adult daughter.

one of the most fucked films i´ve ever seen

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Bring back animatronic-based special effects

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Me and my mother watched this film together.

And we cringed more at the movie about the black guy doscovering he is gay

The sequel too

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>animatronic-based special effects
Are they auto...autoerotic?

Seriously though, practical effects are god tier.
Bridge explosion in The Good The Bad The Ugly?
The entire movie The Thing?
All that shit is practical effects.


No Shawshank Redemption?
No Elephant Man?
No The Hill?

Im out.

Fuuuuuck that scene always gets me


>No Shawshank Redemption?
Excuse me ma'am? I think you dropped your purse back there.

Probably my second favourite film of all time, rips apart your whole idea of creativity in film

if u love serie b movies this is pure gold :

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Typical faggot, post your own taste before judging others

Shawshank is great the first time but after that it's just boring

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Truly manly.
>Stitching up your abdomen with your own intestines

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okay, retard

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Movie for simpletons.

cop harder

I got really high with a friend and he put this on for us to watch. I was so uneasy the entire time. The crazy mechanical noises constantly going in the background, the awkward interactions between the characters, the monster baby. It fucked me up. I will always remember this movie as one of the best horror films I've ever watched

Go feel physical pain

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I hate you. Stop responding.

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O Brother Where Art Thou

3:10 to Yuma

Thank You for Smoking


>being this affected by a stranger's opinion on the internet
no, seriously, cope harder

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Eat shit before kys

I remember a few years ago Yea Forums movie threads would always include "Momento"

Also The Usual Suspects is good too

attack of the two headed shark

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my personal favorite movie

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oh my gosh, thanks to you I now see the error in my ways
please excuse me as I go watch youtube movie reviewers to inform my opinions

Does it talk about how Patton covered up Americans who killed unarmed Germans?

Or how Patton regretted fighting WW2 and thought the Nazis were right?

Or how Patton was assassinated for saying these things?

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He's nothing like a Juggalo though.

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who wants to live forever

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Why would you ask three questions in a row that you already know the answer to?

Did you like the part where a Jew says "The college wouldn't hire me because I'm Jewish"?

Or the part where 3 rich White people are violent for no reason?

Really good fictional movie

You might want to give this a whirl.
Tetsuo the Iron Man

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Go make a youtube video about faggot

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My top 5 is : Alien, predator, la vida es bella, jurassic park and psicosis

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Perfect Blue is pretty good

ok technically not god tier.
but this is my secret weapon to get a girl to sleep with me . works everytime

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I sincerely dont know
Is the movie based or jewish shit?

Devils on the doorstep.

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After the war, while stationed in Germany, he criticized the process of denazification, or the removal of former Nazi party members from positions of political, administrative, and governmental power

Bit of a difference, sounds like he thought more about the practicalities of keeping a country running, than thinking the nazis were right.
But hey, I know I'm linking to a shill site, show me the truth anons.

Fantasy/cosplay/comicon girls are usually fat chicks. Fill yer boots.

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thanks, but no, try again

this unironically

>Did you like the part where a Jew says "The college wouldn't hire me because I'm Jewish"?

Where does that happen

Go watch this if you haven't seen it already, it's on YouTube

Oops, I'll stop liking Joker now. Thanks again, /b, for showing me how I'm continually oppressed.


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Nah nah, not anymore since terror attack in my country and massiv collaboration of french sandniggers with political islam
that movie is typical of how we were naive toward sandniggers over here

Extra based

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I wish John C Reilly stuck to doing serious films

Also this

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part 2 is underrated

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were those guys rich? why would a rich guy use the public transport?

Brings me back to my childhood.

you fags disappoint me

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Unironic since people are pushing to start eating bugs and eat beef patties not made of beef.

meh, a way better film from that period is pic related

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The horror the horror the horror...

The horrific Sequel to Willie Wonka

An underrated master piece 7.62 Millimeter...CLICK....Full Metal Jacket.

Good luck trying to get your hands on this

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american beauty
place beyond the pines
harsh times
cruel intentions

might watch vice tonight

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Decent movie but not enough actual basterding. Like they do a lot of telling you that these guys are badass nazi hunters but all you see is a single baseball bat kill until the very end.

Rat Race!

Racist content not withstanding, this actually is a spectacular and important film.

it's awwright


Found it boring, tbh. Though there is a fight scene that is surprisingly spectacular.

>Pushing finger into an allys bulletwound
>Burning 600 people alive
>Cutting a swastika into a persons forehead

Yeah but they will do anything sexually

O Brother Where Art Thou is unironically a masterpiece

you did kek gottem
sorry you have no taste

thing is good
havent seen new one probably sucks
Bottin has my respect

its alright but you have to listen to canadians

its good

predictable as fuck

new one sucked dick

it was great at the time but its dated and the story is pretty awful


i like it but thought the ending was pretty meh

i like it but the audio engineer is a fucking hack that cant stabilize any of the audio levels at all
its either quiet as fuck or exploding airship level

i like it but it could of been done better and they kind of ran the entire series into the ground

i forget which one i saw but i liked it

avp is fucking awful like Hellraiser: Judgment all of those movies in the series around it are just FILM IT PITCH BLACK 4 SPOOKY tm


i like it but i think kubrick is mechanical and doesnt capture human emotion very well

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Might be one of the best roles ever played by lewis

Watch it

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Adore this film

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>avp is fucking awful
You bleeding moron. He listed out the two movies "Alien" and "Predator" - not Alien vs predator. Hints found in commas and the fact that he called it a top 5 and listed 5 titles.

Ultimate whodunit movie

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Pussy shit

eh, watched this with my slam p[ig and we couldn't have another go till the morning.


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This film is nightmare fuel

And this

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Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

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Attention everyone a faggot has entered the thread I repeat a faggot has entered the thread

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Never really did like the second one, not like the first volume

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Wonder Woman checked.

This is a Spanish movie, I saw it on a festival and is one of the best movies of the past year. But Netflix bought the license so it haven't premiered, watch the trailer it's freaking cool. I think it comes out on March 20

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sorry its my 3 am but i have to cook calamari

I can't believe people forget this scene
It's like noone remembers it

It's about halfway through the movie
Joker is talking to someone I think in the mental asylum or around there
It's been like 3 months since I've seen it I'd have to watch it again to get the exact time

Joker was the most Antifa, Left wing revenge porn and Jewish movie made in the last 5 years.

I'm all for violence against the system as well, but that was a left wing movie not a right wing one

They were talking how they worked on wall street or as bankers or something.
They were dressed in nice suits.
They were all White.

It was an empty subway with just them and Joker, and a single woman.
Joker starts laughing and they start beating him up for no reason.

It's blatently Jewish hatred depicting White guys as violent bullies

>movies getting posted in movie thread
>omg typical

So I gotta ask, do you actually like it (and know what it's about) or should you fuck off back to /pol?

> Please be the former.

I dont rewatch movies, but that one is one of the few where I am entertained every single time I watch it

This is my exact fetish

A lot of this is really good. A lot of it isn’t.


It will fuck ya up boys. Most movies don’t compare

Angels Egg
Angels Egg
Angels Egg
Angels Egg
Angels Egg
The art lonely neet would make if they were a schizo monk, than lost all faith within a 24 hour period. Also that neet loves to draw hair

Also tikkun if you wanna watch shit about losing faith, and want it to be weird at the same time

Julien donkey boy is korine at his peak
Pretty much a more disturbing harder to watch gummo