Why are women considered less intelligent than men?

Why are women considered less intelligent than men?

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*tips fedora*

Compare the amount of nudes bitches put online to men.

Women are dumb.

Because they are. There are smart women, and most women could be smart. Instead, they generally don't take advantage of the opportunities they have to learn, and instead rely on looks and sex, or manipulation to get what they want.

>Women are dumb.
But those titties aren't dumb...

user I-

Rationality is a male trait. Emotionality is a female one.

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just look at that pretty girl's face, like all the others
always retarded

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No one wants to see your tiny, greasy cock, sorry.

Dude, that's so pre-post-modern. Nowadays everyone prefers emotion over reason.

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Women lack logic to handle complex issues. They rely on emotions.

Biological traits are based on how much they improve reproductive rates.

Women are less intelligent than men because they don't need to be as intelligent. Primate physiology leads to women being protected by men so the women have less need to excel at anything.

Feminists don't agree. Women are completely equal to men.

here youtube.com/watch?v=uQ1JeII0eGo

what is that about?

Feminists are the least intelligent women of all.

Stopped reading there.

Why? Because they want to give women the same chance the men have?

only where you live user


I think we can just filter out all threads that start with "Why are/aren't trigger issue the opposite of what is true?"
It's gotten boring. Time for a new bot.

Shut the fuck up, femanon. Back to kitchen and prepare me dinner before I beat you.

because their clitorises are smaller than penises

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Fuck, she's ugly! I thought femcels are suppose to be hot.

Because they want things given to them (modern feminists), while not realising the men had to work for what they have to.

Women have the same opportunities as men.

When I first saw it, I thought "Fuck, Steven Baldwin aged like shit!"

They want things given to them because they are not as smart as men. That is why they deserve free things. Check mate, dipshit.


Hmm. No.

Look up the term dunning kruger
Men suffer from it more than women

Women have always had the same chances men have. They just preferred to let men do the work and then leech off them.

Because they objectively are.
The intelligence Bell curve of women is more bunched in the middle compared to men whom have a broader range on either side.
You may have fewer super low I.Q. women compared to men, but you also have virtually zero high I.Q. women that would qualify as "Genius" level.

This isn't my subjective opinion, it's statistically backed fact.

Women believe their feelings somehow equal having knowledge, and they make judgement calls based on their feelings.

Men are able to think beyond the moment and set their feelings aside using stoicism for the greater good.

This is why societies throughout history have been the products of men, and crumble when women are given authority over the male creations.

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How should women feel about it? It is pretty degrading when you put it like that. No wonder feminists are mad and angry.

They shouldn't "feel" about it at all.. that's the problem. Getting upset over biology you cannot change solves nothing. It's just as good a use of your time and emotions to be angry about the color blue or that we breathe oxygen. You can't control it, so learn to live optimally with the reality you're in.

They always have the same chance. But they never had to do much because of our eternal hunt for pussy. So it's our fault but not for the reasons they want

lol, based

But no human wants to be called dumb, it makes you feel less valuable and worthy. How do women just "live with it" if it makes them depressed?

they usually aren't

An attractive fem-whatever? Never heard of one

Women are less motivated and have fewer aspirations. Women do not cope with discomfort as well as men.

>t. faggot

Then why do men murder more and commit more suicide

It's very easy to hate women these days. They have unlimited opportunities but choose the Patreon/OnlyFans/camming way to an income because women are naturally inclined to avoid hard work and have fewer aspirations than men. Women always take the path of least resistance and that is why they are never in the positions at the top that men hold.

What else they should do if they are dumb? Of course they will do the easy stuff. It's not a rocket science, you dumb motherfucking retard.

two more things men are better at than women.

The answer to each question is simple. 1: Niggers

2: Women

Nobody said they were "dumb."
Their neurons in their brain are quite literally wired differently then men.
You can tell the difference medically.
The biological imperatives are different as well after eons of evolution.
Not being the same doesn't automatically mean less worth user.
It doesn't have to be a zero sum competition where the other side must lose.. it can be a coexistence which feeds off each others strengths and supplements the inherent weaknesses of a single gender.

They choose to be dumb. Women could educate themselves and do more admirable things but 90% won't.

You're fucking retarded man. Women are stupid because they won't work hard to become better in the way men will. Not because they're biologically more likely to be stupid.

When you say men are smarter than women, they will get naturally upset about it. It doesn't matter they are "wired differently". They are still going to be mad. Just like you would be mad if someone would tell you women are smarter than you.

What's making women depressed is the attempt to convince them they can do things that are against their nature and be just as good at it as the men who've been bred for it for thousands of years.
They fail.. and fall into depression.
Anyone would.
Even men if told to be a stay at home father and that stoicism disconnects them emotionally from the kids causing dysfunction.

Some women are smarter than me.
I don't doubt that at all. I lack the ego to assume I'm on the far right of the Bell curve. Nice try at baiting me though.

Every human wants to accomplish big things and be validated, what you are saying is that men are always better than women and that women should just accept it. That's not going to solve their depression. They feel men are superior over them and they have no value.

You're an idiot. Your all posts suggest men are generally better with logic than women and that women are generally more into emotions. That means women will naturally feel like they are less valuable, less intelligent. They want to feel smart as men and do things like them.

here's the thing though, there are women who WANT to and CAN do things against what society deems appropriate for women to be able to do. nobody is forcing women do be construction workers or car mechanics, but if one wants to be, they shouldn't be automatically dismissed because "you dont think they can"

thats what people are arguing about. not that we should be forcing all women to do something they dont want to do, but that your biology does not predispose your wants and abilities in totality

what's making women depressed is that you believe you can make "back room" decisions about them and think that you're automatically right and that they should listen. nobody cares about you or your opinions of them.

You're trying really hard to take my statements out of context to justify your world view. You've conveniently left out the part about more extreme idiocy in men then in women, and my statements on differing strengths and weaknesses.

No matter what you've learned from your gender studies skewed teachers, both history and a pragmatic life will prove my statements true. Women only feel inferior compared to men because people like you have encouraged them all to discard what they excelled at as women instead of taking pride in their femininity.

bc the only people you interact with are misogynistic racist fuckwits.

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I never judged ALL women as inferior.
Jesus Christ the reading comprehension itt is pathetic. Learn how to discuss a topic without inferring conclusions your adversary hasn't made.

don't forget that the rest of the world isn't the US

I can understand now better. So women should embrace they are not as logical as men, but embrace they are better with emotions and femininity? Instead of whining they can't run the world like men?


learn that people's lives aren't a competition for you to "win" online


Yes. In fact a great many of them do.
The medical profession is replete with women these days from care aides to doctor's because their bedside manner and empathy is a superb fit for anything from psychology to surgery. The majority of medical students and graduates are women. Meanwhile men still dominate most STEM fields where logic, detail, and fact are set aside from emotional concerns.

their weaker minds are permanently warped or snapped by the terrible shock of orgasm

>i have no empathy for people so i am superior

i think this is the lie that a vast majority of men tell themselves and it's why people are fed up

Men have empathy.
We just override it.

Try running a society guided by "feels" and get back to me later

It's a cultural thing.
Women traditionally used to be classified as compulsive, animalistic, greedy and guided by their libido while men were considered to be rational and guided by reason. There are multiple examples of this in the Bible.
In Islam, if a wife doesn't listen to her husband, he shall first talk to her and try to convince her with words, if she still doesn't listen he shall stay away from the marital bed (which means, he shall deprive her of sexual intercourse), and only if she still doesn't listen, he shall use physical violence.
Theresias, one of the major recurring characters in ancient Greek myth and dramaturgy, which was once turned into a woman for several years, is asked by Hera and Zeus (which made a bet) if men or women feel more during sexual intercourse; Theresias answers without hesitation that a woman feels nine times more during sex.
Think of the history of hysterics, too. Hysterics are called like that because of the Greek word υστερα which means "womb". The ancient Greeks thought hysterics were caused by an insufficient supply of the womb with sperm. Therefore, the womb gets hungry, wanders through the body in search of food and finally bites into the brain which causes hysterical attacks. The belief, hysterics (which were seen as a pure gynaecological disorder) are caused by a lack of sex, deeply influences the developement and history of psychology - and even at the beginning of the 20th century, gynaecologists had a vibrator in their bags to trigger a hysterical crisis (which means: an orgasm) if necessary and thereby heal a woman.
In the middle ages, there were books written about how women could delay their orgasms because a lot of them came before their husbands did.
And so on and so on.

Nowadays, we think men are libidinous while women are less interested in sex. But that's a pretty modern and rather normative conception (which is demonstrably wrong btw).

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The real question is why does it matter?

A given woman can be smarter than a given man.

But while the conception of women = libidinous/less rational; men = rational/less libidinous has completely changed in modern days when it comes to sex, it unfortunately is still intact when it comes to rationality.

And how does this work at home? Since men will always have the final word and be better deciding things through logic, how will women feel valuable if their intellectual input is always going to be inferior to men?

Because women don't need to be the most intelligent gender.
They tend to occupy the centrer of the bell curve of a distribution of intelligence between men and women, while men are more spread out - least intelligent, average, and most intelligent.
Men are more likely to be more intelligent because they need to be

it is an unnatural abomination for any female or child to hold sexual authority over a male or to be a teacher or manager over a male

Only by men funnily enough

They don’t invent things or solve problems.

The man having the "final word" hasn't always historically been the case. Real men who are successfully married and raising children KNOW that it's a team effort. Pulling that "I'm the man" card is much rarer than you are led to believe. My family on both sides, and my wife's family also followed traditional gender roles such as "man of the house" etc. But the reality is that if the husband wasn't willing to make most decisions jointly after discussing it with his wife; the marriages wouldn't have lasted or at the very least been nearly unbearable.

In four year's I've not once had to pull that draconian tactic.. and only once did I ever witness it happen in my family (grandmother wanted to sell the house my grandfather built and move closer to the rest of the family. He intended to stay until he died. Which eventually happened.)

Being better at looking past emotions doesn't mean you don't have them or understand them. If you listen to the emotionally charged words of your spouse and remain stoic while analysing what has her feeling that way; usually it's easily resolved satisfactorily for you both.

..unless of course your spouse is a mental case, as some are regardless of gender. But that's a whole other argument.

Because they're less emotionally competent that women. Are you fucking stupid, or what?

This thread is amazing. So many incels and sexists trying to twist the narrative to fit their own agenda which makes them hard and giving them more control over females in their tiny heads. I already cummed twice.

Okay, so it is a team work, but the wife will still have this creeping notion at the back of her head that the man knows he's smarter and better than her with logical arguments. So whatever she says will be always taken as some emotional input, rather than a clean and valuable one. How do you make the woman not upset that her input is not taken as serious as it would be from another man?

...and so on and so on and so on.

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Now somebody post the real pic.

40% smaller brain.
Also complaining about the dumbest shit like a tv character having a bad day doesn't make us respect people.

>how to pick cherries
>mfw women don't understand logical fallacies

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>agenda which makes them hard and giving them more control over females in their tiny heads
That is literally the definition of an incel. They create logical fallacies in order to explain and satisfy their own lack of sexual interaction.
Plenty of women are attracted to this garbage thinking as well; it is mostly due to their submissive needs.

Because they are more sexy and beautiful. Universal balance my friend.

Exactly this the take a broken clock and then claim at the frozen time "see the clock works".
If woman actually held other woman to standards the west wouldn't be melting down.

400 pounds tattoo and blue hair is beautiful?
Found the 10 year old.

It shouldn't be a "creeping notion in the back of her head" it should be plainly obvious and out in the open.

My wife literally comes to me with issues for specifically that reason.

Recently she was feeling anxiety over new responsibilities at work, and couldn't focus due to her emotional state.
She talked with me about it, and we worked through it. Now she's comfortable with negotiating a pay raise or declining the additional tasks. She doesn't resent my ability to step outside of my emotions; she values it.
Her emotions are so close to the surface she'll tear up over little things like a random love note.

Regarding taking another mans opinion over hers.. I wouldn't if it's something she's experienced in, and she knows it.
You show her her input is valued where she demonstrates competency.
For example my wife is a trained medical technician. If she tells me something about my health, I'm far more inclined to listen to her then anyone else.

If your spouse is too emotionally immature to understand that their input is not paramount in areas where they're not the authoritative voice then they're not a stable human being regardless of gender.

well you are dumb as shit if you are considering 400 pounds tattoo and blue hair beautiful at any level of any discussion.

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Women want to be "equal" to men, but dont want the downside associated with it, so they keep whining about "unfairness"

someone finally discovered wikipedia, LOL.

I understand the last sentence, however what about the general urge to win debates and arguments? It always feel better to be the one who is right, rather the one who is wrong. With men and women, men are simply going to be right most of the time, due to emotional perspective from women.
For me it's hard to understand how can that work on a global stage. Every human is has an ego and that ego needs to be satisfied. Women being mostly on the losing side of things when compared to men has to be frustating. Or what am I missing? How do you get comfortable being always "second"? You know what I mean? Sorry if I'm too repetitive, I just want to understand better.

we aren't less intelligent. /end thread

only if she's insecure or a feminist

Something trends to be partially true as long as it is being debated generally all over the world.

Realising that ego does NOT have to be satisfied every time is a tough lesson.

> "men are going to be right most of the time"
That's the key.. Only *most* of the time.

Learn to concede when you're wrong, or when the conflict is not worth the effort.

That works on an interpersonal level, but on a global scale; it's much more difficult to be conciliatory when that is viewed as weakness by rivals in politics, etc.

What the world would require is a paradigm shift in how negotiations function. Unfortunately the human condition more often than not fucks it all up.

We all start with exactly the same "chances" in life -
Which is the probability of any specific human egg (from a specific woman) being fertilized... something like a million to one; multiplied by the chance of any one particular sperm (from a specific man) being the one to fertilize the egg, which is Billions to one, against.
Then conception happens and our sex is determined. So are a million other factors about us.
Each will have some effect on our "chances" to be/do certain things in life.
Why whine about chances you dont have? Better to focus on making the most of the *opportunities* you do have.

Feminism is just communism, for cunts.

As for "getting comfortable always being second" that's easy.. be first in the things men can't easily be first in.

Don't you think it is natural to be right, though? Aside of ego satisfaction, you want to see the world close to your own imagination. That is true both for men and women. So if you learn to concede, you basically give up on this primal urge of shaping the world to your vision. Isn't that some form of an apathy? How do you not get depressed (again, sorry) over it? Like, for a woman, she will lose inspiration, aspiration, the sense to fight for better things - since she will have to mostly concede due to the fact her opinions are mostly not good enough.

OP said CONSIDERED less intelligent.
If you were as intelligent as a man, you'd have spotted that.

they don't need to. we just want to leave sperm inside them

This. So much this.

Why do we focus on quantity over quality? The things women are naturally good at at VASTLY more important than the things men tend to go do / fight over.

Running the world is vastly more important than anything else and women are too stupid to run the world. That is why they are mad. They are mad being stupid and unable to compete.

I call bullshit. ppl all over the world say all sorts of stupid stuff. it's not like all ppl say that.

my brain and my vagina have nothing to do with one another. just because you have a penis doesn't make you smarter than me. it's a stupid argument.

You're a whore and useless idiot only good for breeding. Deep down you know it, otherwise you wouldn't be here browsing Yea Forums and Yea Forums. So shut the fuck up, you stupid delusional slut, go back to kitchen and prepare me a dinner.

>implying overriding empathy is the best course of action

again, lies told to yourself

Wow. Just wow. What's it like having all that virgin energy?

I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing, whore. Either apologize or I will beat the living shit out of you. Then I rape you.

Sounds like your gene pool isnt even worth breeding, not that that's gonna happen anyway.

If it's really that small, I'm deeply sorry for you...

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I have pretty average success with my sperm, thank you very much, you stupid slut. Now that we made this clear, go clean your house and stop browing Yea Forums pretending to be a feminist. Or I will beat you.

Are you going to samefag your hysterical outburst how many more times, whore? I told you to go back to kitchen. And you will. Before I will piss into your holes.

This. How often do you take the more difficult path when an easier one is available? Most have no reason to be smart because they can rest on their looks or horny guys trying to get their dick wet.

Does it turn you on to talk to a girl that way? I think the real reason you go around saying you're smarter than all the girls is because we hold the cards when it comes to sex and relationships. You ask me out. I say no. So you think we'll that's because she's too stupid to realize she should date me. Have fun in your mum's basement.

Whore, I talk like that to you because it actually turns you on. You love to be an useless, submissive, stupid slut. That is your function as a female. That is why you browse Yea Forums. You're nothing more than a set of holes good for nothing but cocks. Your value doesn't exist beyond that and your low intellect is something I actually masturbate over now.

I browse Yea Forums because it's hilarious. My value is more than just my holes. I probably have a better education then you do so I'd be careful throwing around insults.

I will sure to remember your adorable triggered whining when I'm cumming on your goddamn stupid face, whore. You will wear it with pride, like the retarded slut you are. And you will say Thank you, like a good girl.

My email is [email protected] go ahead and try to change my mind dude

Holy shit, is... is this the Chad?! The real Chad McChadface?

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I find this happens a lot online. I typically refuse to move past the point and will derail the whole discussion on purpose if people are that fucking retarded. You were clear and never once implied women were stupid. You pointed out that they are less likely to be completely retarded or hitting the genius level.

Wanting to always be right and actually believing you're always right are two very different things.

The first drives you do learn, debate, and occasionally be proven wrong (where you must concede.) There's nothing depressing or apathetic about that.

It's the belief that you're right by default and the world should bend to how you perceive it is incredibly ignorant and traps you in a stagnant bubble of your own design. Until you acknowledge that you're not all knowing, your life will suck.

Women don't need to give up and not aspire or fight for better things. Tbh no real man would want such a woman.
Their track is just typically different than men. Women may "lose" arguments more often then the men, but it isn't necessarily because they haven't got a valid point.
Often it's because when a woman wins an argument.. the man accepts the victory and tends not to revisit the same debate. For example, I hate doing dishes.
My wife hates doing dishes. However since she's willing to cook and I am not.. Her argument that I should do the dishes makes sense. We don't argue about it anymore because I don't complain about the task. Women on the other hand are often more than willing to revisit old arguments and be defeated again and again primarily because their emotions stir up and they bring up the discussion on a whim. It's just like that. I find it comical at this point. It's again a question of quantity vs quality. If you lose 10 pointless arguments but win the 1 that gets a lifelong commitment.. who really is the victor?

Women do not want the same chance that men have. They cherry pick what aspects of equality they want. For instance, my wife absolutely refuses to help with the yard work but gets pissed when people compliment our beautiful garden and I take all the credit. She feels entitled to some of the praise because, "She lives in the house too," but she doesn't put in three hours every weekend mowing the lawn plus all the other times I will be out collecting leaves, watering and maintaining plants. It's just typical of women.

I will write to you later, bitch. And you will be respectful, or I will teach you a lesson. A whore like you needs to listen to men, not to be a whining fuckslut.

No comment.

>My value is more than just my holes.
lol nope

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I guess my problem is that I find so much value in logic and winning arguments that I find the other side of not winning and being emotional as something "subhuman". I'm not sure if that is my ego talking or what. I just find being logical is more valuable than being emotional. It gives you more power, more decisions, you feel more fulfilled. Being emotional is stupid, useless and often only brings unwanted things.

If she doesn't understand bell curves, writing to her later isn't going to get you much of anything. Unless you just want another opportunity to call her names. That's a different story then.

You know what, your going to buy me something nice. You have my email. When you decide to write me an apology I'll give you attention.

She loves being degraded and she knows it.

I will buy you exactly one slap on your stupid face, cunt. You're not here to make any demands. You're here to be on your knees while I pull your hair. You exist solely for my pleasure and will. And for my kids, once I decide to breed you.

Boys like you are always compensating for something. Write out your apology. Send it to me at [email protected]. Beg for my forgiveness. Then maybe I'll stroke your ego for you. Tell you how smart you are. So you feel validated.

Men are more prone to sending nude than women.

The difference? No one gives a fuck about saving men nudes and sharing them.

How old are you son?

You're right about it being your ego talking.. best get ahold of that; it's an emotionally driven beast too.

Being emotional isn't a subhuman trait.
Losing control of your emotions is.

Beethoven didn't create Für Elise because he was devoid of emotions.. he didn't even release the music (it was personal, powerful, and discovered after his death.)
Being able to get swept up in emotions without losing control of them in the end is part of being a man. Stoicism isn't yhe absence of emotion, it quite literally is defined as keeping your emotions in check so that you can do what needs to be done. Women didn't create the Sistine Chapel, the Last Supper, or the statue of David.. that was man seeking to evoke emotions.

You needn't be a blubbering slave to your heart, but if you shut it off entirely you're selling yourself short or are a sociopath.