What does /b think of my slutty grandma?

What does /b think of my slutty grandma?

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also would fuck

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not bad actually

the face is the only real problem

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there we go
also what the fuck she send it to you?
is it actually your grandma?
and if it is holy shit she's really hot for a grandma

any tits pic?

Very nice

I Fucked my grandma when I was 22 she was technically my “step grandma” and she was only in the late 50’s at the time

My real biological grandmother died when my dad was a little kid and my grandpa married a woman almost 20 years younger than himself

Either way she knew me from birth and was my actual grandma for all intents and purposes.

She later died in a car accident rip

gave me her "broken" laptop.
Yes actually my gma
and i agree. I have enjoyed stoking to her in my thoughts while sniffing her panties since i was 12 lol

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I’ve unironically fucked girls in their early 20’s with worse flabbier bodies so good work and genes

she stays fit

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You need to get some of that soft, loose, flappy pussy my friend...it will change your life forever. You should be able to explode a giant load deep inside her due to menopause too, which feels amazing!! But the best thing is after she will give you some sweets and spare change from her side table, then you can watch TV

i see
who is taking the pictures?

could not say for certain. My Gpa died years and years ago. Pics are high res so they cannot be taken that long ago.

holy shit you really like old pussy
don't you?

post them all

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deff dont stop how much content you got?

yep give us moar im definitely using this shit later

Today Op wasn't a faggot

It has its benefits for sure...but I dont discriminate. I like to think of women like art...not every piece of art is for me or what I like, but I can find something to appreciate about it and could enjoy it for a moment

old pussy is the best pussy bud. trust me.

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got more op? i wanna see that pussy spread
and her getting dicked


redpill me


More dammit

Don't you die on me now

We need more gilf threads

I want to cum inside her


need to see that pussy, please ... i'm jacking hard to her

I really like slutty older women. I really fucking like paying slutty older women because it feels so dirty to pay some older slut to let me jerk off to her panties and pussy compared to fucking some young chick for free (boring).

If I was 55 i'd be asking where she grocery shops.

better body than my wife who is just 32 with two kids down her pipe. it's so harsh what birth does to a female body.

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Do you have a picture when she was young?

51yr old pussy from an ex neighbor

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>what birth does to a female body

Hate to break this to you, but 'Grandma' means shes had at least one kid, and still has that body.

do you believe the internet?