Ask a black introvert anything

ask a black introvert anything

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Whats a black introvert

Wuz you kangs

an introvert that has African heritage.

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How does the racism on Yea Forums make you feel? It makes me cringe thinking of likeminded black introverts puting up with that shit, but my guess is you brush it off and none of it lands. Like when I see Amerifat or Ammericunt threads.

WOT THE FOK. You're really pretty, nice dick bro.

Idk its kinda funni

we actually we're Kings, but that time has passed.
you're right, I don't think much of it. it used to affect me a few years ago, but I learned to ignore it.

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What's your favorite porn atm?

would you fuck this cat?

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it's probably the futa Wonder woman x power girl video from nyl2.
nah, she's too furry for me.

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would you then prefer a sphynx cat or you're just not into yiff?

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I'm not that big into yiff.

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what bout this one?

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it's a strong maybe

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Seems like we're both into dickgirls. also I love the stuff nyl2 makes

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his stuff has been improving drastically.

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yeah he's gotten better. my fav animation he made is his latest futa Femshep fucking Liara

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I can't wait until he's done with his next big project.

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what’s an intovert

it's basically a person who shuts themselves in, and doesn't socialize with people.

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that’s pretty sad

the only thing I find sad about it is the socializing aspect. other than that, I'm comfortable being alone most of the time.

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don't know what his next project is but I'm sure it'll be good

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