ITT: We create New Straightness by convincing bottoms to transition and convincing straight guys to fuck traps
ITT: We create New Straightness by convincing bottoms to transition and convincing straight guys to fuck traps
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there is a clear improvement here
wow so hot both ways
Change to convincing straight betas to become bottoms who then transition
Fucking pretty
could be you
Probably 10 years ago, I'm 32 now
No fucking way
it's real
the girl in that pic is 29, no difference
sounds like jewish propaganda but ok
The fuck is this faggot brainwashing jew thread, kys yourselves
transgenderism is highest among the jewish community, why would they "destroy" themselves, since that's what you think they're trying to do to Europeans?
it's ok to want to fuck this
it's even more okay to want to be this
Aesthetic perfection in the human body can take many forms but none of them are masculine. The male body, even the peak male body, will always be inferior looking.
ITT: We convince mentally ill people that they are mentally ill, and incinerate them
What the fuck are you talking about?!
As a straight guy I've literally never seen a trap worth fucking. Even if they cut off their dick and have some weird kinda-vagina, I still wouldn't even fuck them in the ass.
I guess they could find some incel who couldn't get a normy 5/10 girl and don't mind fucking a 8/10 dudegirl.
I'm talking about how it's completely normal to want to look like a girl
You’re doing it wrong
you might find yourself accidentally jerking off to Hunter Schafer in the new CK ad campaign
Inferior only in a superficial and aesthetic sense
However far superior in roles of combat and engineering... y'know... the real important stuff society is built on
Know what's hilarious about this shit? After that girl filter on snapchat or whatever the fuck, there was a huge influx of this. Kinda funny how easily manipulated these curious faggots are.
Yeah I literally already said that, suburban commando
Traps are gay.
All it did was allow people who were already confused and dysphoric to experience gender euphoria for the first time in their lives
not op but I'm gay and I find traps gross
8.5/10 gave me a boner.
yeah when are people going to figure out that guys who get horny for and fuck guys aren't interested in a guy that looks like a girl
Dick and pussy is the last stop on the lust train guys, by the point you've already gotten a boner from a face, an ass, a torso, arms, and literally the dozens of things that differentiate feminine aesthetic from masculine before you even involve genitals
maybe you'd give her a boner too
This stuff is just the depopulation agenda my friends, remember traps can never have kids (and notice who tends to be pushing all this shit)
This is exactly what I mean. Shits messed up.
"even more now"
i.e. it was already there
All tranny shills please consider the following
Manly face. White people can't pull it off as well as asians.
I've probably jerked it unknowingly to asian traps, still would never actually fuck them. Heard post-op fake pussy is smelly and weird. I guess if I was incredibly drunk and they said they want anal it could happen, prolly not though tbh. Even a 2/10 slampiggie is better than a perfect trap in my opinion.
>and notice who tends to be pushing all this shit
Only a true psycho could think it is more healthy for boys to be taught how to beat the shit out of each other than being allowed to wear a dress
Their fighting with gloves and rules. Learning to fight provided an outlet for male aggression while simultaneously helped teach them how to control it. It also teaches them to man up, endure pain without crying and except loss gracefully.
Learn how to strut about in a dress and exaggeratingly mimic stereotypical female gestures and body language in order to be attractive to pedophiles.
Yes the 2nd alternative is definitely not the "psycho" one.
Goldstein trying to convince sad man-boys they will be attractive rather than what they usually look like
You people will never pass
absolutely disgusting
you are mentally ill, kys
BNWO is becoming a reality.
They're children of Satan, so they seek to corrupt everything, including themselves.
i jack off to males daily so ehhh, yea no.
U have his snap? I lost it a couple months back when switching accounts, by far my fav trap
Jews use the patriarchal line as throw away jews so they can keep playing both sides of the fence. They are literally the Judus goats that lead the "throw away your life as ant-authoritarian protest" movements of hippy pot, disco coke. never mind the herpes wife swapping, rave ecstasy, transgender cuckold culture
Let’s face it, the kids who transition had no chance at being men anyway.
Bullshit. Yes the pose, swimwear and haircut of left most of OP pic is faggy but there is nothing inherently faggy about the guys body. Faggy came from having single mom in jew dominated culture.
my jimmy is rustling
Bullshit...left hand in the first pic and then right handed in the next...
he said aesthetic, not specifically engineered. so, someone who builds certain muscles to look good instead of having muscles that serve a functioning purpose.
whatever makes you feel better, lol. you are prob some loner sitting in front of a computer looking at girls instead of seeing them in public.
ive witnessed multiple trans girls go home with men that couldve had any girl in the club.
Fucking traps is cool until you nut
you're only grossed out by it the first couple dozen times, eventually you're so gooned out by it that you stay hard in their ass after nutting
are you confused or being sarcastic? you said you already have a boner from a face, an ass, a torso....Why does a penis have to change your excitement? I understand for re-creation purposes, but just sex? please, get over yourself.
there are plenty of trans girls that would fool you. stop lying. you dont have an eagle eye, youre full of shit if you think you could pick them out.
lol at this guy.
everybody bow down to the guy that reassures himself on Yea Forums trap threads.
Well this is terrifying
whoa now. im all for the people in the dresses, but the same goes for the people fighting.
you see, most men are competitive, there is nothing wrong with it. unless youre a beta that gets his "manhood" from competing and cant handle losing and then they start talking a big talk with no bite like all the fucking fake tough guys in this thread namecalling. Where society went wrong, is not allowing real men to slap the loudmouths in the face and put them in there place.
hey idiot, I'm saying traps aren't gay because gay guys don't like traps
*their and please excuse any other mistakes, or not, i dont care.
the bottom part really wasnt directed at you, sorry. i didnt read the top part of your post right. i read it as "guys who get horny for and fuck girls". i just read it too fast I think. thats why I asked if you were confused, because they 2nd part of your post didnt match the top. Sorry, lol.
She actually looked more feminine when she was still a guy.
still cant make a child so I am not interested. no womb, no coom.
>Yeah! Big man hit things, get big stronk!
I've worn my girlfriends booty shorts before and now I'm an electrician. Suck my ass, homophobe lol
You guys sound like the anti Obama crew, like anything in the world happens negatively, at all, it's the jews lmao people wanna do drugs? Jews. People want to explore sexuality? Jews. People want a free and just society? Definitely the jews. I get some things are probably controlled by lobbyist groups consisting of Jews and others as well, but damn dog, your mind is straight up on the border of retardation. Hit the reset button on your brainwashed mind with some LSD dood.
When the bots make more sense than a living poster. Assuming your "girlfriend" is another twink
She has a vagina with which I thrust my meat scepter into every night or two
She does put a finger up my ass when she gives me head though, so take that how you will
KEK look how it tries to hide its faggot male shoulders
This is your future faggot.
Straight guys dont wanna fuck guys...
Gay guys dont wanna fuck something trying to look like a girl.
No one wants to fuck a mental patient.
I'm "this"ing as hard as I can. How do people not get this.
if it has a hole, i'm fucking it.
this is how you wind up having your dick fall off
As a bisexual guy I would totally fuck a trans
yah right using magick spells is called convincing now
>i will kill the gaylord
Yeah basically all incels should just become trans
Good goy
As a black man it makes me happy to see white boys like this.
You can't just convince someone to transition. It's not like I could just watch a bunch of hypno and then decide to start taking some Titty Skittles.
here your BBC nigger
here more
and more