Why don't Americans just pay their employees instead of relying on the customers to make up the difference?
Why don't Americans just pay their employees instead of relying on the customers to make up the difference?
Because Americans are stupid and let companies walk all over them.
Because you can't pay anyone who doesn't care about their job enough to make them care; they must have an incentive. "Good service improves tips".
The problem is with the customers who are too fucking cheap and self-righteous to cough up the money.
If the wait staff isn't a dick and your food makes it to the table as ordered, you tip 15%.
If you get a good feeling above and beyond that or the wait staff has to deal with special needs/requests, tip more.
Basically, food prices at restaurants are listed at a %15 discount which you are expected to pay in the form of a tip to the wait staff to equal full price.
It's no more unfair than any "commissioned sales" position; if you want more, sell more.
The only problem with this system is cheap customers.
The restaurants could all just raise the price of everything by 15% and pay straight commission, but then there's no incentive for the wait staff to put up with all your bullshit.
Fuck you.
No. Let me make this clear to you. I live in a country where you have to pay your workers a living wage (That's 18 bucks an hour). The service at restaurants is excellent with very few exceptions. You can still tip, but if you don't nobody thinks less of you because every waiter will get a big enough paycheck.
You live in a society that is set up for cooperations to survive at all costs. You are being walked all over by men who make astronomical amounts of money and here you are defending them. Wake up my friend. Stop buying their fucking lies.
>food prices at restaurants are listed at a %15 discount which you are expected to pay in the form of a tip to the wait staff to equal full price
well, a $65 meal probably means a $59 meal + tax
the tip is on the actual restaurant charge NOT including tax
so a $59 meal means $8.85 tip @ 15%
also, a tip is based on the performance, and said performance is not indicated in the meme
perhaps the so-called "boomer" gave a $5 tip because the server only managed to get to 56% of the quality of a good server.
so they can shoot up nerds like u
Capitalism - better to make the guy with less money pay for it
I've been a waiter since November, and i think I've been reporting my cash tips wrong. Low key worried I'm gonna get audited by the IRS. Will i go to jail, or just get fined?
Britfag here. Service is included over here, if you get exceptional service you might tip 10%.
This explains why service over here is utter shit compared to what I've experienced in the US.
Your system is best for the customer.
This guy gets it.
This is the real concern I have. You can't bitch about a living wage AND accept cash tips that are most likely not claimed or reported fraudulently
Because if a person doesn’t like their job in this country, they can get a better one. Anyone who aspires to serve people food as their life ambition, deserves a pay model where their tip is directly proportional to effort. In other words, because I know this might be difficult to wrap around your adolescent brain, the better the service you provide, the more you could expect to earn in a tip. But since tipping is not required in all but the highest end restaurants where the tip is already factored into the check, expecting money for just showing up at whatever fuckin Applebee’s you work at is unfortunately a thing you people expect, which I find amusing, actually. I join the military so I could earn money to go to college, I sit through 5 years of it and another 10 years gaining enough experience that now I make enough money to go to expensive restaurants and the 22 year old brat who serves me thinks she’s entitled to a tip by virtue of showing up for work as opposed to making sure I have what I need between her flirting with other customers and being on her phone half of my stay there. Believe me, I really don’t give a shit but I can’t help but feel sorry for you people. You’re going to have a tough time in life. It’s not my responsibility to make your life easier.
It's clear to me that what works in your country (which your so proud of that you do not name) doesn't work here.
Good thing tipping is not a thing in my country, it's retarded. I ain't giving shit to you :^D
This guy gets it.
I am an American and I approve this message
Get rid of tipping and get with the rest of the world retards. Also you're still one of the only countries that doesn't include tax in the price to start with. It's not like it's an optional payment, why is it not automatically included?
ok boomer
>The problem is with the customers who are too fucking cheap and self-righteous to cough up the money.
The problem is with the employers who are too fucking cheap and self-righteous to cough up the money to their employees.
its like they've been brainwashed into defending the biggest scam in the history of the planet
Should be titled:
when you're a millennial and all you can do is work in a restaurant.
so don't fucking work for them.
you are not responsible for fixing people that don't want to be fixed.
Now go to your safe spot.
I’m 43. Technically, that makes me gen X. Boomers are my parent’s age, 60s and up. If you’re going to meme a response to people who say shit you can neither understand nor accept as fact, the least you do is not be such a fuckin idiot when you deploy such a tactic. From my reply, one could infer my age to be within late 30s and early 40s. It really isn’t that difficult, but then again I guess that’s why the only job you can get is serving at Applebee's.
I'm not some wagecuck like you. Enjoy your american dream.
You’ve officially ruined tipping threads. These were always great to participate in every once in while for a real discussion for once and you completely ruined it. Thanks faggot
True, but that is not the origins of tipping.
Read a book, son.
Giving them money from your pocket just because they don't earn enough from their employer is socialism though
I work in a restaurant. Some of the waitresses are the dumbest laziest people I've interacted with. This is who restaurants are working with. Why would they pay them more when they do the bare minimum to scrape by? The servers that have half a brain make great tips and usually end up bartending and making bank.
>Because if a person doesn’t like their job in this country, they can get a better one
This is the reason not to tip
They are guaranteed minimum wage by federal law
If that's not enough, they can find a better job
It's certainly not a job that deserves above minimum wage
They love hidden costs because they can claim everything is really cheap, but after the plus tax, plus tip, it's no cheaper than anywhere else
I think it's funny
Over the years It's swayed so many into seeing tipping for the scam it is
Would you top at a buffet? All they do is bring you drinks and take you to a empty table. Is that worth 20%?
If buffet cost $12 per person, is refilling drinks worth $2.50?
It will work in yours too, you're just so cucked by your corporations and government that you believe otherwise. Plenty of waiters out there that enjoy doing what they are doing. If they get paid properly (by their employer) for doing so all the better. I'm not their employer so ensuring they get a proper wage is not my fucking responsibility.
A lot of wait staff are high school dropouts paid shit wages to bring you food hungover cooks vomited on.
Fuck that, keep.the governments grubby fucking fingers out of our lives as much as possible. If you don't want to work for tips, go find another place to work.
you're talking about the nation where insulin costs 300 dollars
screwing over your fellow humans is a prerequisite if you want to live there
You won't bro, you're fine. I always report my commission wrong.