Has Yea Forums ever gotten anyone pregnant?

Has Yea Forums ever gotten anyone pregnant?

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yup. twice. shit was cash - kicks so much ass to nut in someone over and over without condoms or that bullshit

Greentext now, faggot.

> be me
> happily married
> decide to make a baby
> wife stops taking BC, we decide to wait a few months since supposedly it's better to wait for the hormones to get out of your system (whatever) and also it'll be really exciting to have sex after a while
> finally get to have sex again, when the time is right we screw like twice a day for a week
> doesn't get pregnant
> try again next month. sex is so good and passionate
> make her pregnant
> she makes a baby
> few laters do it all again


>few months later
>she's pregnant
>her tiny asian tits are getting nice and plump
>squeezing them feels so good
>hormones also make her HORNY
>so much sex, so awesome
>something so incredible about fucking a pregnant woman doggy style, pulling her pigtails and burrying yourself DEEP into her

>When I was in my twenties, I used to date High School girls.
>Met a girl with shyness problems
>She was 10/10

I’ve tried many times with different women but I’m practically sterile, less than a 1% chance, I need an operation but it’s too expensive right now, it will probably be too late by the time I can afford it.

I'm a 30 yr old Nigger. As far as I know, I've gotten like 8 white bitches pregnant

Yup. I think she stopped taking her birth control. I said “we cant keep it.” She aborted it, it ruined our relationship, we stopped banging, she left me like a year later. Fuckin spics man, they really hate abortion

Feels bad man, I’ve always wanted a family of my own, my wife doesn’t want to do in vitro or take hormones or anything and I told her if the children aren’t mine genetically I don’t want them. So if it doesn’t work we will have to accept not having children.

You got her pregnant?
What happened to the kid?
How old was the girl?

Nice LARP nigger

many times, i love to hook up with random chicks on vacation, then i fade away and they're left with my seed. who knows what they've done with it

What nationalises have you done?
Any confirmed pregnancies?

Kek yes I got my little sister pregnant but she told my parents it was some kid at school she’d been fucking and then they got it aborted.

Dodged a bullet there

Also knocked up a Chinese chick when traveling to shanghai for work. I send her a couple hundred bucks a month to keep her and the kid out of my life

I have 3 illegitimate kids with married women.

They all kept them and raised them with their husbands, not my idea I told them
They could abort the kids but they all decided to keep them and keep it a secret.

I also have two kids with my wife, of course her and my friends and family would shit bricks if they knew I actually had 5.

No, thank God. At least that I know about.

so fucking hot

Everytime I drank I would try knock up sluts I picked up.
Knocking up my wife the first time was very hot and she loved it so much. Trying for a second and it's a very satisfying experience

Knocked up two girlfriends. Kids are great but im getting rekt on child support.

you made her kill her baby, of course she won't be able to forgive


>be me
>best friends mom is a legit pedo
>she had been groping me and making me touch her for as long as I can remember
>be 12, she lets me fuck her
>she gets pregnant
>obviously blames it on the husband
>my friend just thinks his little sister is an accident baby
>fast forward 16 years
>be 28
>friend little sister/my daughter is pretty hot tbh
>classic teenage girl flirting hard with me
>I’m always very nice and interested in her life because she my daughter
>my buddy legit gets pissed at me thinks I’m Trying to make moves on her
>assure him I am absolutely in no way trying to do that but can’t explain to him why I am so interested in her
>not gunna lie I thought about fucking her a few times but never could actually bring myself to do it
>fast forward 2 years
>she’s in her freshman year, buddy gets pissed “my idiot little sister got herself knocked up”
>be today, be 32 years olds have a grandson but only me and my for needs mom knows that
>be yesterday, mom Asia when I’m going big to get married and have some kids, she wants grand kids
>she’s littlerakly a great grandmother


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Lel I’m white as fuck and have kids all over, for some reason women I’ve knocked up don’t seem to care and never ask for money or help.

I hope so. I stopped caring and just started shooting inside one night stands.

I likely got one of my regular hook ups pregnant, but it likely was a very quick miscarriage.

sure you are, nigger

Maybe, we fucked until we ran out of condoms and just kept going. Didnt even notice when her sister came home, to us talking about if we should just fuck more, her sister told her Dad and a few nights later he decided if he raped her she'd be forced to have an abortion or risk having some deformed freak, so he drove her out one day, did the deed and brought her home. She tried to kill herself a couple of times, one night decided to put a used condom in her Parents bed on her Moms side so it'd seem like he was cheating. Then they got divorced and the gf decided to tell her Mom that Dad had raped her, so her Mom tried to kill him and he confessed at gunpoint that he raped my gf to make her get an abortion if she got pregnant with my kid, so she took her for a pregnancy test and sure enough she was pregnant with twins. She made her get the abortion, then her sister killed herself thinking she killed got her nieces/nephews killed and her Mom got me banned from church saying my demon dick killed 3 people.

My demon dick killed 3 people when I was only 17.

That’s the most retarded premise I’ve ever heard

>aha if I rape my daughter she’d have to get an abortion

What the fuck retarded shit is that

>she put a used condom on the moms side of the bed

As if cheaters don’t clean up their used condoms?

>sister said to fuck more

Why? Why did the dad know but not the mom? Why would all these people being trying to kill each other over a teenage pregnancy? Why would anyone take a teenage pregnancy and elevate it to the point it incest rape and murder?

Sounds like retarded bullshit or something they might happen on a Latin American soap opera

Her Mom was away on some church retreat, the dad decided to rape my ex before her mom came around and my ex told her sister to keep it hush from her mom until she decided to tell her about the Dad raping her.
The whole time I'd bust up laughing after every convo except on her dads rape night, the 3 "i cut my thighs" nights, and her sisters suicide.
I broke up with her mainly cause of those thigh slashes though. She had slut and cunt gashed huge into her legs, her Dad got me arrested the night her sister died after he saw them even though it was what he kept calling her during the rape. He told the cops I cut em into her and raped her and I had to spend two nights in jail cause he took the phone while she wouldnt talk in shock
He's in prison for 26 years if he qualifies for parole, and 60 if he doesn't

The whole thing was like some weird mind fuck, made me massively bipolar because she stayed a nymphomaniac the whole way through to try and pretend it wasnt happening. We even fucked on dog shit once and she kept going when she noticed, shit was fucking weird.

They're all insane these days, but they seemed like such a normal happy white family when I first came around

Yes. I have a 1 year old kid with my asian wife. inb4 loosers calling me a liar

>my asian wife
how does it feel to be a loser?

I'm used to it, faggot

There's quicker and easier methods to find out who your daddy is user.

I believe you user, there are some fucked up families to a point most normies wouldn’t believe.

I dated a girl, he mom was a drug addict single mom and she was the rape baby of her mom and grandfather when her
Mom was only 14. As a result the mom was still really young and hot when I was in high school and I dated her.

Her mom used to get hopped up on pills and watch us fuck and she would stroke our hair but never got involved. My gf told me later that her mom had shared her with various boyfriends going back to when she was a little kid like 5 and 6 years old and she was even molested by her grandpa/dad when she was a little kid before he fucked off and they never heard from him again.

I lost my virginity to her but her and her family were simply too fucked up so we broke up eventually. Her mom od’d several years ago on pills and died and the girl has gone on to have a somewhat normal life I guess, a bit of a party slut and she already has been married and divorced with a kid and another on the way at 27.

People are fucked up

If you're white your kids gonna grow to be lazy and hate you thinking he can be a manager but not have "The look" for it while staying home with the parents because of Asian traditions. And your wife will hate you if you don't work your entire life, retire the same time as her, or at least work for long enough that your kid takes care of you both.

Ive seen it hundreds of times working at a college. I don't understand why it happens the same way every time I see these conditions, but its like black dad stereotypes and mail order bride stereotypes

Wow. Y'all white trash



Nigger trash is even worse!

I'd probably party with the Mom aha but true that, family life can be fucked for some people

Hottest girl I ever dated had a doped up mom that would pay me to pick up pills (mostly extacy and oxy) for her in exchange for a bottle of bacardi, a pizza, some lube and the premises of "just fuck her loudly until she passes out, I don't want her to hear me going at it with my vibrator to her getting off again"
The fact that she masturbated to her daughter probably explained the single Mom status

I used to spend weeks at her house under those conditions, she'd even pay me to blow the breathalyzer ignition on her car. The amount of times I watched that woman chase sketchy niggas down the street, in an all white neighborhood, with a machete without getting arrested was kind of amazing. I would have dreams about her as Jason in friday the 13th when I first saw that

The daughters a Model under a fake name these days I hear, spent a year or two down in LA hoping Id run into her again since Im a photographer but no luck

nice larp, Yea Forumsr0


When I was 17 I got my teacher pregnant

She was 25 or26 I think? She planned to keep it with her husband but she had a miscarriage which actually really hurt and bummed me out for quite a while but in the end probably for the best

>inb4 nice

Yeah I was one of those kids

I worked as a contractor for the us military and some large oil companies around the world.

I have kids all over the place from little niglets in west Africa to Indonesians to Ukrainian farmers

I don’t know how many for sure but I have confirmed 11 and I’m sure there are more.

Luckily they don’t have the means or ability to track me down and the ones that have don’t get any recourse for me to send them money or whatever lol