>7/10 femoid
>always had a thing for nerds
>never really been rejected
>meet qt guy, super nerdy
>massive ork collection
>gets me a little wet
>awkwardly cuddles me one time when we were watching something
>kinda endearing, albeit normie
>"I have autism, I was diagnosed when I was a kid"
>catch big feels
>start flirting, trying to talk to him more often
>he starts telling me the way I talk is a little annoying but its ok
>message him occasionally but usually get ignored for hours
>get a little upset about it
>"I'm just really busy"
>idgi, hes always on his phone?
>first time I feel a little rejected
>can't tell if he likes me and is autistic or just wanted to bone and jumped ship when I wouldn't
pic unrelated
7/10 femoid
Paint your naked body green, lay seductively on his bed, and courteously invite him to waagh
this is a good idea, thank you user
all of his exs are apparently staceys
feeling less and less hopeful about the situation boys
>can't tell if he likes me and is autistic or just wanted to bone and jumped ship when I wouldn't
>when I wouldn't
you didn't satisfy his needs and now are confused that he doesn't sate yours?
girl, you probably ARE annoying to deal with, and when he noticed he wouldn't get out anything of value in return, he did cut that waste of time out of his life.
move on and search for another beta-orbiter to leech attention from.
yea, add in attention-whore and annoying brat, and we reach a solid 3/10
Legit advice, show him you're into the same stuff he is. Shared interests are good for bonding
I don't jump on cock like you do user, sorry
yeah I genuinely enjoy speaking to him about our interests, he also teaches me obscure lore I didn't know which is just delightful
just wish I could read minds, idk what he wants from me
yet you flirt and act all cozy, to make sure your ego gets showered with attention from nerds who starve from a lack of affection.
bithch please, the only difference between a slut and you is the physical act itself.
I mean
hes slept with over twenty people, some of which were objectively solid tens
keep projecting faggot
When you're focused on something and your attention is devoted only to what you're doing it becomes annoying or a passing thought when someone messages you something not of relevance. Even if what you're focused on is in the same medium the message comes from (a phone). You shouldn't expect someone to respond right and get angry when they don't meet your expectations. Especially if you're not in any serious relationship.
Terrible larp. Terrible thread. Gas yourself
commitment, maybe?
it's not about sex, but if you put me in a friendzone rather than keeping all options open, you're a waste of time on my search for a stable relationship.
single guys want girlfriends, not friends with tits.
call him back once he has a girlfriend, then your platonic ideas might work out. Until that you're just an unwanted distraction, and possibly a source for emotional pain. unreturned feelings are harsh on the mind.
So yea, stop cutting in his flesh.
yeah, I guess you're right. I Dont have autism but I've never really been good at the socialising thing, I guess I can be a little strong or clingy. Thank you, user
your insecurities in face of his sexual history do not change the dynamic of your interaction with him, so take your own advice and stop deflecting.
This guy gets it
the thing is I THINk he liked me first but then as soon as the big gay feels started happening within me towards him he starts backing off?
I could also be imagining him acting differently though, as my feelings have changed
now you start to mix up your story.
did you rudder back as iimplied in your OP, or did he?
not a larp just retarded sorry
and a hearty HEIL HITLER to you, too.
he invited me out a couple times, we went back.to his and watched various warhammer related content, we were kinda drunk and he started cuddling
I genuinely was uncomfortable for a little while about it but once I got to know him more I just started finding him really cute and endearing, but now I feel like I am coming off as extremely irritating to him now I'm actually showing interest
have you tried the adult option?
openly telling him what you feel (or have felt), and hear out his response?
I've thought about it but its a little intimidating, usually guys pick up on my cues and roll with it or let me know subtly their interest lies elsewhere
shut up faggot lolz xd
may I remind you that you currently expect a diagnosed autist to "read your cues"?
stop playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker, and tell him what you feel.
I get the intimidating aspect of it, but if THAT keeps you from opening up, you'll hit rock bottom real fast, once you hit your 30's.
okay. I'm gonna attempt it tomorrow, but he'll probably say hes too busy or something
I'll give it my best shot
tell him how you fucking feel, he won't get your clues
good, now with that out of the way, tits or GTFO.
Send him one nerdy nude, fastest answer possible
Wot in Gorkz name iz dis thred ‘Nd why duz I wana fall down a clif nowz
If he makes you uncomfortable just leave. It ain't worth it. A lot of dudes are weird betas for a reason. Like they like to fuck corpses and play with feces.