Would you smell her feet for $10?

Would you smell her feet for $10?

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abso fucken lutely

What would they be like?

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Uh huh, I would

I’d have to guess very strong, vinegary cheesy smell

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My man

$10 is basically nothing so no, probably for around 30 i'd do it

Imagine sniffing in between her toes after she hasn't washed them for weeks, and then getting hit by that insane foot funk smell like a truck

Yeah.. imagining it hard

who is her anyway post more


who is this girl? should I know who this is or is it just some random chick?

lol,i remember the user who posted that

She's dead. Raped and murdered by Bloomberg.

wow lucky cunt

I'll give you five, gotta make money too

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If she paid me $100.

Yup. I hope her feet smell overwhelmingly terrible

Kill yourself

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What a deal.
Where does the line start?


more pictures of her?