Good Night, Yea Forums Welcome to the 3rd(?) annual reading of Camp Sherwood. Get cozy

Good Night, Yea Forums Welcome to the 3rd(?) annual reading of Camp Sherwood. Get cozy.

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Please do not post reaction images. This series is well over 100 pages long. You will have plenty of time to react AFTER THE DUMP!

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Anual bump

>This series is well over 100 pages long.
Vola is your friend. It accepts compressed archives!

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dual finish

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oh thanks for the thead I was feeling a bit empty this sunday midnight, it will surely make me cozy

i really hope it does user. enjoy.

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Trixie is personally my favorite character because of her inner conflicts.

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The feels are kicking in

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Keep it going!

Fuck, this is great, so depraved but great, wish there was a vn game for it...

Cmon I havent got all night

Why would you want to leave?

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It sort of has a poetry to it, huh?

I'm giving her all she's got

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How could you, Timmantha?

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Friendly reminder that OP is unable to bump their own threads. Consider bumping if this thread is on page 7 or higher!

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Free bump

please respond

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Thanks, guys

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Nothing else to do on a Sunday night. Bump


No, but really, the quality is nice. For what I have to assume is just porn, the writing is much better than expected, and the art isn't bad either.

What’s her deal with female Timmy has she met her?

been so long since I read this

quick reply to say thank you for this - I was here for the last two mass postings. it probably takes you 2-3 hours easy to get these out from start to finish.

No, there is an episode of TFOP with a similar scenario. Timmy becomes Timmantha and has a 'date' with Trixie.

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Er, Yes. They have met. In an actual episode.

yeah there was an episode where they become best friends basically.

RIP I remember that. Damn this comic is good


forgot page 29


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On the show, timmy became female as a punishment of making fun of girls
She befriended trixie and promised she was gonna be on her bday
However, the shows makes out that Trizie finds out who timantha is somthign Timmy says to her when he arrives. This story takes as if timmy never showed up at all

Consider installing 4chanX. It will let you set up image dumps and you just need to solve Captcha. Otherwise keep going!

Don’t rush the poster guys let’s be civil

bless you

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where was this trixie in the original show?

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Wait, why does unimportant girl hate Trixie? I think I missed it

I think the last one I saw was like page 270.
But I'll give you occasional bumps

bumping, you're doing a good job. keep it up

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It's actually explained why Trixie acts this way in the comic you are posting.
>>Three whole weeks where nobody knows who I am. No pressure, no lies, no image!
Her persona in the cartoon is a facade.

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Eat shit, Butch Hartman. You suck at writing characters.

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Pfff, don't even need to see that Mandy and J Lee is going to easily win, bumping for certainty.

who's the girl in the yellow shirt?

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ofc, forgot there is a plot going on here...

More of Trixie's beautiful character

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>when you come for the porn but stay for the story
This comic is unironically good.

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Digimon's Sora, I believe.

Forgot this was a porn comic

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Don't fight your gay thoughts, Trixie...

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Wash your hands, user!

Yeah wtf, i hate being dragged down in these shits, it really fucks me up, but whatever....

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cosmo, you pedofork

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Cosmo be wildin'

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shieet we using magic now?

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I sniff incest? *sniff, sniff* yeah...

tier 2 reached

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the goods

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The artist has a good sense of visual rhythm. But the girls need to be more naked.

Give it like, 6 pages.

It's about the story, son. Not the porn.

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I love this thread. (thumbs up emoji)

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show us the goods

>implying there's a difference

here comes the best part

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Damn sexy trees

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Holy shit. Danny is a hunk.

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This probably happened.

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It took 81 pages for a dick so appear.

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Chad Danny

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50 shades of Nickelodeon


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After some intense fucking, we some heart warming romance.

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This thread is great.

Personal favorite part

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this is what i was waiting for.

I wish adult comics had more romance like this. Sure, tits and a hard fucking are cool, but goddamn it, give me cuddles and "I love you's".

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arnold arnold its arnold

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Good writing on Helga's part too considering what we already know about her.

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football head? n-no way

post nut clarity

There is no dare. Take off your clothes.

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/r9k/ here. Is this how all girls act?

now THIS is old b right here

Yes. They rub it to their friends in the shower and do lewd things to each other.

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if old Yea Forums you mean 7chan circa 2008

*Cheers and applause*

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yes, they are manipulative sociopaths

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I knew that sexy tree was up to something.

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Who's the artist?

aw HELL yeah

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a bunch of people have contributed to this comic over the years mostly from Yea Forums/7chan

Ooh vey, this is wreaking havoc on my childhood on so many levels, i can't keep it up

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Really? Is this, like, a Yea Forums event or there is in these hq hentai sites? I love this art style, besides the agony

I'm not going to be around to read the rest. There a mega or something?

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OP is god, all hail

Captchas are fucking me up

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Why is my pp the big pp right now?

collaboration. once every 5years or so Yea Forums users forget to be cunts to each other and form a coalition of the autistic to create or destroy something beautiful

Chocolate loli for the win!

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Yeah, not gonna lie, I found this saved elsewhere and have been skipping ahead. At least 4 chapters ahead. It’s a good effort m8. It’s just that I have work in 9 hours, and need at least some sleep in between. Thanks for getting me hooked on this OP. For all the good and bad that entails.

Yeah man, gotta sleep, it's great and all, love u OP but i need to finish this and pack it up, since the thread is getting cold.

>Also give is info where can we find more and when will it happen again.

Post link because I'm a lazy fuck

rest well, anons

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When was the last time this was updated? Was it ever finished?

Mister D, he has a patreon but Patreon doesn't allow loli so this is posted off-site

Ongoing, updated this week.

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You still have at least one lurker, OP. Please continue.

make it 2

I've been bumping nearly religiously and will continue to do so until either my internet search turns up the whole saga or I get it from here

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I cannot believe how well the person who made this captured the characters we grew up with. I am actually upset how good this is...if only it wasn't kiddie porn.



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My sides are destroyed

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Its gettingcold and starting to rain, gonna get a blanket and hold my coom to the end


they're all fucking

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I really wants to sleep but i can't go without finishing this, also i can't find this anywhere else on the internet hq and complete.

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Jesus CHRIST I've been watching this off and on forever and FINALLY it picks up


I literally cannot believe that I forgot Helga was a MANIAC in Hey Arnold until just now.

WHAT the fuck this shit turning from steamy to SPOOKY

based trixie

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This has made my night slightly better. Have a doctor's appt tomorrow cause I shit a lot of blood tonight. Love you sick fucks.

Fuck man, hit the limit? Release the pack already lad, so we can pack it up.

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big bump
Can't believe I've never heard of this meme til now
Sam and Danny best scene

It's supposed to come out of your vagina, you know?

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Oops. That was meant for

why are you shitting blood

This should help - I believe OP's pics are higher quality though, and have notably less load times

What kind of degenerate are u? kys fren, saying such a thing to this adorable rat with a mini Teddy

The last panel I saw was #270.
We're only on #121

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Lmfao, I'll pass on that info.

Wont know til tomorrow, its coupled with nausea, tiredness and puking so it could be a few things, nothing good though. Nice to see some older Yea Forums tonight. Have this link as well

are you afraid of the dark reference

Good man! Be commended for your efforts

Feel better soon fren

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Ok then, no need to kys, for now...
oh no, oh FUCK, well, guess i will have even worse periorbital dark circles...

Incest in my wholesome lesbian comic? Heresy!

So I'm genuinely curious, porn comics don't really do anything for me and I'm just feelin the lulz but this guy's style and storytelling is really fun, does he do non-porn stuff?

Guys...I thought I could do this. But it's getting very late and the captchas are getting fucked. I failed you, guys. You'll just have to read them by yourselves. Maybe next year will be better. This was a good thread though.

If the blood's bright red, standard medical wisdom is that you have only a hemorrhoid. If so, DO NOT allow your hemorrhoid to join the Republican/Democratic party or you'll never be rid of it.

For those interested in downloading the thread all at once, RipMe is highly recommended. Cute little Javascript app smart enough that it allows you to append new posts and checks to see that its version is up to date.


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You're a man among men. Good night and godspeed. I hope I'll have the pleasure of encountering you again

This comic gave me coronavirus

zip da folder > vola/randos

I really hate the file size limit on Yea Forums. Good thread OP.

You did gods work user, night'

where did you get it from op? I saw the links postedbut I wannaknow where did you

Dude clear your history and cookies and shit and captchas will reset to easy mode.

Not OP, but I had up to page 131 saved just from Yea Forums.
This page seems to be the most up to date.

Oh man, thx, i did thought too that it was lower res but it actually looks good too, u saved my beauty sleep.

Also props to OP, great thread idea to wait and interact meanwhile reading such a good comic, only downside i think it's the time running short and everyone cooling down, but anyway had a good time.

Good night/whatever time ur in.

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In incog mode. Can't do that

I always felt like Camp Sherwood got worse as the comic went on. There were so many competing threads of plot that it started getting confusing.
The focus ended up way too much on the shitty teen fanfic writing and not enough on the porn. Just my opinion I guess.

This. Yeah, the story was great but a porn comic needs to have porn. I'm grateful story can be incorporated into a porn comic but still

Bad opinion. I'd read it as a fanfic with minimal porn.


here man, not to worry, u did great, do not count as a failure, count it as XP, also let's not do it yearly, let's make once in a month or two, let's make Yea Forums great again.

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>Fanfic porn
I mean...that's kind of the point. Once the rape tree is introduced, it loses all momentum. Worst part about the entire situation is that there's two separate sherwood stories, and the worst one is always posted

Its really fucking good


Sorry, there's an alternate timeline? Explain please

It got retarded but then Mr. D started to reign it back in around page 230 or so (just guessing here).

Overall there was a lot of missed opportunity's.
Penny from inspector gadget is just a background character and Velma from Scooby do is a camp counselor that gets virtually zero airtime as examples.
He shouldn't have focused on so few characters.

It's incomplete, and barely goes anywhere, but around it follows Timmy's gang into a watersports adventure. Nothing much happens afterwards, but I just like it better

The original artist (Mr. D) stopped doing it for awhile and random anons continued the story.

To each their own I guess. I thought the story itself was just rambling, so much emphasis on random character development. Which is fine but when each character is just "mysterious dark edgy past" or gay in denial it becomes boring.

The majority of the comic is slow as fuck building up these relationships, and then out of nowhere forget all that here's some rapey tree.

The problem is that Z never planned out the story properly, gave up halfway through, competing groups took over, Z came back, wrapped it up weirdly, and it's just ended up a pile of meh. I just wanted to see all the characters fucked.

D* not Z

I can't wait for the sequel
Camp Sherwood Z Yeah here's most it probably

just go to sad panda, it's there.

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to normie to get into sad panda