Where can I get my hands on some opioids? Hydrocodone, oxycodone, codeine, tramadol, oxymorphone, morphine, diamorphine...

Where can I get my hands on some opioids? Hydrocodone, oxycodone, codeine, tramadol, oxymorphone, morphine, diamorphine, it doesn't fucking matter. I just want some analgesics, because I'm running out of my hydrocodone/ APAP pills I stole. Help.

Attached: opioids.jpg (1200x675, 457K)

Go to open houses, raid the medicine cabinets. Works well because as long as you don't look like a degenerate, most real estate agents won't watch you too closely and the owners usually are nowhere around. Also low security and very low chance of cameras.

Darknet is the only place

There isn't many open houses where I live, pretty small fucking town.

Does the dark web even work for drug shit like that? I mean I'm assuming it somewhat does. But do you really mean I can just order some random illegal drug of the internet, have it delivered to my house in a week or so, and have no involvement from law enforcement at all?

Nice try FBI

Break some bones and go to the hospital

There's literally an epidemic right now cause it's so easy to get. How socially awkward are you?

Not FIB I promise
Please take this seriously

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... maybe I just will.

Get kratom

Most likely not, though.

C An AD a

Not many people that I know have opioids. I'm not just gonna go out and ask random people, "Hey, you got any heroin?", or some shit like that.

I actually tried Kratom just this weekend. Didn't have any effect on me. Granted I took a pretty small amount. But Kratom just isn't on the same level as painkillers.

yea and expensive as fuq

Maybe I'll take some more when I have chance. See what it does for me.

What, can you just get them at a dispensary or some shit up there?

How though

Instead of gumball and candy machines, they have opioid machines.

"Ah dammit, I got a oxycodone, instead of oxymorphone, that's not what I was looking for, shit!".