Rate my cock, how big do you think it is and will girls not like it?
Rate my cock, how big do you think it is and will girls not like it?
girls don't give a shit
pretty/10 nice shape...7ish? fembots will enjoy
7/10 looks 7.5"
Thanks, it’s 7.5, 8 on a good day.
I’d give you a 7 and say yours is 7 inches
If you have a shit personality, shit sense of style, and shit hygiene then it doesn't matter what your dick is kind.
If you're at the point where a girl is undressing you, she's not going to stop and take a look at your dick and reassess her opinion of you.
Also also, anyone can slam a cervix. Stop showing your boring dick to dudes on the internet if you want to get girls.
really nice dick, love the pubes, would suck happily
but this seriously girls are concerned with so much beyond a guy's dick. it's really not a big deal, focus on other things
No fucking way thats 7.5
My 7.75 (confirmed as fuck)
Easily 8.5
You think it’s bigger than what I’m thinking it is? And check em
Fairly certain
Maybe its my girth (5.5) that gives the illusion, also pubes too. Definitely looks a lot bigger than mine
Here is a tip, if she isn't the biggest hoe bag around she doesn't give a fuck about your dick size. Bitches are so emotionally wound up that if you put in the work to show you can handle them they love that shit.
Every girl I've been with has mentioned they always dated guys for 1,2,3 years at time and had a smaller dick than me. I'm almost 8 inches but they really don't care unless they are a fucking hoe.
You got this faggots.
It is pretty huge, maybe I need to measure again
That's 5.5 maybe 6. If your so confident post a pic measuring it
(Not even op)In what universe is that behemoth 5.5 you fucking aspie
I'm 7 and it dwarfs his
Post it then fgt
This is a true 5.5-6
Not measured correctly still nicer the other one
Lol ok fgt
Fill my hole please
Get a life/10
Don't even come here that often and I always see you spam your dick. It's not nice enough for others to larp with, so I assume you legit come here for validation daily.
Comically thin user put that thing away. Also one of ugliest bodies i've ever seen on a man. Since you keep spamming theres your rate