She just turned 18, and damn she's cute

She just turned 18, and damn she's cute.

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Did she now

Her name's Sophia Lillis. She was in those new IT movies, but ffs she's cute as hell

Attached: Screenshot_20200301-155950.png (470x305, 50K)

Nice dubs!
Her new show is good

shame about the dyke hair

>damn she's cute.
damn, she sure is!

I'll have you know that the short hair turns me on more bub

She’s ugly

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Now she can finally do the It serial sex scene.


imagine if they kept the orgy scene from the book in the movie.

can't believe stephen king doesn't get any backlash for that. guess because he bashed trump on twitter he gets a pass.

Freckles are a genetic mutation, prove me wrong

She looks like a young Amy Adams, which is qt as fuck.

Also, she has massive hobbit feet

Attached: 3252c51c3b096f35c266597a831a7f03.jpg (236x534, 31K)

i like that she looks like a young boy

She is that kind of tomboy, yeah.

unless you have pics of the soles of her feet, stop posting

Time to rape

That's what is turning on these faggots.

Looks like a fucking boy

Yea Forums niggers have spent so much time jacking off to traps that an actual human female with a vagina is somehow gay. What a world.

Good job missing the point.

Even better.

>breed me

Attached: Only+one+reason+to+watch+this+movie+_950d6a027eb3c5d47eccd98eb4dd9516 (1).jpg (1000x563, 221K)

>she's kind of a tomboy
That implies that whilenshe does display masculine features she is actually female
>thats what is turning these faggots on

You're retarded. She isn't an example of layering female aesthetics over a male body. She's a girl with boyish features. So yeah. Niggers who post here saying she's only attractive as a tomboy are missing a fundemental element of the point.


>every producer and exec of any movie shes ever worked on has cum on that qt belly

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there was guff about it right before IT was in theaters, but it didn't really get traction. King also has the excuse of "I was coked out of my nuts when I wrote it" to disavow it whenever

You sound kind of triggered, like another faggot in denial.

I bet she's a THOT with daddy issues who handles this by getting rammed by Blacks.

> she

Young people in general are pretty.
This one not especially so.

How does jacking off to a boyish girl make me a faggot in denial? The boyish behavior lowers the barrier for entry to me inserting my penis into her vagina.

Short hair on girls is ugly.

Wow you’re insecure

If so the world needs to see it
Probably how she’s been getting all these roles recently

wait, is she really 1.52 m only? wow, she's literally perfect

Annnnnd you're a fag.

Yeah. She just gives off those vibes.

The great coal-filter theorem is probably true.

her profile view is terrible tho

No. It is about not wanting a mentally damaged female as a partner. I've experienced enough damaged females that allowed Black guys to fuck them that I've discarded the attitude that if a White female wants to get fucked by Black guys it doesn't signify that there's a good chance she is mentally fucked.

Looking from above while she's slurping, that won't be a problem.

Because you'd be boinking a boy in your mind, but it would be okay on your circle of friends because it's really a girl. So you seek boyish girls to fulfill your faggot lust and still get away with it to the outside world and yourself.

?? Where's her profile shown?

What’s type of paint is safest to use on my dick?

Talk all the smack you want her new series is actually pretty decent

>enjoy having sex with women, faggot!

Attached: Dragon-Ball-Android-16.jpg (1800x900, 127K)

Ronald Weasley lookin bitch

Post pubescent sewer orgy

Wearing that anti-cameltoe pad in her panties

No thanks, she looks too much like Brian Ortega

Attached: file.png (720x960, 1.09M)

Its a costume design choice so that people like us cant throw the image into photoshop and adjust the contrast of the image to see her clearly distinct pussy lips.

This. 4:42

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Yeah..that..and she was 15 when the movie was filmed