I like cheeseburgers and fried mushrooms. What is your favorite food b?

I like cheeseburgers and fried mushrooms. What is your favorite food b?

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Filet mignon cooked rare, but a warm center. Not like rare that's cold, that's too rare. And medium rare is usually cooked too much. Hard to find a good steak.

for me, it's the big mac

Attached: quarter pounder with cheese.jpg (1600x1067, 188K)

it changes. been on a spicy tuna kick lately

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That’s a spicy mcchicken and those are dope as fuck


In the picture, that’s a spicy mcchicken

Never tried a fried mushroom but now i want to eat it

Strictly powder diet.

Take any food, blast freeze, pulverize, bam: powder.
You haven't had pizza rolls until youve tried them in powder form.

I want to sprinkle powdered pizza rolls on my fries

slow cooked pulled pork sandwich with a carolina style bbq sauce and pickles, and coleslaw on the side. i challenge you to find anything more satisfying.

One of these, it's a local delicacy from Middlesbrough that I became hooked on when I visited. Called a parmo. Chicken, bechemal sauce and cheese, pure heaven. Pub in the centre does them for £6.99 with a pint included

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7 pounds would be about 9-10 USD right? that's not a bad deal at all.

Pussy and Abbazabba

can't be. filename: quarter pounder with cheese

My comfort food is beef shepherd pies smothered in red eye gravy.

chicken with ketchup, but only when I can eat with my hands


That's about right, only problem is Boro is a right shithole!


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They're the best dipped in cheese sauce

>tendies with ketchup
You, sir, sicken me.
Hunny mussy masterrace reporting in.

Would it make any sense if it wasn't a nigger fucking a mcchicken?

he said chicken you 9 year old,not chicken tendies

Or horsey sauce holy fuuuuuck

Braised lamb shank with red wine sauce , fresh mashed potatoes and vegetables.
You fucking plebs

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i actually used to have a weekly cheat meal of 8 chicken drumsticks, would binge on it with a bunch of ketchup every saturday after a hard week of working out

good times man


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bruh i love fried cheese sticks and now im making good money and its hard not to just get some delivered

I know it's weird, but sushi. Whenever I go out to eat and eat my favorite foods like pizza, burgers, pasta, beef in general, it fucking destroys my insides now. When I was young I could eat a pound of wings and some fries with some beers and be fine. Now I'll have the fucking shits later that night or morning. And it's one of those flaming hot spicy shits too that adds extra injury when I can't wipe the shit off my asshole and wind up making my asshole bleed from overwiping. Sushi, I can eat a whole fucking boat myself, have some gyoza and beer and be absolutely fine the next morning. Sashimi I can't fuck with because of the initial taste and consistency. But yeah I'd eat spicy tuna rolls and tempura rolls all fuckin day.

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Im the head chef at pub in the states, I do a similar dish here: Grilled chicken topped with bacon, sautéed vidalia onions and mushroom, then a smoked Guinness infused cheese melted over the breast. Served with crispy fries and steamed broccoli, call it the Irish Springs Chicken. Stole the idea from Outback Steakhouse

outback steakhouse is shit

you should of picked a decent restaurant to steal an idea from,dumbass

>i know it's weird
why is it weird, sushi is god tier

>should of

up the north

Stole the idea but made it my own. I marinate the chicken with mesquite wood chips blended in a bell pepper sauce and the bacon gets soaked in Guinness before it’s cooked. Mushrooms and onions are just sautéed in butter with garlic. We don’t make the cheese ourselves but it’s fuckin dope

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it probably tastes just as horrible as outback steakhouse's food

although,using the word pub makes me think your some eurofag anyway.they call them bars in america,so have fun with nobody wanting to try your disgusting foreign food

>should of

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Idk I'm insecure lol

mm sounds based

>should of
post instantly void and disregarded

based and seconded

never had fried mushrooms... didn't even know about them. I want some.

i like pussy

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>should of
are you retarted?

Pubs do exist in the United States, it’s just another type of bar similar to a sports bar you uncultured fuck.

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>uncultured fuck

the only culture i care about is american culture,now take your foreign resturants and get the fuck out.ill eat and drink at a bar,not your faggy eurotrash pubs


Best food by far

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i dont even like donald trump you stupid fuck,trump supporters are usually the ones making these kinds of replys anyway because they bring politics into everything

im suprised a european would have correct grammar in the first place.shouldnt they be busy getting raped by muslims and looking at their horrible teeth but thinking they are somehow superior to americans

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what the fuck is that gelatinous shit on top of the patty? looks fucking disgusting.

Rent free, foreigner

Oh shut the fuck up, all American culture has is Rambo and Kid rock

>fried mushrooms
OP is definitely a faggot

that's a hand massaged free range slab of triple creme brie cheese, sweety

and all europeans have is being gang raped by muslims and bad dental hygeine

who wins the award for the best culture there eurocuck

I've heard cheesesteaks is good, but that looks awful.

Cheap ass cheddar and swiss

Smalahove is legit the tastiest food in the world

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How does chopped steak, onions, and cheese on a roll look awful? Fuck off back to the Starbucks, faggot vegan cuck.

Faggot who loves mushrooms

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Sub sandwich

Agreed eurocucks are sad

I live in the south ya cunt, Trump is a fuck also. Also Europeans also have healthier mouths due to universal healthcare. I've argued the point before. Bad mouth hygiene leads to a ton of other complications that are veey costly here in the US. Shut the fuck up dumbass hick and go fuck your sister to spread your retarded inbred genes. And idk what the fuck you're thinking talking the uk has a "Muslim issue" when we're still taking in tons of them as well. Go shoot tour guns off in kekistan where you can control your women and talk of nigger dicks with each other freely.

smoked or just dry salted?
For me, it's got to be smoked.

Pork chops, mershed pertaters, baked beans and pepper sauce.

a merkin talking about eurofags having bad teeth. that is fucking splendid.

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Your typical American asinine-ism is showing, fellow American

I got this really spicy Korean ramen stuff off Amazon, throw in some chicken and veggies, you've got yourself a hell of a meal.

Fuck that, we voted out to stop being eurocucks

that lady is 1000 years old, of course she has bad teeth.


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Which is crazy because Medicare should cover a lot of her dental needs. She's just a typical American retard. She's probably only like 60 and has great grandchildren I bet too lol

whatever you say, trailer boy.

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Kentucky Fried Children

where you get that

Pub I work for in Texas

American Tacos

I like cheeseburgers and getting fried on mushrooms

Imagine how it looks in your stomach! Just eat the fuckin’ thing