
**********UNITED **********

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I just voted for him in our primary. I'm not optimistic (and also quite disappointed) that any Dem will be able to beat the tangerine man though.

He doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.

trump lost his own party's house majority in the midterms,trust me.democrats can run a pile of shit as their president and still win over cadet bone spurs

maybe next time,republicans will choose a president who will run the country like his party is suppose to.not run it like some fat liberal idiot

Just like Trump had no chance in hell and ran as a joke but that fucking retard shitstain is somehow President

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>seething impotent rage

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This is your retard fuck you chose to run our country

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And I'm voting for him again. Hope you enjoy another 4 years!

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>voting for him again

>I am getting stronger
>literally looking into the sun and burning out his corneas
Stupid fuck voted in by stupid fucks

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Expected and gay as fuck

The only people who are willing to support Donald Trump are people who are never willing to use their real names. You know why? Because all those people know that Trump is temporary, and that they will have to disown him and be like "I never voted for him" when he goes out of power.

>mfw 4 more great years and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Sure kid.
We didn’t tell you voted for him in 2016, why would we say it in 2020, and 2024?

>there's nothing you can do about it.
Think again asshole.

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*we didn’t tell you we...

That's not Biden.

Cool story, hope you enjoy another 4 more years of Trump after these next 4 years. There isn't just one Trump, you know.

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What’s that guy gonna do? Throw his support to the nominee?

Even the democrats don't want Bernie, your base is small, frail, and weak. Much like your wrists and peepee.

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>admitting you are a Stupid Fuck

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Well he did do it for Hillary

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Bernie Sanders President of the United States of America

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Soooo salty, I bet you actually lose sleep at night.

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>mad ooohhh mad oh so mad arent you mad
shut up fat faggot can't wait til your retarded President is thrown out of office and arrested

He was already defeated by three fat black chicks and a little white girl. As far as I'm aware, they still haven't found him a replacement spine, so his chances don't look good.

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You would love a fellow commie running things wouldn’t you Vlad

>s-shut up!
It's going to be a monumental victory and we're all going to celebrate with drinks while we chant "USA".

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Yeah, whatever dumb bullshit you are talking about isn't a thing sorry. Voting Trump out will be a defeat, for you. As far as I'm aware, they still haven't found Trump a replacement Brain, so his chances don't look good.

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He said it. All his supporters sat home in protest. They’ll do it again.

>3 stolen things in 1 post.
Does the left even try anymore?

>monumental victory
Trump cowards will probably all hang yourselves after he is thrown out of the White house and put in prison for LIFE

>b-b-ut you used my words against me! wwwahhh!!!!
Cry more bitch

That is literally a picture of him being kicked off his own platform by three fat black bitches.
Defeat has really made you Bernie fags insane huh?

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You’re in denial

I can't think of anybody that I would choose Sanders over. Sanders is the one that represents the 'deplorables'.

Cry more

Just come over to the right side, victory is such a sweet flavor.

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Seethe harder

ME cry more? Now that's rich. I think you need a tissue for your issue friend.

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Denial and selective reality.
Will you let Bernie fix your mental health issues if he gets elected? Or will you help yourself because he not?

Looks like the thread died... Much like Bernies campaign.

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Yeah really died, literally ahead of everyone including Trump

I just wonder what you're gonna do to cope when the DNC fucks him in the ass again, he thanks them for the pleasure, and you get 4 more years of Trump.

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May he usher in a new era of Canadianism!

The coping will be up to you when you have to publicly post 'Bernie Sanders is MY PRESIDENT' and you will HAVE to say it.

You still can't say Trump is your president and you're projecting, huh? Go ahead, say it, you might even like it.

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have a blast, you criminal communist liberal cunt-o-saurusrex

Both parties suck. Voting is for morons.

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holy shit kekd

He's going for 3 terms?? That's new

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Fuck this old shylock

Be best.

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Why are you jerking Bernie so hard, you know he's so old that he probably cums dust, right?

You're only a Bernie supporter if you're a fanatic in the first place, so...

Post Awoooooooooo~!!!

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>pic not rel

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Trump 2020!
Best president I have ever seen.

Theres more than 1 Trump, nigger.

>Trump 2020!
>Best president I have ever seen.

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Angry Bear will be lucky if he get the nomination.

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Why are leftists so bad at memes?

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>that'll show 'em

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Has there ever been a dumber concept in the history of man kind?

When has he ever fat-shamed someone?
Just curious.

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Fuck Bernie Sanders' brain dead white supporters.
Fuck socialism.
Fuck environmentalists.
Fuck communism.
Fuck niggers.
Fuck whites who race mix.
Fuck whites who don't want all nonwhites dead.
Fuck jews.
Fuck whites who convict whites for killing blacks.
Fuck rap.
Fuck jazz
Fuck the blues.
Fuck r&b.
Fuck hiphop.
Fuck wiggers.
Fuck ms13.
Fuck the triads.
Fuck los zetas.
Fuck the yakuza.
Fuck coal burners.
Fuck oil drillers.
Fuck the EU.
Fuck NATO.
Fuck all white traitors.
Fuck muslims.
Fuck zionists.
Fuck chinks.
Fuck weebs.
Fuck autists.
Fuck the LGBT community.
Fuck criminals.
Fuck women's rights.
Fuck AOC.
Fuck border hoppers.
Fuck diversity.
Fuck cuckolds.
Fuck multiculturalism.
Fuck vegans.
Fuck gun grabbers.
Fuck faggots.
Fuck trannies.
Fuck janitors.

So you going to come on here and apologize when he gets re-elected in a landslide faggot?

Donald Trump

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Well fuck me

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Damn son, you got some anger issues there buddy. You might want to see someone about that.

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You sound exactly like the backroom conversations by the facist capitalist rulers of this country.
Look up their names, they all sound the same.
Fucking facist hate-filled Nazi scum. Eat shit.

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Hypocritical. Corrupt. Ignorant. Incompetent. Mentally unstable. Racist. Misogynistic. White supremacist. Xenophobic. Islamophobic. Self aggrandizing. Self dealing. Disrespects allies. Embraces dictators. And all wrapped up in a constant stream of lies.
Ladies and gentlemen: your President of the United States.

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You need to flail your arms about too, don't forget that.

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Yeah trump supporters should definitely vote for him in the primary so he goes against trump good idea fellas hahahahaha

>trump lost his own party's house majority in the midterms
That literally *always* happens, you autistic Bernie Bottom.


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No one is falling for it, we're all just going to sit back and let the DNC eat itself.

we did. In NC. They documented at least 5% republicans. Was nowhere near enough.

Operation Chaos.

There wasn't an nc primary yet brain genious

genius? hahaha-
Check google? Operation Chaos.

From a britfag.... I really fucking hope DT is president again, coz that shit will make me laugh for a month.

hey, you are right. SC.
I don't live there. I will vote Sanders in my primary.

Lol, you voted 'remain' didn't you?

Yep, it’s fucking hilarious watching that train wreck from the safety of another country! Well, one that America hasn’t invaded anyway...

femanon here. republicans who will only do what CNN tells them is ok make me wet. which matters to you because approval from women is the best kind.

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Whats so bad about bernie

Universal Healthcare
Lower Drug Prices
Equality income

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The 14/88 inbred hills have eyes do make a good point, how is he gonna get free college?

Nice but those things I listed were around before communism

but thats ok because your entire meme is flawed and wrong

Im voting for Bernie, just don't wanna get fucked over ten fold if I'd ever end up in a hospital. Just thinking of premiums, co-payments and deductibles are good enough reason for Medicare For All.

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Just because a candidate proposes something (anything literally), it doesn’t mean it will happen.

promising nothing or worse returning/staying in a status quo is also a bad strategy especially if you wanna reach non/first time voters to go to the polls, those folks are gonna be crucial against the MAGA base that are guaranteed going to polls

Fucking delusional

No such thing as equality income there will always be people who make more so you'll just have to work more it's simple redistribution of wealth is retarded and won't work

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sure, fine by me

Attempts to disarm me will be taken as a threat against my life and those I care about, and action will be taken accordingly.

>Attempts to disarm me will be taken as a threat against my life and those I care about, and action will be taken accordingly.

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a kike