Whats his endgame

Whats his endgame

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He's the only reasonable democrat if you can look past the faggotry.

>his endgame
To eat cum

How is this personication of an political assfucking of his own city better than sanders?

He won't make possession of my firearms which aren't even real assault weapons illegal.

He won't force medicare down your throat unless you want it. Same benefit but more freedom.

He won't die of a heart attack in 2 years.

More bipartisan participation in politics due to moderacy.

I won't get fucked in the ass by insane taxes as hard as bernie would do to me.

He's a faggot, just like you.

Gay sex for all.

>I won't get fucked in the ass by insane taxes as hard as bernie would do to me.

I didnt know we had a billionaire in this thread? Is that you bloomberg?

Typical bernie-tier response. Clever.

I'm not a billionaire but I'm not a poorfag and I'm already getting fucked in the ass by taxes. I don't want it to hurt any worse but bernie will dilate my asshole with his insane taxes until I bleed.

What bernies tax rate pray tell?

First 29 thousand is tax free

I don't know what the rate will be but I would bet you money all that free college and medicare for no-income is going to jack up my premiums and taxes. Do you really think it won't be higher than buttigieg or are you just being facetious?

Also I said I'm not a poorfag so 29,000 tax-free doesn't do much for me.

>I don't know what the rate will be

Ok then shut the fuck up

You proudly uneducated bootlicker

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Fucker is cia spook

All the other candidates get sick and die from the Coronavirus.

Pete is young and healthy and becomes president.

Educate me then faggot. Tell me how I will save money with a Sanders presidency vs Buttigieg. Quizzing me on specifics doesn't make me wrong, it just makes you think you've won by ignoring the greater issue. You are the living embodiment of losing the forest for the trees.


You cant force a bootlicker to learn lol

You love being assfucked by both partys huh?

The only reason you ignore my questions is because you know you're wrong. Keep sucking cocks

well, im no personal friend of his, nor do i have a M.D.
But i believe his end game, is to win the Democratic nomination for president

Do research faggot

hes a CIA asset

to have poopy butt sex

He wants a harem of young boys

is it just me or does the cashier in Falling Down look oddly similar to our friend Buttegieg?

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Gay Agenda, the Antichrist. abortions. look at California

all Secret service agents faggots, just like hollywood actors, and this guy is the personification of both

someone post the sucking cock pic

Buttsex with men, or do you mean his political endgame?

Bringing Mad magazine into the modern age

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Dying of AIDS and going to Hell

I can tell you know nothing about Bernie.
>not outlawing guns
>"pete is good because he gives you the option to lose money!!"
>bernie could 1v1 pete in a mano y mano fight
>I like my democrats like I like my republicans; republican
>i severely doubt you're making enough to even get your taxes increased @100k a year

your premiums? legit removes premiums, you're uneducated. Either get educated or don't vote

do you not know how taxes work? if you make 50k a year the first 29,000 aren't taxed at all and the next bracket is taxed as that bracket would be


he and others have answered every single one of your "questions". I hesitate to call them questions since they were clearly attempts to argue with him. not attempts to learn.

make trump his bottom. trumps def a dirty bottom.

I think we all know what is "end game" is.

He is the catcher.

Can't wait to take it in his creamy ass.

Regurgitation of a Trump meme that even he knew sucked and abandoned

You’re a faggot.