Why are you depressed?

Why are you depressed?

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Broke up with my girlfriend of three years not long ago. I learned that your friends don't fill the void. Being liked but not loved is a really lonely feeling.

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no motivations
no dopamine

I've been "depressed" for years but two weeks ago my father passed away. I really miss him.

Because your not laying naked in bed next to me.

I have anorexia.

Cause I don't have a cute gf like the one in that pic.

>only ever wanted my own family

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Haven't been able to find any purpose in life in 12 years or so, planning on going for a rough 10 more years. Every single morning my first thoughts are either about death / suicide or the past or both.

why wouldnt i be? life is shit basicly with brief fun moments if youre lucky enough. sure you can work your ass off with some small chance of geeting happiness, but for me it aint worth the effort. also you dont get disapointed if you have no expectations in the first place.

I have overstayed my welcome in this world and have nothing else to look forward to. I just don't want anything. But apparently that's baaad.

GF broke up with me. Her grandfather had a stroke and she’s constantly fighting with her family and she said that she loves me and it’s not my fault but she can’t do this right now. The fact that it was completely out of my control and not my fault honestly just makes it worse.

That's an excuse to leave you, and nothing more. If you two were really in love she'd lean on you and feel more secure in your love, trust etc. She wants other dicks, bro.

Protip: it is your fault. A girl would love a bf for support in times like these. She doesn't like you anymore.

Let me tell you about our lord and savior FlexTape.

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36yo kissless virgin. Do you know what it means to be a horny boy at your 11, 12yo and imagining how fun it will be when you get a gf and can do naughty things together? I'm still like that.

>I grew up in a trap house
>My best friend was highly autistic. Made me grow up as a caregiver.
>My mom was on crack
>my half sister went to foster care at 3 years old
>My grandma who raised me died new years of 2019
>I have travelled the US and found only tweakers, heroine addicts, and people trying to make it
>The coronavirus is real here in the west
>My Non binary partner broke up with me and I broke their boundaries and trust six times.
>I have no job
>I live in an Rv, kick it at an apartment on a couch with some fag who plays borderlands 3 all night
>I got some weed
>Fuck it drowning my demons away with drugs
>I am a fucked up person
>I wanna be better
>I am going to be a better person
>On god

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get a fucking hooker or something.
what the fuck are you waiting for?
it doesn't get better the older you get.

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wasted my 20s drinking alone in my neckbeard nest

now when im turning 30 ive developed some kind of gut irritation that makes it uncomfortable to stand or move

Something went fucks up my entire childhood, no big deal

i read once that "the prover proves"

as in, i create my own reality, proving it sucks, if i could change my subjective reality tunnel, i could change my world

It is possible to change your reality.
There are exercises that help you do that.

yeah cool, cant i just microdose MDMA to release all the serotonin and dopamine in my brain when i feel really bad?

I'm not sure why specifically, but I've heard it's not a very good idea. I assume you wouldn't replenish your serotonin fast enough and you'd slowly burn out your receptors.

A combination of a traumatic childhood and a mutation in my MTHFR gene

They are experimenting with low doses
Same for ketamine

What positive effects does ketamine have? My knowledge of the drug is pretty limited.

ketamine is awful. I used ketamine once for shits and giggles and it gave me the depression I now have. It doesn't help that every girl at my college just wants to fuck and not a relationship. It sounds like a stupid problem until you are trying to have a nice date and she tries to suck you dick.

My dad just died. Sudden. Im drinking alot. Started smoking again. Cant sleep. Had to identify him by scars. My wife helps. My kid is to young to notice. Im just sad all the time.

Apparently it only works with severe depression

As an alkie, I feel you. My ex would always want to bang after I'd had 10 beers and I couldn't even do it if I tried. I have such a low sex drive otherwise so that only made it worse. Got into so many fights about how I don't even ''really'' want her.

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Broke up with girlfriend a year ago, it hurts me to see her ruin her life as she got a new guy and is now pregnant with his kid