Feet thread
Feet thread
Yes keep spreading bailey around!!
Anyone have more? I remember a shitload of her pics were in a thread yesterday
Mature/MILF feet are the best.
Heres some nice milf feet i saved from old thread
More. Love metal chicks
Teen girls selling foot pics to thirsty guys for large sums of money is so fucking hot.
Like what age teen?
More milfs for you
Based user
Bumping with some Barbie. I miss her
Sauce on her?
Anyone has these full sets ill fucking pay you for them lol
From a 4 chan thread the op who posted claimed shes his mom and he used an alias to buy pics from her
Anyone saving m?
Would if you posted face. She looks hot af
Last one...enjoy!
My goddess with her unbleached asshole
More of her please??
Yeah these are some of the best mature ones that I've seen. Idk what it is
That fat toes and soft soles make me diamonds lol
I got more drop your kik
More man love the wrinkles
Are you the autist who made the discord then deleted it?
My fetish.
Sauce it up
Shes a tik tok girl sold feet pics and regrets it and trys to deny it now. She deleted her insta cause king autismo messaged her talking about spreading her pics around still has twitter tho but not many good pics on there
there were too many random lurkers so I got rid of that shit.
who tf told you she deleted her insta
whats her socials
dump in a vola?
moar feet of girls you know
shit I forgot the link
The fact that when you go to her insta its now deleted told me she deleted it
Skyler's feet will make her rich.
Please help, I'm retarded. Is this to a subreddit or something?
she'd never work a day in her life if she didn't want to
it didn't work
Haha get baited new faggot its a volafile dot org room
Need everything
Anyone have more of her?
venmo her and she'll sell feet pics
Not true i sent her $20 yesterday and shes not even messaged me yet
screenshot of the venmo?
thanks user!
Probably got scared away after being spammed on here. Like the rest of em'.
probably, and it's a damn shame bc she would make so much money
Im thinking about sending her more but if i do ill be big sad if im still ignored
Love that this girl and her feet will like always be showing up here for guys to jerk off to
Yep, the double edged sword of Yea Forums.
maybe if it was enough she couldn't ignore it....
have you tried DMing her?
Look at bris nice long feet
fucking hot
any fans of her with discord? leave yours and I'll add
Holy shit. What a facebook find
has anyone got the uncensored version?
Social media feet arw the best. Nothing like finding a great view of a friend or coworkers feet
Creep feet are best feet
post more rough soles
Great shot. Whos are they?
Need more info on her, always see her posted
Whats the best way to tell your gf you're a footfag? My gf wears high heels all day and I give her foot massages daily and she has no idea that I've full on raging hardon the whole time.
Look at those hot bare feet! Who is she?
Ella Begg
Most my friends insta pics with feet showing are all old pics not appropriate for 4 chan these days :(
there's no 'best way', just fucking communicate. if you're afraid of her reaction then youre either a pussy or she shouldnt be your gf. man the fuck up and put her toes in your mouth when you pound her. dont be such an autist. it baffles me when I see shit like this.
>I give her foot massages daily and she has no idea that I've full on raging hardon the whole time.
fuckin christ
Small gf dump
the best way is to just bring it up casually, like what she thinks of that fetish, and that'll lead her to asking if you have it and just say yes
if she's nice she'll let you do stuff to them even if she's not into it
my gf found out when we saw kill bill and she noticed how i reacted to the foot scene. it started with her letting me smell her feet here and there, and years later she's wearing the same socks for a week straight, shoving them in my face while calling me a loser and a freak, and making me cum the most i ever have while i smell her feet through her damp socks
hear hear
anybody know who she is/where to find more of her?
Feet discord if some of u want
Holy shit. Top left is godly.
this girl is a university representative - her face is plastered on the magazines and flyers. and here she is stroking my cock with her toes. pretty amazing feeling, all that.
looks so fucking satisfying to fuck those feet. moar?
Why is she drinking kool aid out of a fancy cup?
A friend of mine
I have all of them but I'm not giving them to you.
I remember that thread. It was just a few days ago.
Mommy feet that manage to remain hot even with all the usual wear and tear of motherhood are patrician as fuck.
Sister feet. Love cumming into her socks she's yet to wear and huffing her smelly ones
She's not turned on by the fact that you like to be called a "loser" and a "freak", and the first guy she meets that pays her any attention, if he seems like a real man to her, she'll leave you in a heartbeat for him. Just so you know, and aren't caught off guard when it happens.
What even is that?
This @ still exist?? I can't find it
I like this one. It feels real, like you just picked her up a few hours ago at the bar and she is horny for you to put it in.
I think they call that a "vagina".
How do you feel about that giant C-Section scar she has.
nah that was years ago.
Ella's insta exists though
Trashy af, thats what I mean lol.
Means that her pussy wasnt btfo by shitting out a watermelon.
dude wtf
Well that's true. I agree, just asking what the other guy thought. Pussy's that have had kids pushed through them are never the same again. It feels like sticking your fingers inside a cave.
You ever seen a dead body online? Dead body feet look exactly like that. No thanks bro, I'm good.
Who is this?
showing off her big feet
Lmao you are absolutely right. They look like the blood has already started pooling in another part of the body leaving these gnarly ashen feet behind in the process.
Yeah something about them is freaking me out.
thoughts on my wife's feet while getting blacked?
yes, die.
Wowzer. She's a beauty.
I hope you licked them clean while she was fucking with him
toe cleavage
To think, you could create any imaginary scenario you could possibly dream up to jerk off to and this is the one you chose.
Speaking of feet. A girl left her shoes at my place. What do?
I did
Smell, insert cock on them and fuck the shoe, clean your precum with the inner sole
leave a huge load in them
Lewd. Really?
Huff and cum.
The fact that you have to even ask us that is insulting.
Cum in them, post pics.
No thanks.
more please!!
Samefagging is a bannable offense.
>being this new
Post more?!
drop the load
Who do likes dees here stinky dark ones?
some footslut
Would kill to huff lungfulls of her bare feet. Not much of them on her Instagram, She shows off a lot of socks tho
I like feet, I really do. But soles pics are just meh for me
Im an archfag myself. And big, long toes.
I love having this fetish. I am fucking diamonds.