I’m having an existential crisis. Distract me please

I’m having an existential crisis. Distract me please.

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Describe your existential crisis and I will know how smart and how old you are

think about how there are black holes at the center of every galaxy, eventually those black holes will absorb all of the matter in that galaxy, and once all of the black holes in the universe absorb all of the matter in each of their galaxies, they will absorb each other and become a single infinitely dense mass and the pressure from all of the matter in the universe existing in space will be so great that it will expand outward with such force that the universe will restart and eventually you will be right back here at this exact point saying the exact same shit just like you did every time before this

hey look at me! blah blah blah~!

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kill yourself then

You’re the only ray of light in my life doremiposter. Please don’t ever leave.

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i love u fren pls dond b sade... u exist. i nno u ddo....
dats a rly mean think tto say ann u shud meber say id!!! bcuz bullyign is badong

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i like this. take a step back for a moment though. imagine space travel and how we will never be able to explore outside our own galaxy. even when sufficient technology grants us the ability to travel through space, it takes light years to even reach the end of our own solar system let alone any destination in the milky way. now, at the beginning of the big bang, everything blew apart and is quickly moving away from each other at ever increasing velocity. there is no way we will ever be able to reach another galaxy ever...unless transportation or something of the like.

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But eventually we'll all be in the same single space once again like we were before. We're all just different parts of the singularity spread out across cosmic distances experiencing the joys and terrors of infinity.

its a spine chilling thought. an epiphany for others. although, there is debate as to whether or not there will be a "big crunch" or the universe will stretch outwards towards infinity. i'm uneducated on the topic. would love to learn more if you could explain.

space alone is an infinite distraction. OP would do well to learn more about it. it's a great way to learn to.
here's a fun little video that kind of scrapes the surface for fun:

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>whether or not there will be a "big crunch"
Personally the existence of black holes says to me that there will be something along those lines. I don't think it will be like time and space reversing into a singularity though. It will be more like a heat death followed by the forces of gravity pulling all matter in the universe back together into one mass. That's my personal theory at the moment at least. I will definitely watch this video now as it contains good brains.

this is teen angst "mom its not a face" board

Everybody's going through something

i know that anything within a black holes event horizon is "sucked in". I'd be curious to know what the reach of a black holes event horizon is.

I would imagine that the event horizon is dependent on the size of the black hole itself. We should really come up with a new name for a black hole because it isn't actually a hole anyway.

right. So a black "hole" even at the center of a galaxy may not devour everything within said galaxy. The universe is ever expanding (so it seems). Maybe it will not come to an end the way you think. right? idk, big dumb dumb here...

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Yeah, anything's possible. This is just stuff I think about when I'm bored. I try to get my mind to imagine the end result of things. This seems to naturally extend to what will happen to end this thing we call a universe. But yeah, I have no idea. My theories are always changing based on new information.

ITT: A bunch of pseudo-intellectual high schoolers pretending to be deep.

ITP: A human

It's nice to see you are at least thinking about it. it is a very intriguing question. i wish more would put some thought into it.
ITT: one retard who chooses to step in and make a presupposed and vapid comment without providing anything intellectual (pseudo or not) to the thread. this is the most pathetic bait i've ever seen. please try harder in the future.

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ITT: A bunch of pseudo-intellectual middle schoolers pretending to be deep.

He clearly struck a chord so it does seem like he actually correctly surmised the character of the posters ITT.

It's a comment meant to provoke a response, so we obliged him with one.

That does not mean he is wrong though, and the nature of your response has only given credence to his proposed hypothesis. You have played right into his hands like a fool.

nice. took one step backwards and ended up seeming even more retarded than before. next post:
>ITT: A bunch of pseudo-intellectual elementary schoolers pretending to be deep.
you may believe that if you wish. you are wrong. i've stated my educational background in so many words. wanted to have a general discussion.
thanks. im keeping the thread alive. is that want you wanted? it would have died sooner if you don't like it. haha

also, if you'd like to share your thoughts on the topic. i'd love to hear them. i want to know what your brilliant minds may come up with.

Hopefully I made their night better then. But judging from personal experience, it was probably not very satisfying.

Excuse me but who are you quoting?

I delight in confronting retards. the pleasure is all mine :^)

So, what do you think about Donald Trump?

are you a basketball player? you pivot really well. anyway, what do i think of president trump. let's see. in all honesty, he's probably somewhere in between the likes of bush and obama. hasn't done anything great or fucked the country up any more than either of those two retards did. depends where you lie on the political spectrum really. there are things people dislike about the administration economically and socially. some things i care about and others i don't.
how do you feel about trump?

>i wish more people would put some thought into it
Why? It’s irrelevant to everyday life. You’re romanticizing mental masturbation. Anyone with access to a library or the internet can speculate on how the universe will end. That doesn’t make it deep or meaningful.

>I delight in confronting retards
Looking in the mirror every morning must be a real treat, eh?

I think orange man baaaaaaaaaad

its interesting though, yes? that's why people discuss it. it doesn't need to be: "deep" or "meaningful." meaningful being very subjective.
a comeback worthy of a middle schooler. perhaps a high schooler. it just sad. you need to go back.
is summer over yet?

/pol/ called.

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I played basketball as a kid but I was into all sports for a few years there. Soccer was fun. Trump? He's like... One of those dudes. People seem to get very angry over his existence and actions but that seems like a terrible waste of time. I'm not sure if he enjoys what he's doing or not. It must be kind of terrifying to be the object of so much hatred. He plays it off pretty well though.

This thread is cringe.

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lol he does. and you know he doesnt give a fuck.
ur life is cringe. posting stale pics on 4chin. get fucked retard.


Porn dump thread?

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failed miserably on a slow ass fucking board. can't even get dubs. losder.


hey, its a win win for me. post away douche bag.

>Jelly filled donuts
Moderate kek

Is this ntr?

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not to my liking. hey, its a free platform. post what you want. i won't object. post at your hearts content.

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All things return to the void, do they not?

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if you say so.

awwwwwwe shitposters give up already. i was having fun. oh well.

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You’re cute.

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yes but. What about the dimensional travel ?

Probably need to utilize quantum entanglement in some way, yeah?

let's consume dmt and try that

sounds like a plan

ok let's meet tomorrow evening

Don't be a /r9k/ incel who thinks he's destined to be alone because he saw some baaw thread and doesn't try so he defeats himself before he can even get started making friends like Tomoko. No one is gonna barge into your room and demand you be friends with or get to know them. You have to make your own life. Remeber that Automata quote? "A future is not given to you. You must take ot for yourself." You have to go out and try and make friends and be friends with their friends otherwise you don't get a right to complain because you never even tried in the first place. You can be someone deserving of love and then why worry when it's just a matter of meeting enough people and living your life at that point? Also don't fall in love with the idea of being in love or the image of the person in your mind. Just cause she wears glasses and plays vidya doesn't mean she's some stereotypical nerd girl. She might prefer sports with friends over a night with a computer. She's a person with feelings and fears just as complex as you. Not some fantasy, and it is love you wanted in the first place right? Make sure you actually know the person. You might think you know some people but it could just be a mask. Or if you only ever see them at work or school you only know them in a certain context. 500 days of summer and all that

Thank you for this. I mean it.

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Thanks fren.
yummy. fresh pasta.

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will i be back later? for sure i will.

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