

Attached: wow.png (1280x720, 780K)

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don't get fat girle!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

I lige it when le anine ead le kekki.

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I'll ol

cutie pls respond

shut the fuck up retard + bad dubs

wow why angry :(

im becoming increasingly turned on


what the fuck did i just say, cunt?
i said; "shut the fuck up retard"
so shut the FUCK up, retard (i hope you die irl)
you're fat-5000 and literally the worst poster on this board + probably very fat irl (in real life)

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oh i thought you were ripa but you were just some dumbass troll

obese nigger seething because his fantasy wasn't fulfilled
kill yourself

This is yes

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based lmao

extremely redpilled

dubs confirm


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