What is the endgame of moving foot bears

What is the endgame of moving foot bears

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Attached: goodBye.jpg (981x675, 538K)

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: nicegarbagepatchcontinent.jpg (1400x800, 1.09M)

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Attached: beary pepe.gif (374x520, 12K)

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beary heavy

probably to wiggle them toes

Attached: 1559279887471.jpg (538x562, 65K)

>What is the endgame of moving foot bears

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Attached: the anine.gif (975x768, 563K)


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: bearycanth.gif (205x285, 12K)

so bery

Innocent people on suicide watch

footy is wigglin

Attached: 1539311398889.gif (274x233, 18K)

beary nice

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 1563063329946.gif (136x176, 5K)

they're endgame is footy wiggling

shoe size, pls, madam

Attached: beartrapandsubhumans.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Attached: 1553175004217.webm (640x480, 1.26M)

Super bearies and flubes

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: beary56.png (653x841, 1.42M)