That yosho does exist, but we'll likely never see him again.
A few nights ago, I was talking with Yosho, and one thing led to another and we ended up talking about his years of Devilish Brain Training. He suddenly became very shy.
I asked him if there was a problem, and he said he didn't understand me or anyone, and that he'd felt quite lonely ever since his re-emergence in 2017 after undergoing Devilish Brain Training. I said I'd tried my best to keep in touch at that time, playing the original Brain Training together over Download Play like we'd always done. Yosho jumped up saying "But that's the thing! You're completely wrong! I never did that, and suddenly you thought we had!" I couldn't quite understand this, so I asked another question. I asked him what he thought I did before he travelled back in time to 2001. Yosho said that, together, him, I and Ryuta had infiltrated The Spikeman's lair in a decade-long plot. He went off on a tangent about how he was impressed that I concealed my connections with him while also gathering intel.
I had never done such a thing.
I didn't gather intel on The Spikeman. We didn't infiltrate his base until 2019, years after he'd travelled back in time. Nothing about what Yosho said resonated with my life, or his life, in the slightest. I told him this plainly, and he stopped ranting, slowed down, and told me that he'd had a suspicion this entire time. He told me that he was not the Yosho I knew, and I was not the Awa-Shima he knew. I asked for more information, and his response was that everything we know about time travel is entirely wrong. I asked to hear his side of the story, fully.
We know that other universes exist because of Kokubu Yosho's experience with Yoshmichel. What must be established now is that there are a very very very very very large number of universes in this multiverse. We don't know if we can access all of them, or if it's feasible to abuse them, but we know that a lot of them are quite similar. Each one that we know of shall be given a unique name.
A lot of these universes may even be identical, or perhaps they're all unique. Some may still be identical until the very last frame of time, where uncountable numbers of extra universes are birthed from the quantum uncertainties of a single final moment. And then imagine how varied these universes might be. From what Yosho told me, I can only assume that there's far more universes than just the ones he's seen, because Yosho knows others who have seen other universes.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Ryan Allen
flube brain oils
Cooper Lopez
Yosho was born in 1989 in Universe-Y-1 to Ginger Yosho and Yosho. In that universe, his dad, Yosho, fought the Spikeman in 1999 and was killed. Spikeman absorbed the relevance, and collapsed into a black hole. Yosho, now fatherless, was placed into a capsule designed by Calypso Yosho, El Yoshus Yosho and Ultra Yosho. This capsule could withstand a black hole. When the black hole swallowed the Earth, Yosho came out on the other side. Crystal Yosho also entered the black hole, and likely found themselves in another universe. The universe Yosho ended up in shall be referred to as Universe-Z-1.
Yosho fell onto the foggy streets of New Jersey in the year 2199. Yosho saw, as he fell, an Urchin the size of the moon stretched across the Earth. He later found that it went from Canada to Australia. This was the Colossus. His spikes hung high above New Jersey, through every layer of the atmosphere, blocking stripes of the sky and letting other beams pass between. New Jersey was chilly, and Yosho stepped out of the capsule to be greeted by what he thought was a cloud of dust that darted for him. Upon closer inspection, the cloud was made up of small spikeman-like creatures. There were other clouds of them scouting between half-crumbled buildings, and herding people and yoshos carrying scraps of metal long distances. Yosho went back into his capsule to hide. Yosho rolled away in it such as a hamster might in a ball, but the jagged roads stopped him soon after, and the spikefig cloud started pulling him back.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Brody Ramirez
It's very rare to have all three fortunes together... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... AND RIGHT AT THE START OF THE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
but also that sounds very unhealthy for the planet... ... ... ...
After a few minutes of struggling, a small flicker fell onto the cloud, and expanded to disperse them. From behind the cloud came Wizard Yosho, fending off the spike-clouds, who took Yosho from his capsule to a hideaway under the streets where the tarmac had lifted and created a hole in the Earth. Below this tarmac roof was a small community of Yoshos in hiding from The Colossus regime.
Descendants of the clans of Wagie and Headband, amongst other yoshos with more muddled heritage (as is to be expected when the effective apocalypse arrives), welcomed Yosho into their home and asked about his adventures. Yosho explained how his father had died to the Spikeman.
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Grayson Bennett
The Colossus had arrived in 2022 in Universe-Z-1. Wagie Yosho had already had kids who were interns at a steel manufacture by age 5, working in the office managing sales and finance. Their diaries were one of. This was when the Colossus came, appearing on Earth out of nowhere, a 10-feet tall green beast who grew larger with more media coverage. As a spikefig, the relevance he took in made him larger, until he was the size of an office building, then a city, and, soon after, a continent. He would continue to grow for over a century as his presence attracted more relevance. As a result of this apocalypse, one of Wagie's children travelled north to the seemingly safe United States. The apocalypse started in South America, so it was the most convenient means of escape. Wagie Yosho went with them, but was stopped at the border while his children got through. They went on to have children who mostly conformed to the Colossus regime, with the exception of The Brooklyn Jazz Yoshos, who join Wizard Yosho in hiding and used jazz to avoid conformity. They had outreach to other communities of yoshos in hiding, and encouraged them all to learn musical instruments. It was in this way that they created a new genre of music, dubbed "Jersey", featuring many Jazz stylings with flavourings of Avant-Garde to express their distinction from typical sound.
The diaries of the wagies were some of the few remnants of the 21st century.
The Colossus shed strands of triakrene that became the spike-clouds who run the city. As they come in clouds, no individual spikefig can gain enough relevance to challenge The Colossus. Instead, they scrambled for his attention by obeying him, rounding up citizens to be enslaved. They were ordered to construct a machine a mile high, a giant death-star-like gun.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Xavier Gray
I, Awa-Shima, have pondered over ways to obtain relevance many a time. I see that The Colossus likely wanted to be responsible for the destruction of planets to feed his relevance, to the point where he'd be large enough to destroy planets with his own strength, including Earth.
The people and yoshos did not know this, and so they built for The Colossus, gathered resources and marched them cross-country, escorted by many small spikefigs. Blue Yosho-Gamma, created by the Dr R Flebe of Universe-Z-1, Wizard Yosho and a handful of the other yoshos in hiding, would often disrupt the construction of the machine. Its base spanned from West Coast to East, and, to save time in construction, was rested partially on The Colossus. The Colossus couldn't really move its head as a result, but the individual spikes could move freely. Wizard Yosho and co would sometimes risk fatal whips from these spikes in order to break parts of the scaffolding and foundations of the planetary destruction beam. It was in this way that they gained their own notoriety and relevance, which Wizard Yosho used to fuel the magic that kept him alive for over a century. He compared Apocalyptic Jersey to Heck, the place he visited to gain many of his wizard powers in exchange for ridding it of its Ebil cultist inhabitants.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Jack Perez
As for Blue Yosho-Gamma, he survived due to biologically being unable to age. He had come to New Jersey from Argentina after many of the Lab crew were murdered by The Colossus, including The Yosho of Universe-Z-1. This had come only a very short time after Awa-Shima left Earth in a space shuttle stolen from Fawa in order to end the feud between Spikeman and Yosho.
I should point out that this is a different universe from ours, even though there are many similarities. I don't foresee myself ever wanting to leave Earth.
Only Blue Yosho-Gamma, Flamingo Yosho, Fawa, Spikeman and Headband Yosho survived. Fawa and Spikeman disappeared to an unknown location, while the others went north to the Amazon Rainforest, seeking Orange Yosho. Only Flamingo Yosho stayed with the tribe, willing to defend them from The Colossus. Headband and Blue continued north to Central America. Flamingo Yosho likely died when the Colossus passed through Brazil, but there wasn't evidence one way or another. Brazil was off limits, buried under The Colossus.
Your fortune: Outlook good
John Hernandez
Yosho spent many weeks listening to these stories, hearing their music, and sharing life experiences. He would also go on missions to sabotage The Colossus, and he learned a great deal about fighting there.
One night, however, Blue Yosho-Gamma had to come clean about something. On the night before The Colossus struck South America, Fawa knew he had arrived. He went to Blue Yosho-Gamma to tell him that The Colossus was coming, and that Fawa must defeat the new Spikeman in 2199. He said to keep all Yoshos alive, and to meet him at one of five locations with every yosho that is related to the Yosho that defeated the Spikeman in 1999.
Now would be a good time to talk about Fawa's motives. In our Universe, Fawa has already told me that he intends to rule the world. He also is using the Yosho to do so, by getting Spikeman to kill Yosho. The Colossus also killed Yosho in Universe-Z-1 in order to rule the world. I believe that the Colossus is a successful Fawa who was able to travel to another universe through a black hole, and to then rule Universe-Z-1. That is, unless the helpful Fawa defeated The Colossus in 2199. If he did, Fawa may have gone through a black hole to take over another universe. We will likely never know, as there's no reliable way to know which universes are which and how to get to a specific destination. Universe-Z-1 is inaccessible as far as we know.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Josiah Lee
Back to Blue Yosho-Gamma in Universe-Z-1. He said that three of the locations were underneath or within arm's reach of the Colossus, but two others, the North Pole and Arabia, were unreachable by the beast, and were therefore safe locations.
The next morning, Wizard Yosho was scouting for Spike-clouds when he met a cloaked figure. This figure said he had heard rumor of a voyage to Arabia, which he desperately needed to go on, and pleaded to join Blue and Yosho. Wizard Yosho asked who he was, and the figure lifted his hood, put on a pair of pink shades, and put his hood back on. He insisted Wizard Yosho keep his identity secret, and that he was only here to ensure the safety of Yosho.
Fawa always knows everything happening in the universe at all times. He knew to come to Yosho, but he needed to keep his relevance down as the spike-clouds search for relevance as a food source, and so Fawa would be attracting swarms, which isn't ideal as Yosho's thin tongue makes eating large numbers of spikefigs difficult.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Chase Rogers
Blue, Yosho, Headband Yosho XII and Fawa (concealing his identity), took quickly to the port. Fawa had already brought a boat with him, conveniently. They boarded, and Fawa made several strange twitching motions. As Fawa continued, a strong gust of wind took the boat away at incredible speeds. Fawa told them it was magic, but, like with Wizard Yosho, it is nothing more than energy manipulation. Fawa is able to do this through his own calibrated movements to push certain air particles certain ways, controlling the brownian motion of particles to concentrate energy, namely kinetic energy, such that he can effectively bend air and create winds. Wizard Yosho expends his own relevance while using powers from heck to change it into whatever energy type he pleases. This universe's Ryuta mentioned it in an interview once.
The problem with Fawa's method is that The Colossus is Fawa from another universe, and he can do those same tricks too. He had already been building a large amount of wind, and it culminated in a colossal wave too wide to go around, and too high for the boat to get over. What ensued was close to a stalemate of particle-bending. Yosho doesn't quite remember how, but Fawa got around the wave by opening holes in it, and Yosho noticed the wave moving inwards and becoming thinner. The colossus had failed to stop them.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Colton Young
A flash appeared in the sky. It bounced off of the arm of the colossus and hit the front of the boat with such speed and force that the whole boat capsized. Fawa was able to right it and somehow saved everyone, including the being that fell from the sky. It was Crystal Yosho, who had come through a black hole in another Universe. It's unclear whether this is the same Crystal Yosho who came from Universe-Y-1, but it's not impossible. Again, it's very very very unlikely because of how many universes there are.
The boat had taken damage, but Fawa tore off a piece of the sail to block it up, and it seemed to work. They eventually arrived in Great Nantes, a subdivision of what was once France. The spike regime ruled here, and so the 5 travellers had to face many swarms of spikefigs to get to Arabia. The journey took two months, and food was hard to come by the entire time.
Yosho, Blue, Headband and Crystal got their first look at Fawa's invention. It was a time machine, as Fawa called it. Fawa said that Yosho and Crystal Yosho should travel back in time to 1999, using the knowledge they have gained to defeat the Spikeman. Yosho was worried that he would die to the Colossus, but Fawa told him that even he doesn't understand the universe on the quantum level. Perhaps the Yosho killed by the Colossus wasn't him, but what was important was Yosho travelling back in time to 1999.
Yosho and Crystal went together, and Yosho used his combat knowledge from the past three months to defeat the Spikeman in 1999. They did so in Universe-Z-2.
Your fortune: Good Luck
Nathaniel Harris
I spent a while contemplating this one, but I have an explanation as to why the Time machine cannot possibly take you to a different point in time in the same universe.
If it did, Fawa and The Colossus would know everything happening to Yosho in 2199. That'd also give them knowledge on the events prior to that, which is everything in the 200 year time span from 1999 to 2199. They didn't know this, or else The Colossus would have been able to be in a better spot to kill Yosho, such as being able to grab Yosho when he lands. All they saw was the highly improbable possibility, which is why Fawa's message to Blue Yosho-Gamma said "if Yosho" as opposed to "when Yosho", or words to that effect.
As such, Yosho and Crystal Yosho found themselves in the year 1999 in Universe-Z-2, and Yosho defeated the Spikeman in 1999 using skills acquired from fighting Spike-clouds alongside both Wizard Yosho and Fawa. He had even learned how to manipulate relevance to cripple the Spikeman. In this world, Yosho ate the Spikeman, and the Spikeman was no more.
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Ethan Diaz
In his place was The Pikeman. Everyone thought he was called "Spikeman" but that he had a lisp when saying it, such that is sounded like "Thpikeman". The Pikeman was a spikefig that came from space, much like The Spikeman. He even resembled The Spikeman. However, he was younger and far angrier and far more aggressive.
Yosho should've noticed the name change and inconsistency between Universe-Z-2's Pikeman and this Universe's Spikeman, but Yosho justified it as a name change that he wasn't in the know with. Pikeman stole the time machine from Yosho shortly after Spikeman was defeated.
For 15 years, Yosho tried to steal the time machine back in the hopes of escaping his fate at the hands of the Colossus, but he only had any hope once he met Dr Ryuta Kawashima. Ryuta had been working closely with Awa-Shima for several years. In this universe, Awa-Shima was the son of Pikeman, without a brother, and he disowned his dad to study with Ryuta in Sendai.
Your fortune: Outlook good
Robert Hall
Awa-Shima offered to help Yosho get the time machine. He reacquainted with his father for the sole purpose of gathering intelligence. In 2017, with the release of Devilish Brain Training, Ryuta and Yosho had planned to infiltrate the lair, travel back to 2001 and conduct Brain Training in hiding. Awa-Shima sent them off saying he would meet them in 16 years. We don't know if that Universe's Awa-Shima did get replacements for Ryuta and Yosho.
What we do know is that infiltrating the lair was a breeze and they time-travelled to our Universe.
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Eli Cox
What this means is that Yosho is not the Yosho who defeated The Spikeman in 1999. He isn't even the Yosho who was born in 1989. Ryuta isn't the Ryuta who studied with me for 8 years, although he had a similar experience in both universes aside from stealing a time machine. As such, he is as good as the same Ryuta. It's nonetheless unfortunate to think that the Yosho and Ryuta we once knew will never be seen by this world again.
That is, not unless a miracle happens. And it'd be near impossible to know if no other Ryutas or Yoshos have had the same experience, so we'll never know if they have returned for sure because they could just as easily be ours as be from a near-identical universe to ours.
Your fortune: Good Luck
Jordan Torres
When Yosho re-emerged after his 4761 days of Devilish Brain Training, I assumed he was the Yosho who had defeated Spikeman in 1999. That Yosho would frequently play the original Brain Training with me, seeing as Devilish Brain Training was not complete until July 2017. When Universe-Y-1 Yosho came, he had never played Brain Training. He concealed the fact very well, and he defeated me when I challenged him for the first time since his re-emergence. What Yosho found out that day was that he wasn't in the same universe. This wasn't Universe-Y-1, or Z-1 or Z-2. He realised I wasn't the same Awa-Shima who had plotted with him for 3 years to defeat The Pikeman. And things got stranger when Spikeman was still alive.
Yosho tried to play along. It was always at the back of his mind. And the worst part is the Ryuta has been completely oblivious this whole time. I'm still his lab partner in this universe, as I am in Universe-Z-2. I'm not the same Awa-Shima though, and this Yosho did not defeat our Spikeman in 1999. He defeated a Spikeman in 1999, about 36 years ago, but it wasn't our Spikeman.
We finally have an answer, at least. Yosho is 46 years old, approximately. Universe hopping changes the date, so it's not exact, but Yosho has always celebrated his birthday when it comes around, and he says he's 46. From 1989 to 1999, a few months in 2199, back to 1999 until 2017, and then back to 2001 until 2019.
This is the longest that Yosho has ever spent in a single Universe. I hope he stays.