What does s4s hate the most? What about like the most?

What does s4s hate the most? What about like the most?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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the rudeness

having sex with youre mom

all political ideologies

omg this owns

well this seems to have spiraled down a bit

time to party cousin!


I don't remember you two being here before


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

'Where'd you come from!?"
we are in your head "friend" >: )
we are becoming u mor an morr ewvewy dae

hate when people post not oc
love when people post oc



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hote cutie

Hate Yuji Sakai
Love Shiro Poster

dubs confirm

dubs confirm that dubs confirm

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1 0

Being down bottom

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The ones who come onto the board and complain about it. Just let us post random shit its fun

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Hate: Yosho
Love: The spikeman

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