
He says hi

Attached: http_%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F-IskhMCovbE4%2FUBzylUpZw9I%2FAAAAAAAAG-4%2Fu0LzxzFgOXI%2Fs1600%2FKirb (429x390, 129K)

hi Korb


He's pink you colour blind fuck




pls donate to my patreon thnx

Attached: A9509E0C-958A-4BDB-BCCE-95307C7E06B6.jpg (3264x2448, 912K)

I hate my phone why does it always post them sodeways unless i go in and edit and resave the picture ahhhhh

learn to spell color, eurofag

I redrew it using a large Tony Chachere's Original Creole Seasoning shaker to draw the body because circles are hard

Attached: 548786BF-351C-4A8D-9110-861B26E2E375.jpg (2048x2016, 356K)

Tony Chachere's Original Creole Seasoning is ok

I especially like it on pizza and fried potatoes

good drawe

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: niceTh.png (543x504, 148K)

hi kirb please gib me cock and ball torture

Attached: ouroboro.jpg (800x800, 301K)


Attached: 71345.jpg (530x556, 43K)

Posting in a cute thread

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: kirby.png (766x694, 324K)

Fuck off Kirby.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

i loled at this

This was not nice. Kirby understands that you might be going through tough times and is willing to hear you out

Attached: http_%2F%2Fvignette2.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fclubpenguin%2Fimages%2Fd%2Fd0%2FSad_kirby_by_anarchyangel9 (408x390, 173K)


Attached: 815c7856dae365ec2ac5af78547abf57.jpg (850x680, 169K)

I'm really glad you're here