Is there anything cuter than her?

is there anything cuter than her?

Attached: IMG_20190902_173208_114.jpg (494x721, 34K)

you, user.
and i wouldnt havev wasted several minutes of my life solving the fucking captcah if i didnt mean it

stop drinking we're all worried about you

baraque obama

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le sluge

Attached: 1280px-Nine-armed_Sea_Star_(Luidia_senegalensis)_(4338628827).jpg (1280x923, 345K)

im not who you think you are

thank you this means a lot

trips confirm

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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well tripled

Mawile is cuter

yep this is cringe

the only cute pokemon is Hitler the rest are cringe except maybe geodude

you guys ruined my thread

Ivysaur is good

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This good boy

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male gardevoir



Reported for what?

reported for shut the fuck up

god damn it we're already dealing with Yea Forums and now /vg/ is shoveling it's shit onto our lawn, this time next week the whole catalog is gonna be unreadable waifuschizospam, president xi tear down this board

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Cyute cade

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the doremis

Attached: 1563010299656.png (600x700, 312K)


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