This isn’t a trap thread...

This isn’t a trap thread, just generally curious how many anons would date a trans girl if she were passable enough to your standards. Let’s assume she’s still pre op and maybe wants to keep her genitalia intact.

Is it not for you? Or would it not matter if she had your ideal personality and looks?

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Don't stick your dick in crazy

no because i'm not gay

"Her genitalia"

You mean a penis?

he means "his dick"

You keep saying "she" and "her" while talking about a man tho?

Yes, but my standards are so high that I would need to be completely convinced I was with a woman all the way until I saw the dick.

I dunno if I could stay with one forever though. I'm scared enough of how biological women age, I don't want to add anymore stress on top of that.

why would i put any emotional investment into a guy who's going to eventually kill himself or try to kill me?

You could have your male midlife crises and male pattern baldness together

ITT a haggard and tired OP is wondering if his trap, blacked and gay image spamming is working...

back to the homo mines OP

No you fucking faggot

if you date a girl with a cock you're not a real man

>passable to my standards
So, and actual female.

>Keep genitalia intact
Not a real tranny, you are just a trap, if you admitted to being a trap I'd give you the look around for sure, since self understanding is important.


My sexual preference is vagina, regardless of whether or not you "look" like a woman, you're not. Spin it any way you want.

if I'm dating a woman, pull down her pants and she has a cock, she's outta there faster than she can say "gender discrimination".


No, if regular women are already crazy, let alone a dumbass crazy faggot.

yeah i would - army guy here.

but by passable that also means psychologically too. im not going to date a trans girl that passes but has the attitude, thought process and stuff of a guy.

army being gay as fuck as usual

Have. Was good. Would again.

nice try OP

100% would

Sand niggers didnt end you, but you should kill yourself for mere decency.

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Absolutely not. You can't date the mentally ill.
I'd fuck plenty of them because I'm bi, but I can't picture myself indulging that bullshit outside the bedroom.

guarantee you he's just some junior airman larping

What about letting crazy stick its dick in you instead?

govt does that enough

What, literally?

>Date a man.


We can always tell no matter how hard you try to be passable. Don't even bother because it's gross and weird.

>being friends with a guy who wants to chop off his own dick

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only if she has a penis and natural breasts. im not dating some surgery bimbo.

>"she has a penis"
>natural breasts

unless a dude has moobs by default there is no such thing as natural breasts on guys. They are born male, they will die male, they will always be male.

yes, bonus points if we can fuck each other

oh don't worry. If youre feeding into his delusions you'll be fucking him plenty

I am genuinely impressed how content you are to pack the world into a tiny box.

If reproduction isn't the #1 thing on your mind then you aren't a real man

I'm genuinely impressed that you can defend people who mutilate themselves because of a mental disorder

She could not have my ideal personality, trans people are extremely mentally ill and crazy isn’t my thing. I’m mentally ill myself, but I just got depression and anxiety and other shit that doesn’t keep me from living a fairly normal life, “hey I want to chop my cock off (or sew my cunt up) and have to live the rest of my life with a wound that continues to try to close itself forever and will start to develop necrosis, because I don’t feel like a boy” is a totally different type of fucking insanity.

Same guy here

*he could not

My bad guys. Tranny women are not women, they’re men being imposters of women. And they’re usually bad at it.