Lets cats an rpg, /bee/
Only posts with pictures count
Pics with landscapes/shitton of people/characters/things don't count
Lets cats an rpg, /bee/
Only posts with pictures count
Pics with landscapes/shitton of people/characters/things don't count
Andrew Yang for president and this damn rpg!
Andrew Yang for Protag!
Your denial of my fair share after working 25 years and paying for the welfares and the rich and getting nothing only makes my penis harder and my vote a certain.
Doesn't count. It's just an arm of Hitler. Post his portrait next time.
Rofl dude hole pictures man not just an arm need the whole set.
My penis is hard inside your mother, americlap who trusts a gook.
No, just the disembodied arm
Andrew Yang Protag!!
have sex
Had sex. You never will.
spiritual doggo
r o l l
have sex im begging you, before you get worse, pay for it, beg for it, just have some, please.
>says "I fucked your mom"
>unironically claims to have actually had sex
Found the lost child. Reddit's that way, little buddy.
I know this thread will never be completed because Yea Forums is ruled by newfagging zoomers nowadays (and OP is obviously retarded for refusing one of the few playing the game), but i'll roll for Spiritual Doggo until he gets his dubs of destiny
r e r o l l
oh shit that was quick
Inb4 OP denies it because no pic in the roll. If true, OP is gay.
Yang said he is bringing doggos back to the white house, trump doesnt like dogs and has none.
rolling for YANG!
man who doesnt like dogs isnt to be trusted.
Hello Kitler
This lard ass deserves its place in an RPG
Had sex. I hope you at least get paid $0.03 a post to shill this gook so you can afford to have sex in 10 years, cause if you just do it on your own for free then YIKES
Did I really hit a nerve that much, yangspammer samefag?
>switched to anime pictures on Yea Forums
>gets so asshurt at words he has to samefag
>his best argument is calling someone a kid
You get a second yikes from me.
Only posts with pics count retard
Just a passing user, son. Don't get so up in arms because I called you out.
OP confirmed massive faggot. Everyone abandon thread.
Lmao look at this sad faggot. Made him do a screenshot.
>calls someone a kid
>identifies as a girl from chinese cartoon
Yeah you sure called me out, little buddy. I've been here before you were born. Reddit is the way you came from. You both got baited hard. Stay upset.
>rules posted in OP
>lets not follow them
>I demand my own rules
You forgot to take your medicine today, retarded inbred
wahhhh made him wahhh im so butt hurt wahhh
first time on the 4chanz reddit kid?
so angry seething that he cant have sex.
Identifies? When did I identify as a reaction image? Are you well?
Not to mention I was wrong to say you should to back to r eddit. Clearly, you're a tumblr user if you say yikes.
This is Yea Forums, friend. Nobody is obligated to follow your rules.
Thread's fucking boring anyway, you've ignored 2 dubs and haven't ran it for shit.
Nice collection of buzzwords with zero meaning, retard.
YIKERS Baited so hard you kid. You are such an incredible sad piece of shit lmao, have sex. being from reddit that would be impossible for you though.
I am not even OP, I am here to get this upset child to crack even more
not him but you seem really butthurt
What uh... what's going on in your response there? You look like you're breaking down or having a stroke right now. I'm genuinely concerned for your wellbeing, if it gets any worse please get help.
I'm cracking? How so? I'm not the one getting irrationally angry over a silly thread.
Pardon my language but if I were to call a samefag, I'd call it here. Apologies if I'm wrong but the sudden focus on me really reeks of "I'm losing this non-argument and need to make myself look bigger."
Lmao look at this sad incel, he is still going. How sad and lonely you have to be to get asshurt over namecalling on Yea Forums not even directed at you. How many my little pony tier pictues you can hide behind? Who hurt you? Show on this doll what did daddy do to mommy to make you fight for some fake "justice" on Yea Forums of all places? Were you this retarded even on reddit so you got here? Open the window, kiddo. The smell of your own disgusting fumes has siffocated your undeveloped brain.
>the sudden focus on me really reeks of "I'm losing this non-argument and need to make myself look bigger."
also, what argument you're just getting trolled like an idiot
Kimmy dubs roll
I'm not sure what you're on about anymore so I'm going to leave you to your own madness. I hope you get well soon.
I called it a non-argument for a reason. It's not really trolling if I'm not upset, at least I think that's how trolling works.
Forgot to address a point in
How is it projecting if I'm making single posts and I called out a surge of multiple posts? I don't think you understand what that word means.
Roll it
Dubs dubs dubs
Refilling so we can get started
Xxxx roll dubs
rilling rilling rolling
It seems that user has lost interest in me. Perhaps he collapsed from that aneurysm he was enduring or he went to actually get help. Maybe he's upset I didn't give in? I don't know and frankly I'm not too interested in finding out.
Either way, I'm going to bed. Hope you anons have a good thread. Please remember that OP said your roll must have an image, so that means your rerolls are wasting posts.
roll for Little Caprice
reroll with another timeline
ok, she's out
Dog of healing, massive heals for all teammates by just being there