Glocks are dumb. It’s not a trigger safety if it doesn’t prevent accidental discharge due to pulling of the trigger. That’s why cops keep accidentally shooting them selves. 90 percent of the time someone accidentally shoots them selves it’s this style of pistol.
Get a manual safety or don’t carry with a round in the chamber.
Glocks are dumb. It’s not a trigger safety if it doesn’t prevent accidental discharge due to pulling of the trigger...
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying cops are competent
>implying you have a single stat that's not adjusted for market saturation of trigger safeties
>implying accidental shootings are at historical lows
Whoever made that image doesn't understand that correlation does not imply causation
>a gun in the home increases the chance of being killed by firearms by 72%
That's because people in certain neighborhoods, from certain backgrounds and who participate in certain activities (like crime) are more likely to own a gun. Also, those neigborhoods, backgrounds and activities are related to whether they have a firearm.
Similar for all of the other claims.
(...)are related to whether they will be killed by a firearm*
They’re not at historic lows even though drop fires are thanks to better technology
No. It’s because of suicides. Those bad neighborhoods actually decrease the odds of a gun in the home. Meanwhile the suburbs and rural areas are just hoarding them.
Guns are expensive.
But did it have to be a 1911? They’ve made improvements since then.
im in the woods a lot. its more of a wilderness protection firearm then civilian
also if you have handguns you gotta own a 1911 its classic
Yeah but the Jericho improved on the rifling and ease of assembly and how many guns ago was that?
A mace is a classic weapon as well but you don’t see me hauling one around
assembly is maybe a 4 step process which is a walk in the park. I like how the 1911 fits in my hand and the weight of it. idk im I like it and im the one using it so there ya go
is mace classic??
>all these suicide facts(citation needed)
>ignoring the fact that men buy guns explicitly to kill themselves so the while suicide argument needs tossed to the curb
>nobody wants to talk about why so many men want to kill themselves
On topic, i agree, i own a glock 21, and just keep a snapcap in the chamber for fear of an accidental discharge
nowhere did I say "bad neighborhoods", I just said other factors like neighborhood are related to both owning and being killed by a gun
You said neighborhoods with crime. Usually they’re not involved. It’s mostly suicide and accidental. Then you have spouses. Frankly ,ost of the time someone kills you it’s someone you love.
I get it. You thought I meant chemical spray. No. I meant this
A club with a ball at the end designed to smash things.
ahhh yes A mace. I see now