You see in the news you are now classified as terrorist

>you see in the news you are now classified as terrorist
What do

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Other urls found in this thread:

turn yourself in

>when you realize you might be the baddies

Write a huge goodbye letter that states I am not nor will I ever be suicidal.

Review my life choices and try to see the other side's perspective to see if I really am unjustified.

nice lefty.

first of all just cause we carry guns and voted for trump doesn't make us a white supremacist at all.

you are just as much as one as we are. move outta California and see how the rest of the US operates then talk to us about politics.

Kill yourself.

Stop being a fucking dumbass and realize that you may actually be in the wrong is what you should do.

California produces more gdp than the rest of the country combined
Fuck California

Why did you instantly think YOU were the subject here? Nobody said that everybody who has guns and voted for trump is a white supremacist except for you.

yea and china is also up there and check them out

child, we get what you are trying to say. its been said for almost 3 yrs now


Everyone is classified as a terrorist in the US. Have you seen the list that makes you a pontial terrorist so they can spy on “only terrorists”. Its all encompassing.

Same reasons people clung to 'basket of deplorables'.

>start making pipe bombs
>load the AR-15
>put on my best shart pants
>clap myself to my Ford F250
>tip my Mexican gardener
>police car pulls me over
>surrender quietly and cry all the way to prison
>become Tyrons butt bitch

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seeing as i'm not a white nationalist and not a part of a terror group, unsure how that's fucking possible

Escape to Cuba, like the rest of the FLQ!

Look this up:
[Below is a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be “extremists” and “potential terrorists” in official U.S. government documents. To see the original source document for each point, just click on the link. As you can see, this list covers most of the country…]

Stop being a dick.

stop being a terrorist and seek mental help perhaps?

I leave antifa and find another gay little club to let out my small penis energy.

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That's correct. It's the being a white supremacist part that makes you one hth.

"Anyone who breaths and asks questions."

Sure Cali is at the top but no where near the national GDP.

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Realize that the "news" is enemy propaganda owned by the same people destroying your country. Why the fuck are you still watching it?

Gaslighting is a typical lefty tactic. You think you can still pretend? Do you really think a reckoning isn't coming if you keep pushing? Your life is in danger and I'm not gonna feel sorry for you at all when you try this shit on the wrong person and forget you're not on the internet.

got burned

>fox news
>whitey supportive

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>Bend the knee to an elite group that promotes the invasion and replacement of your people, so they won't call you bad names

Anyone who shills this hard for kikes should kill themselves.

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Then why haven’t you?

I guess i just let the entire 10,000 year history of the white race die out so no one can call me names. I am sure the Bantus and the Pashtuns can pick up right where we left off in building the greatest civilization this world has ever seen.

Sure does feel good being Chinese


'No, you'
Nice response you fucking faggot

Dance for freaking joy!

Die, Nazi trash!

>when the cognitive dissonance gets real

Attached: retard9.png (546x565, 42K)

Listen to the frightened little rabbits.

>tfw when you realise anglo-saxons are the minority on planet earth and maybe you should mellow the fuck out with your bullshit and learn to get along with other people.

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>disagreeing with me is gaslighting
cry more

Haha this is actually a good point if they are actually concerned about future survival and a legacy for their mixed children.

A terrorist that isn't sucking Trump's micropenis? I call bait. Bait!

Please don't tell the president to kill himself. Thank you in advance for your complicity.

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XD gottem


>o boom

>Anglo - saxons are the minority on planet earth
>Anglo - saxons are being systematically replaced through mass immigration
>Anglo - saxons need get along with the ones replacing them

The deadposting backflips is impressive. Spitting whatever shit you can to support white replacement.

White nationalist morons are terrorists and should be treated as such. We need to raid and arrest all those who have ever espoused white nationalist beliefs, they should be held without trial and executed like any enemy combatant terrorist piece of shit. They should also widen the net to include all incels and members of the so called alt-right, since those have been behind every single incident if domestic terror attacks in the last few years. There has been no verified incident if a left wing terrorist attack or organization. And before you even fucking say Antifa let me shut you down hard. Antifa is a freedom fighting organization not a terror group. Get fucked you conservicuck pieces of subhuman garbage.

Good white people are obviously a problem. Look at Trump. He is a monster.

>Drumpf is bad so let's replace white people

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I'm a straight white male. I've been classified as a terrorist since 2016 and all I have been doing is living and that seems like enough to piss off the masses.

I'll just keep doing that.

that's right, words have meaning and fascism and murderer are not the same thing

When they say the left are fascists they mean authoritarian but they don't really understand words good so what are you gonna do.

Be a terrorist

when all of government, corporate and academia call you so?
read History you commie waste

white supremacist = people (not even necessarily white) who want white people to survive

>the news

Attached: shekelaka3.png (2810x4096, 178K)
except you're wrong, commie jews

look I found your terrorist brothers

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no, gaslighting is gaslighting
denial is such a core tactic of the lefturd it confined to mental impairment

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feels better being human, i assure you

>another seething kike begging for his gastime

(You) are notmad

Just dispatch niggers and Jews without prejudice.

>Antifa is a freedom fighting organization not a terror group.
how comes it works in lockstep with authoritarian state and corporations then?
textbook fascism, always was
fascism is a leftist ideology and you're a moronic tool
you had to get a picture from bumfuck nowhere to find guys looking decently manly flying your commie flag
says a ton
this is antifa in the west

Attached: portland antifa wheelchairs 1566122791312.jpg (2048x1536, 714K)

>decently manly
actually they're limp wristed faggots

Attached: proud boys portland rawImage.jpg (2048x1365, 965K)

Nice pile of shit you managed to type there.

dude im as right as it gets. all I typed was Antifa fighters and that popped up. and they looked like diry Mideast rats..hardly men

thank you, point proven

I've always wondered what it would be like living as a yellow roach. Does dog taste like chicken or nah?

Come on in, the oven's are still warm.

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Fuck ANTIFA and fuck you pussy. You won't do shit and neither will your gay group of soggy biscuit chomping queers. Get used to being beat and shot at, because it's going to get worse.

You need to be at least 14 to post on this site son. Go channel all that edgy rage back into beating off again.

That's how they roll. kek'd

Says the sperg on his mommies phone while she makes him tendies

>itt edgy racists who probably worship Derek Vinyard because they can't grasp the real point of the movie because they're all pseudo intellectuals

play vidya and ask mommy for tendies before the party van shows up

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Not tell you alphabet soup faggots what do.